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Jun 4, 2011, 11:02:53 AM6/4/11
to CHY List Serve
Baba Ramdev has already begun his satyagrah against corruption. Surprisingly, though, there has been little to no media coverage. A collective movement such as this, spurned on by Baba Ramdev and charged by the masses, should not go unheard. The fight against corruption is a cause that is limited not merely to India--it transcends borders, caste, creed, gender, and wealth...corruption extends from the homeless to the highest political officers.

We have all seen the power of twitter and social media. One need only look at the recent upheavel and change in the mid East to see the power and change that social media can effect. We have put up a tweet on our twitter feed @CHYnetwork in the hopes that we can, as concerned youth, bring this issue to the forefront and stand with our brethren during this movement. Today, on Maharaja Rana Pratap's birthday, let us not forget what he fought for and make his dream of a united, morally upright nation, a reality. Please retweet the following, make it your facebook status, email to your lists, etc.

"Today, as #BabaRamdev starts his fast against corruption, we can't help but note the conspicuous lack of coverage by @CNN...RT if you agree"

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