[cs462][COAL] GIS

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Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 2, 2017, 12:21:13 AM2/2/17
to Coal-capstone
I'm just getting started looking at the GIS stuff. I'll use this thread
to post what I find.

Recall that our goal is to project geographic information onto our
classified bitmaps in order to generate training data for Mining
classification [1] and to correlate mining with Environmental data [2].

We have literature [3] on how to import images into ArcGIS, however my
feeling is that we aren't concerned so much with opening images in a GIS
application as we are with merging the data programmatically. ArcGIS
does provide a Python scripting interface [4][5]. Downsides of ArcGIS
include its proprietary nature and its limited support for non-Windows

Wikipedia lists several libraries [6] that may meet our needs without
the need for a graphical GIS application. In particular, the Geospatial
Data Abstraction Library [7][8] looks interesting because it is Free and
Open-Source Software, it supports numerous raster (including ENVI header
[9]) and vector (including ESRI shapefile [10]) formats, has bindings in
Python [11], and is apparently used internally by ArcGIS and other software.

Note that I'm not certain yet that this will meet our needs, or whether
it is a high-enough level abstraction, but there seem to be a lot of
methods for various format conversions. I think that as long as we're
able to map geographic features onto corresponding pixels in a way that
preserves coordinates and so on, we could use the same Spectral Python
and/or NumPy tools for image processing that we have been using.

Having a library that can do these conversions programmatically without
needing a desktop GIS application would be really nice and would make
our software less legally encumbered. I plan to look more closely at
this library and alternatives unless the team would rather I focus on
scripting ArcGIS.

Do we have a GIS dataset that we're interested in using as a case study?
If not, we should think about picking something simple that we think
could be correlated with the AVIRIS image we have been working with.

It should be possible for me to work relatively independently on the GIS
stuff for the time being.


[3] "Importing binary image data into ArcView & ArcGIS" paper in Google
[4] https://www.gislounge.com/python-and-gis-resources/
[5] Official ArcGIS documentation
[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GDAL
[8] http://gdal.org/
[9] http://gdal.org/frmt_various.html#ENVI
[10] http://gdal.org/drv_shapefile.html
[11] http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/GdalOgrInPython

Lewis John Mcgibbney

Feb 2, 2017, 12:57:10 AM2/2/17
to Coal-capstone, Taylor Alexander Brown
+1 for GDAL, screw ArcGIS. Restriction to windows is a blocker to adoption.
Lets talk this through on Friday.

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Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 2, 2017, 3:07:54 PM2/2/17
to Lewis John Mcgibbney, Coal-capstone
Just to be devil's advocate for ArcGIS, it sounds like the server can
run on GNU/Linux, but the GUI only runs on Windows. Not sure if this is
much better, however.

If we do want a free GIS GUI, we could check out QGIS [1] and GRASS GIS
[2]. These use GDAL as a backend and appear to have Python scripting
interfaces. This could be useful if we want to do something
sophisticated or just have a convenient GIS viewer for development.

Note that the Debian packages for GDAL are named `python-gdal` and
`python3-gdal`, and the shell utilities are in package `gdal-bin`.

In order to "project" geographic information onto bitmaps, it seems we
need to be able to:

* select the GIS layer(s) of interest
* see GDALDataset::GetLayerByName()
* crop GIS to coordinates of AVIRIS image
* see GDALWarpOperation::WarpRegion()
* convert it to a compatible bitmap format
* map some correlation function over the two bitmaps
* pixelwise or regionwise
* for example, overlap with "and" or calculate "distance"
* output the result

Taking a correlation function as an argument would allow the caller to
define a custom correlation function as desired.

I'm thinking GDAL will do what we need it to do. I haven't compared it
with alternative libraries yet, those being GeoTools [3] which seems to
be mainly Java, and Orfeo Toolbox [4][5] which appears to have some
advanced capabilities [6] built on top of GDAL that are worth checking
out. Orfeo also has some hyperspectral classification algorithms. If
there's something we can't do in GDAL, Orfeo looks like a good next stop.

Note that in addition to an environmental GIS dataset, we will need
something like a mining boundaries GIS dataset that we can project onto
the AVIRIS image we have been using as a case study.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QGIS
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GRASS_GIS
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeoTools
[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orfeo_toolbox
[5] https://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/
[6] https://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/features-2/
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Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 2, 2017, 3:15:51 PM2/2/17
to Coal-capstone
As mentioned, Orfeo is build on top of GDAL, giving it access to
hyperspectral and GIS data. It is also build on top of OpenCV, which
provides some of the algorithms we have been looking at in Spectral
Python, namely artificial neural networks and dimensionality reduction.
OpenCV has hardware acceleration which might perform better than the
perceptron implementation in Spectral Python. Orfeo was apparently
developed by the French space agency and might be worth considering as a
full or partial alternative to Spectral Python.



Feb 4, 2017, 10:14:40 PM2/4/17
to COAL - Coal and Open-pit surface mining impacts on American Lands
I came across this NASA animation of global surface temperatures today:

The NASA Scientific Visualization Studio has a gallery of other animations that we could look to for inspiration:

Our temporal correlations could be used to produce something like this, in which mining impacts are animated through time.

There are a lot of tools out there (ImageMagick comes to mind) that can convert image formats and create animated GIFs. This would be a cool thing to do once we have a correlated data set.


Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 22, 2017, 6:13:58 AM2/22/17
to coal-c...@googlegroups.com
I plan on using [GRASS GIS](https://grass.osgeo.org/) to display the
geographic information used by PyCOAL. It is Free and Open Source, has
advanced [display capabilities](https://grass.osgeo.org/screenshots/),
and can be used to generate print-quality output. It can be installed on
Debian from the package `grass`.

The [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GRASS_GIS) links to a
[funky retro video](https://av.tib.eu/media/12963) about GRASS narrated
by William Shatner. Maybe not worth watching, but check it out if you're
a trekkie.

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Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 22, 2017, 7:30:33 AM2/22/17
to coal-c...@googlegroups.com
Check out the attached screenshot of GRASS displaying one of our AVIRIS
layers. Cool stuff, but importing it took forever.

I have been trying to find the permit boundary for this mine. The
coordinates of the flightline are in the "map info" section of the [ENVI
however it uses a different coordinate system than the [mining claim geo
I'll share it when I figure it out.


Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 22, 2017, 8:27:34 AM2/22/17
to coal-c...@googlegroups.com
I found online converters from UTM to lat/long and from lat/long to

This is the "map info" section for our AVIRIS file:
{ UTM , 1.000 , 1.000 , 736600.089 , 4078126.750 , 2.7000000000e+00 ,
2.7000000000e+00 , 12 , North , WGS-84 , units=Meters ,
rotation=-66.00000000 } .

The relevant fields are:
* Projection name: UTM
* Datum: WGS-84
* Projection zone: 12
* Hemisphere: North
* Easting: 736600.089
* Northing: 4078126.750

The converter tells me this corresponds to latitude 36.819444, longitude
-108.34738582731822 . This puts us in northwest New Mexico.

Here we are on Google Maps:

Compare with our visible light image in Google Drive:

The flightline goes from southwest to northeast.

Plugging the latitude and longitude into the township/range converter
gives us this:
* Section: S18 T30N R14W
* Meridian: New Mexico
* State: New Mexico
* Source: BLM
* GLO: GLO Township Records

Now I should be able to locate the permit boundary, which I hope will be
in a nice GIS format that I can use to work up training data.


Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 22, 2017, 8:43:51 AM2/22/17
to coal-c...@googlegroups.com

Lewis John Mcgibbney

Feb 22, 2017, 10:15:54 AM2/22/17
to Taylor Alexander Brown, coal-c...@googlegroups.com
This is good progress.
I believe that Kim previously mentioned GRASS as an alterNATIVE to ArcGIS.

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Dr. Lewis J. McGibbney Ph.D, B.Sc
Director, MCMA Associates
Skype: lewis.john.mcgibbney

Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 22, 2017, 7:04:47 PM2/22/17
to coal-c...@googlegroups.com
I also mentioned before that another Free and Open Source GIS program is
QGIS which has a more modern user interface. The two projects
collaborate with each other, share significant functionality, and are
both supported by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. I chose GRASS
because it has a scriptable command-line interface, it seems more
powerful, and apparently QGIS can be embedded inside it anyways.

As you can see from the attached Google Map screenshot, the San Juan
coal facility is directly upstream from the San Juan river and its
farming communities.


At the bottom of our flightline is the San Juan Power Generation
Reservoir and the Westwater Arroyo, a tributary of the San Juan river.
I'm thinking we will want to focus our attention on pollution there.


> <https://www.google.com/maps/place/36%C2%B049%2710.0%22N+108%C2%B020%2750.6%22W/@36.7983508,-108.4013707,6826m/data=%213m1%211e3%214m5%213m4%211s0x0:0x0%218m2%213d36.819444%214d-108.3473858>
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> /Lewis
> /
> Dr. Lewis J. McGibbney Ph.D, B.Sc
> Director, MCMA Associates
> Phone: +1(626)498-3090
> Skype: lewis.john.mcgibbney
> Email: lewis.m...@gmail.com <mailto:lewis.m...@gmail.com>
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Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 22, 2017, 7:19:22 PM2/22/17
to coal-c...@googlegroups.com

Lewis John Mcgibbney

Feb 22, 2017, 7:26:00 PM2/22/17
to Taylor Alexander Brown, Coal-capstone
What a mess!

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>> Dr. Lewis J. McGibbney Ph.D, B.Sc
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>> Phone: +1(626)498-3090
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Dr. Lewis J. McGibbney Ph.D, B.Sc
Director, MCMA Associates
Skype: lewis.john.mcgibbney

Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 22, 2017, 7:46:42 PM2/22/17
to Lewis John Mcgibbney, Coal-capstone
I found some sources critical of the the San Juan coal facility and its
environmental impacts.


"The Sierra Club alleges that the San Juan Coal Company has improperly
dumped more than 40 million tons of coal ash and sludge into unlined
pits, resulting in the contamination of waterways and wells near the mine."
"San Juan Coal Company disposes of the waste from the San Juan
Generating Plant in unlined pits at the San Juan coal mine, which is
allowed under current state regulations. There are three wells in place
to monitor the groundwater in the area."
"According to the data supplied in the Sierra Club’s notice of intent to
sue, there are excessive levels of boron and selenium in water from Well
D, and selenium, chloride and sulfate from Well L. The environmental
group says it will present additional data in its suit concerning other
pollutants, like uranium, arsenic, and lead."
"That assessment, in conjunction with high levels of metals like boron,
leads Stant to believe that the contamination is due to coal waste
disposal back at the mine, not the power plant itself."


I also found the actual EPA permit for the San Juan Mine:

Obviously we will need to stick to data from impartial sources, but
since it seems the Sierra Club is actively monitoring this mine we may
consider them a resource for background information.

Ironically, the San Juan Coal Company is registered in the town of
Waterflow, NM.


On 02/22/2017 04:25 PM, Lewis John Mcgibbney wrote:
> What a mess!
> On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Taylor Alexander Brown
> <brow...@oregonstate.edu <mailto:brow...@oregonstate.edu>> wrote:
> Attached is a close-up of the coal conveyor...
> https://www.google.com/maps/place/36%C2%B049'10.0%22N+108%C2%B020'50.6%22W/@36.7938964,-108.4110347,411m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d36.819444!4d-108.3473858
> <https://www.google.com/maps/place/36%C2%B049%2710.0%22N+108%C2%B020%2750.6%22W/@36.7938964,-108.4110347,411m/data=%213m1%211e3%214m5%213m4%211s0x0:0x0%218m2%213d36.819444%214d-108.3473858>
> <https://www.google.com/maps/place/36%C2%B049%2710.0%22N+108%C2%B020%2750.6%22W/@36.7846024,-108.4067508,494m/data=%213m1%211e3%214m5%213m4%211s0x0:0x0%218m2%213d36.819444%214d-108.3473858>
> Taylor
> On 02/22/2017 04:04 PM, Taylor Alexander Brown wrote:
> > I also mentioned before that another Free and Open Source GIS
> program is
> > QGIS which has a more modern user interface. The two projects
> > collaborate with each other, share significant functionality, and are
> > both supported by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. I chose GRASS
> > because it has a scriptable command-line interface, it seems more
> > powerful, and apparently QGIS can be embedded inside it anyways.
> >
> > As you can see from the attached Google Map screenshot, the San Juan
> > coal facility is directly upstream from the San Juan river and its
> > farming communities.
> >
> >
> https://www.google.com/maps/place/36%C2%B049'10.0%22N+108%C2%B020'50.6%22W/@36.7769863,-108.4230508,11196m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d36.819444!4d-108.3473858
> <https://www.google.com/maps/place/36%C2%B049%2710.0%22N+108%C2%B020%2750.6%22W/@36.7769863,-108.4230508,11196m/data=%213m1%211e3%214m5%213m4%211s0x0:0x0%218m2%213d36.819444%214d-108.3473858>
> >
> > At the bottom of our flightline is the San Juan Power Generation
> > Reservoir and the Westwater Arroyo, a tributary of the San Juan river.
> > I'm thinking we will want to focus our attention on pollution there.
> >
> >
> https://www.google.com/maps/place/36%C2%B049'10.0%22N+108%C2%B020'50.6%22W/@36.785244,-108.4244304,2349m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d36.819444!4d-108.3473858
> <https://www.google.com/maps/place/36%C2%B049%2710.0%22N+108%C2%B020%2750.6%22W/@36.785244,-108.4244304,2349m/data=%213m1%211e3%214m5%213m4%211s0x0:0x0%218m2%213d36.819444%214d-108.3473858>
> >
> >
> > Taylor
> >
> > On 02/22/2017 07:15 AM, Lewis John Mcgibbney wrote:
> >> This is good progress.
> >> I believe that Kim previously mentioned GRASS as an alterNATIVE
> to ArcGIS.
> >>
> >> On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 5:43 AM Taylor Alexander Brown
> >> <brow...@oregonstate.edu <mailto:brow...@oregonstate.edu>
> <mailto:brow...@oregonstate.edu <mailto:brow...@oregonstate.edu>>>
> <http://www.rcn.montana.edu/Resources/Converter.aspx>
> >> > http://www.earthpoint.us/TownshipsSearchByLatLon.aspx
> <http://www.earthpoint.us/TownshipsSearchByLatLon.aspx>
> >> >
> >> > This is the "map info" section for our AVIRIS file:
> >> > { UTM , 1.000 , 1.000 , 736600.089 , 4078126.750
> <tel:4078126.750> , 2.7000000000e+00 ,
> >> > 2.7000000000e+00 , 12 , North , WGS-84 , units=Meters ,
> >> > rotation=-66.00000000 } .
> >> >
> >> > The relevant fields are:
> >> > * Projection name: UTM
> >> > * Datum: WGS-84
> >> > * Projection zone: 12
> >> > * Hemisphere: North
> >> > * Easting: 736600.089
> >> > * Northing: 4078126.750
> >> >
> >> > The converter tells me this corresponds to latitude 36.819444,
> >> longitude
> >> > -108.34738582731822 . This puts us in northwest New Mexico.
> >> >
> >> > Here we are on Google Maps:
> >> >
> >>
> https://www.google.com/maps/place/36%C2%B049'10.0%22N+108%C2%B020'50.6%22W/@36.7983508,-108.4013707,6826m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d36.819444!4d-108.3473858
> <https://www.google.com/maps/place/36%C2%B049%2710.0%22N+108%C2%B020%2750.6%22W/@36.7983508,-108.4013707,6826m/data=%213m1%211e3%214m5%213m4%211s0x0:0x0%218m2%213d36.819444%214d-108.3473858>
> >>
> <https://www.google.com/maps/place/36%C2%B049%2710.0%22N+108%C2%B020%2750.6%22W/@36.7983508,-108.4013707,6826m/data=%213m1%211e3%214m5%213m4%211s0x0:0x0%218m2%213d36.819444%214d-108.3473858
> <http://www.harrisgeospatial.com/docs/enviheaderfiles.html>),
> >> >> however it uses a different coordinate system than the [mining
> >> claim geo
> >> >>
> index](https://rptapp.blm.gov/criteria_select.cfm?rptId=18&appCd=2
> <https://rptapp.blm.gov/criteria_select.cfm?rptId=18&appCd=2>).
> >> >> I'll share it when I figure it out.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> Taylor
> >> >>
> >> >> On 02/22/2017 03:13 AM, Taylor Alexander Brown wrote:
> >> >>> I plan on using [GRASS GIS](https://grass.osgeo.org/) to
> display the
> >> >>> geographic information used by PyCOAL. It is Free and Open
> >> Source, has
> >> >>> advanced [display
> >> capabilities](https://grass.osgeo.org/screenshots/
> <https://grass.osgeo.org/screenshots/>),
> >> >>> and can be used to generate print-quality output. It can be
> >> installed on
> >> >>> Debian from the package `grass`.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> The [Wikipedia
> page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GRASS_GIS
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GRASS_GIS>)
> >> links to a
> >> >>> [funky retro video](https://av.tib.eu/media/12963
> <https://av.tib.eu/media/12963>) about GRASS
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Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 22, 2017, 8:09:01 PM2/22/17
to Lewis John Mcgibbney, Coal-capstone
These are the allegations made by the Sierra Club in 2009:

"SJCC has used unlined mining pits, cuts, or other excavations to store
coal combustion waste(“CCW”), including precipitator ash, bottom ash,
waste water sludge, flue gas desulfurization sludge,and other power
plant wastes, in a manner that has failed to minimize contamination of
ground water systems with toxic or otherwise harmful mine drainage,
failed to prevent adverse effects of mining on ground water systems
outside the permit area, and failed to support approved postmining land

"The only possible cause of the increasing pollutant concentrations in
ground water drawn from Well L is leaching of pollutants from CCW,
followed by transport off the permit area either by ground water
movement, diffusion, or both. Although ground water drawn from Well D
may also be affected by mine spoils and runoff from SJCC’s coal storage
area, placement of CCW in mined areas upgradient of Well D has
contributed to exceedences of applicable ground water protection
standards at that location. Ground water at Well D flows in a southerly
direction through the alluvial aquifer and mine spoils to Shumway
Diversion and the historic channel of Westwater Arroyo. Polluted ground
water from Well D then travels through the alluvial aquifer or as
surface water to the point where Westwater/Shumway Arroyo exits the
permit area."

"SJCC has designed, constructed, operated, and maintained Shumway
Diversion and adjacent surface coal mining operations in a manner that
adds water to the hydrologic regime but (a) fails to avoid toxic mine
drainage, (b) fails to prevent or remove water from contact with toxic
producing deposits, or (c) fails to treat drainage to reduce toxic
content which adversely affects downstream water upon being released to
water courses."

"[T]he water sampled at that location exceeded the applicable New Mexico
numeric standard for surface water quality with respect to total
selenium and the applicable narrative standards for odor, taste, and
reasonable use with respect to sodium, chloride, sulfate, and total
dissolved solids."

"Sierra Club representatives most recently observed instances of each of
the violations alleged above either on September 14, 2009, during their
inspection of SJCC’s mine, or during their subsequent analysis of water
quality test results with respect to samples obtained during that

I am unable to download the PDF since I don't have a Scribd account.
Also there is no indication about whether this went to court, and if so
what the result was. The allegations provide an interesting context for
the kinds of pollution we may wish to measure. The suit claims that
leachate from tailing ponds contaminates groundwater which then flows
into the seasonal Westwater arroyo. Note from our literature that
sulfates may react to form acid mine drainage.


Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 22, 2017, 10:43:19 PM2/22/17
to Lewis John Mcgibbney, Coal-capstone
I found the USGS quadrangle for Waterflow, New Mexico through the [US
Topo Download

I have uploaded it to the data directory on Google Drive:

The file is in GeoPDF format and can be opened in any PDF reader or GIS
application. It clearly shows the San Juan coal mine and the surrounding


Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 23, 2017, 12:12:57 AM2/23/17
to Lewis John Mcgibbney, Coal-capstone
The BLM [search page](https://www.blm.gov/lr2000/) for mining claims
points to a defunct site for locating townships and ranges. I had to use
the map browser from
[mylandmatters.com](http://www.mylandmatters.com/Maps/Mining.html) to
find it. Screenshot attached.

It turns out that the San Juan coal mine is in Township 30 North, Range
15 West. However when I [run the
report](https://rptapp.blm.gov/report_filter.cfm) I don't find any
mining claims. I think I might have to search for the permit boundaries
through EPA instead.


Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 23, 2017, 12:33:16 AM2/23/17
to Lewis John Mcgibbney, Coal-capstone
It looks like we can get mine data from the New Mexico Energy, Minerals
and Natural Resources Department:

They provide an online map of coal mines in New Mexico:

Attached is a screenshot and a printout showing the mine permit
boundaries around Waterflow, New Mexico. I'll see if I can find the
actual GIS data to download.

It looks like the permit boundary is much larger than the zone of active
mining. This might throw a bit of a wrench into our assumptions.


Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 23, 2017, 12:45:40 AM2/23/17
to Lewis John Mcgibbney, Coal-capstone
Attached are screenshots with a little more detail.


Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 23, 2017, 12:49:15 AM2/23/17
to Lewis John Mcgibbney, Coal-capstone
And with the boundaries superimposed on top of imagery.


Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 23, 2017, 2:17:33 AM2/23/17
to Lewis John Mcgibbney, Coal-capstone
I think one of the issues with the permit boundary could be that this
particular mine has both aboveground and underground operations.
Naturally we can only expect to classify features on the surface. Even
so, the boundary still seems rather large.


Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 23, 2017, 5:05:03 AM2/23/17
to Lewis John Mcgibbney, Coal-capstone
It turns out that QGIS is way easier to use than GRASS.

I loaded the Waterflow quadrangle, and the Youngs Lake quadrangle to its
east, into QGIS and then imported the AVIRIS image. As you can see from
the attached screenshot, it looks like the projection is wrong. I
observed the same behavior in GRASS. My expectation is that the
flightline goes from southwest to northeast, but here it is displayed
from south to north.

Any ideas on how to project the AVIRIS data correctly? I'm trying to get
a visual intuition for the projections I am implementing with GDAL.


Lewis John Mcgibbney

Feb 23, 2017, 11:03:35 AM2/23/17
to Taylor Alexander Brown, Coal-capstone
Hi Taylor,

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 2:04 AM, Taylor Alexander Brown <brow...@oregonstate.edu> wrote:
It turns out that QGIS is way easier to use than GRASS.

I loaded the Waterflow quadrangle, and the Youngs Lake quadrangle to its
east, into QGIS and then imported the AVIRIS image. As you can see from
the attached screenshot, it looks like the projection is wrong. I
observed the same behavior in GRASS. My expectation is that the
flightline goes from southwest to northeast, but here it is displayed
from south to north.

Any ideas on how to project the AVIRIS data correctly? I'm trying to get
a visual intuition for the projections I am implementing with GDAL.

I have no idea in QGIS, I've never used it before.
@Heidi, do you have any suggestions based off of the Youtube series of videos you watched a while back?

Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 24, 2017, 3:31:55 AM2/24/17
to Lewis John Mcgibbney, Coal-capstone
I think this is a GDAL issue. The docs
"Rotational coefficients will be ignored, resulting in incorrect
positioning for rotated datasets." So I think I will have to warp the
flightline manually. This can be done inside the GIS application or with
GDAL directly.


Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 24, 2017, 4:51:20 AM2/24/17
to Lewis John Mcgibbney, Coal-capstone
I have uploaded the Youngs Lake, NM quadrangle to the data directory on
Google Drive:


Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 24, 2017, 7:19:57 AM2/24/17
to Lewis John Mcgibbney, Coal-capstone
GDAL is supposed to support rotations, but I haven't been able to get it
to work. I'm beginning to think that the rotation parameter is a
nonstandard extension to the ENVI header format as it is not
However, ArcGIS does
rotations, so I'm going to try it once I can get to our computer lab. If
the problem is with ENVI format, then this might be a motivation for
choosing a better standardized format such as GeoTIFF which supports


Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 25, 2017, 1:31:21 AM2/25/17
to Lewis John Mcgibbney, Coal-capstone
Quick update on the rotation problem. I was able to load our flightline
into ArcMap using the tutorial and the videos. Actually more of a pain
than the free GIS programs. The orientation was still incorrect, and I
didn't have a chance to try applying a manual rotation. I can only
access ArcGIS on campus from the computer labs (Gleeson, Owens, and
Kearney, I believe) or through remote desktop, and the file exceeds my
shared filesystem quota. Since it doesn't seem to be helping, I will
probably stick with finding a way to rotate manually with GDAL and
adding it to our GIS utility functions.


Taylor Alexander Brown

Feb 26, 2017, 12:14:49 AM2/26/17