4/9 - Virtual Shark Expedition

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Christopher Fisher

Apr 9, 2014, 10:24:41 AM4/9/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com



1. What types of tools are used for a shark tagging expedition? List 4 examples from each category.

2. What are the challenges mentioned in the video for a shark tagging expedition?

3. Explain the purpose of the expedition.

4. What did the team do with the sharks they pulled on their boat?  Recall every action performed on the shark.

5. Look through the photographs.  Are there any photos that surprise you?  Why?

6. Explain the details of three main types of sharks they encounter on their expeditions.  What is their status?  Describe their habitat and ecology.


Apr 9, 2014, 12:06:02 PM4/9/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com

1. What types of tools are used for a shark tagging expedition? List 4 examples from each category.

Answer-Shark Slide, Orange Roto Tags, Leather Puncher, and Roto Tag Applicator

2. What are the challenges mentioned in the video for a shark tagging expedition?


3. Explain the purpose of the expedition.

Answer- Catch the shark

4. What did the team do with the sharks they pulled on their boat?  Recall every action performed on the shark.

Answer-blood was taken, and measured the shark

5. Look through the photographs.  Are there any photos that surprise you?  Why?

Answer- the photographers got really close to the animals

6. Explain the details of three main types of sharks they encounter on their expeditions.  What is their status?  Describe their habitat and ecology.

Answer-Great Hammerhead,Bull Shark, and Tiger shark


Apr 9, 2014, 12:07:06 PM4/9/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com

1. What types of tools are used for a shark tagging expedition? List 4 examples from each category.

-Bait Crate
-Pop Timers
-Leather Pucher
-Yellow dark Tags
- Bolt Cutters

2. What are the challenges mentioned in the video for a shark tagging expedition?

Weather and finding the sharks

3. Explain the purpose of the expedition.

To tag sharks and do research on them

4. What did the team do with the sharks they pulled on their boat? Recall every action performed on the shark.

They bring the shark on the boat They tag the shark and then they realease it

5. Look through the photographs. Are there any photos that surprise you? Why?

The water that they are doing this is in is really clear. Most deep water like that we've seen is darker

6. Explain the details of three main types of sharks they encounter on their expeditions. What is their status? Describe their habitat and ecology.



Apr 9, 2014, 12:14:30 PM4/9/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
Cameron Smith, Riley Pinak

1. What types of tools are used for a shark tagging expedition? List 4 examples from each category.

Weights & Numbered Floats, Pop Timers, Yo-Yo's w/ Mainlines and Leaders, Bait Crate. GPSi, Underwater GoPro's, YSI, iSTAT, Battery. Shark Slide, Orange Roto tags, Leather puncher, roto tag applicator. Underwater baited cam set up, measuring tape, bolt cutters, pliers.

2. What are the challenges mentioned in the video for a shark tagging expedition?

Sometimes you find sharks and sometimes you don't.

3. Explain the purpose of the expedition.

To educate the children about their surrondings and how what they do affect them.

4. What did the team do with the sharks they pulled on their boat? Recall every action performed on the shark.

Make sure it's safe for the kids, pur water pump in it's mouth. Take hook out of mouth, take samples, measure it, tag it.

5. Look through the photographs. Are there any photos that surprise you? Why?

Not many of the photos suprised me this is what I would expect from a trip like this. Some of the food the feed the sharks are pretty juicy.

6. Explain the details of three main types of sharks they encounter on their expeditions. What is their status? Describe their habitat and ecology.

Hammer-Head- stays toward warmer water, tropical and semi tropical regions, maximum total legth is 600 cm, highly varied diet.
Bull Shark- total length of 340 cm, highly muscular animal, strong hunting capabilities, makes up 11% of recreational shark catch.
Tiger Shark- 3rd most common large costal species, flesh among lowest in mercury content, acounting for 12-20% of catch.


Apr 9, 2014, 12:14:34 PM4/9/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1. What types of tools are used for a shark tagging expedition? List 4 examples from each category.
Orange roto tags
Roto tag applicators
Dart tag applicator

Pop timers
Drum line repair kit
Bait crate


Bolt cutters
First aid

2. What are the challenges mentioned in the video for a shark tagging expedition?

Having to multitask while keeping the shark safe

3. Explain the purpose of the expedition.

To track the locations of the shark and gather samples from the shark to be able to investigate the shark further like their diets.

4. What did the team do with the sharks they pulled on their boat? Recall every action performed on the shark.

They secured the shark, put a rubber thing into their mouth and a gush water into it, they take 3 blood samples and then inject the tag and then set them ago

5. Look through the photographs. Are there any photos that surprise you? Why?

What surprised me is how they are able to set the tags to release on the shark at a set date and time

6. Explain the details of three main types of sharks they encounter on their expeditions. What is their status? Describe their habitat and ecology. Bullsharks take up 11% of the shark population, hammerheads stay in warm water can grow up to 600 cm. bull sharks are the 3rd most common large coastal spices and has flesh with low mercury content.


Apr 9, 2014, 12:16:41 PM4/9/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1. What types of tools are used for a shark tagging expedition? List 4 examples from each category.
-Bait Crate
-Pop Timers
-Leather Pucher
-Yellow dark tags
- Bolt Cutters

2. What are the challenges mentioned in the video for a shark tagging expedition?

Weather and finding the sharks

3. Explain the purpose of the expedition.

To do research on them by tagging

4. What did the team do with the sharks they pulled on their boat? Recall every action performed on the shark.

They bring the shark on the boat & tag it then they realease it & are able to track

5. Look through the photographs. Are there any photos that surprise you? Why?

The water that they are doing this is in is really light. Most deep water like that we've seen is darkerrrrr.

6. Explain the details of three main types of sharks they encounter on their expeditions. What is their status? Describe their habitat and ecology.


Nina & Marinelleeeee. <3333


Apr 9, 2014, 12:20:18 PM4/9/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:24:41 AM UTC-5, Christopher Fisher wrote:



1. What types of tools are used for a shark tagging expedition? List 4 examples from each category.

Drumline gear- Pop timer, weights, bait,Drumline repair kit 
    Electronics- GPS,YSI,Batteries
    Tagging gear-Leather puncher,Shark Slide,Roto  Tags,Shark labels
   Extra tools- bolt cutters,pliers, knifes, bait cooler.

2. What are the challenges mentioned in the video for a shark tagging expedition?

   Putting the shark on the boat and putting the tag on them. 

3. Explain the purpose of the expedition.

    To catch sharks and gather data from them and also tag them before their so they may research there behavior.  

4. What did the team do with the sharks they pulled on their boat?  Recall every action performed on the shark.

they cought the shark, put a water pump in its mouth,take the hook out of its mouth,take blood sample,take measurements,then tag them.  

5. Look through the photographs.  Are there any photos that surprise you?  Why?

    NO, weve seen all of this in the videos you've shown us.   

6. Explain the details of three main types of sharks they encounter on their expeditions.  What is their status?  Describe their habitat and ecology. A Mango, hammerhead and lemon shark.


Apr 9, 2014, 12:20:44 PM4/9/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1. Drumline gear- weights, numbered floats, bait crate, pop timers
   Electronics- GPS, Ventilation Pump, drill, satellite tags
   Tagging gear- Shark Slide, orange roto tags, Biopsy Punches, scissors
2. catching the sharks, keeping them alive, weather
3. Tagging the Sharks and recording them for research
4. They contain the shark, put a tube in its body to keep water flow, tag it and let it go.
5. I am surprised by how they bolt the tag into the fin, and wonder if that would keep the shark from swimming properly
6.The hammerheads ability to reproduce is low so its population has declined by 50-90% in the past three decades
   The tiger shark is the third most common large, coastal species,  accounting for 12-20% of the catch, they can live in tropical and temperate seas, giving them a home everywhere.
   Bullsharks have a higher human contact percentage than any other shark due to their ability to swim up rivers into other bodies of freshwater. The bullshark has high hunting capabilities which make it a deadly predator 
On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:24:41 AM UTC-5, Christopher Fisher wrote:


Apr 9, 2014, 12:21:32 PM4/9/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1. Drumline gear, electronics, tagging gear, extra tools
2. You have to know what to do and how to do it right
3. The purpose of the expedition is to get people to understand that sharks arent as bad as people make them seem
4. 1. Pull the shark on the boat
2. Get tags ready
3. Put the tags on the shark
4. Release the shark back into the water
5. Picture 4 the shark looks like he doesnt care about the photographer because he knows hes the powerful one
6. 1. Hammer head- globally endangered
2. Bull - globally threathened
3. Tiger - globally threathened
3. Tiger


Apr 9, 2014, 1:06:46 PM4/9/14

1. What types of tools are used for a shark tagging expedition? List 4 examples from each category.

Drumline Gear- some examples of this are yo-yo's with 70' Mainlines and leaders, Bait crate, Pop timers, and weights and numbered floats. 
Electronics- Some examples of this are Gps, Ysl, Istat, and underwater go pro's.
Tagging gear-Some examples of this are shark slide, Orange Roto Tags, Rototag applicator, and leather puncher.  
Extra tools- some extra tools that you might take on your trip are underwater baited cam set, pilers, measuring tape, and Bolt cutters.

2. What are the challenges mentioned in the video for a shark tagging expedition?

Some of the challenges mentioned in the movie well number one was that they dont catch a shrak everytime they go out. They have to cut the hook out of the sharks mouth. They cant let the students come over to the shark until it is safe. They have to pull the big sharks on the boat to. 

3. Explain the purpose of the expedition.

The purpose of the trip is to make other understand to help themselves understand to. They want to find out more stuff about our underwater world. They go out to tag the sharks and learn whats going on with them. 

4. What did the team do with the sharks they pulled on their boat?  Recall every action performed on the shark.

They first put a water pump in the sharks mouth so they shark will be ok. They then cut the hook out of the sharks mouth. They then took the sharks height, blood, put a tag on the shark and did a few other test. They then let the shark go back into the water. 

5. Look through the photographs.  Are there any photos that surprise you?  Why?

No the pictures were all pretty much from the movie. 

6. Explain the details of three main types of sharks they encounter on their expeditions.  What is their status?  Describe their habitat and ecology.

 Great Hammerhead- a specifically vulnerable to over exploitation due to its high sensitivity to stress and low reproductive rate. They live in the deep blue sea.
Bull Shark- they stay low to the ground they have stay close to the beach which means they will easily have contact with a human. they also live in the deep blue sea. 
Tiger Shark- they are not the ones normally involved in all of the attacks that we see and hear about. they are very large. stay far below the sea surface. they also live in the deep blue sea. 


Apr 9, 2014, 12:22:02 PM4/9/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
Eric Schultz and Megan Jump

1. What types of tools are used for a shark tagging expedition? List 4 examples from each category.

A: Drumline: weights,floats, bait crate, leaders
Electronics: GPS, Satellite tags, ventilation pump, GoPro's
Tagging: Shark slide, leather puncher, shark labels, vials, ointment
Extras: measuring tape, bolt cutters, first aid kit, knives

2. What are the challenges mentioned in the video for a shark tagging expedition?

They have to try not to harm the shark further while removing the hook and they have to keep their hands away from all of the sharks teeth.

3. Explain the purpose of the expedition.

Sharks are globally in danger of becoming indangered species so the team tries to learn what the can to help protect the sharks.

4. What did the team do with the sharks they pulled on their boat?  Recall every action performed on the shark.

The secure the shark by holding it down, then they insert a water hose into the sharks mouth so that it can breath. they then cut the hook while taking a video of the shark. then they take a blood sample, then they take measurements, then they release the shark.

5. Look through the photographs.  Are there any photos that surprise you?  Why?

There were alot more female researchers than i expected to see and the picture of the diver so close to the large tiger shark was pretty cool because of how close the photographers were to that shark.

6. Explain the details of three main types of sharks they encounter on their expeditions.  What is their status?  Describe their habitat and ecology.

The team mainly catches bull sharks, tiger sharks, and hammerheads. Hammerhead sharks are extremely sensitive to stress and when caught they have a 90 percent chance of dying. these sharks prefer warmer waters but do not have any particular hunting area. they breed every other year and eat a wide variety of other sea life including other sharks, squid, octopus, and skates. The bull shark can go in both salt and fresh water making it very unique. It hunts dolphins, turtles, land animals, and birds. They are typically found in fresh-salt water mixes like estuaries. The tiger shark lives in temperate and tropical waters and eats a diet similar to that of the great hammerhead.

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:24:41 AM UTC-5, Christopher Fisher wrote:


Apr 9, 2014, 2:29:54 PM4/9/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
I did mine with Eddie


Apr 9, 2014, 2:30:59 PM4/9/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1. Weights & Numbered Floats, Pop Timers,
Yo-Yo's w/ 70' Mainlines and Leaders, Bait Crate, 

GPSi, Underwater GoPro's, YSI, iSTAT, Battery, Ventilation Pump,

Shark Slide, Orange Roto Tags, Leather Puncher, Roto Tag Applicator, Yellow Dart Tags 

Underwater Baited Cam Set-up, Measuring Tape, Bolt Cutters, Pliers, Bait/Bait Cooler, 

2. Weather and shark location

3. to catch the shark

4. capture the shark. tag it . and release it

5. none that suprised me

6. Hammerhead sharks, bullsharks, and tiger sharks

Doryen Price
Ryan Bernard

On Wednesday, April 9, 2014 9:24:41 AM UTC-5, Christopher Fisher wrote:


Apr 10, 2014, 11:17:55 AM4/10/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1. What types of tools are used for a shark tagging expedition? List 4 examples from each category.
-Bait Crate.
-Pop Timers.
-Leather Pucher.
-Yellow dark Tags.
- Bolt Cutters.

2. What are the challenges mentioned in the video for a shark tagging expedition?
Weather and finding the sharks.

3. Explain the purpose of the expedition.
To tag sharks and do research on them.

4. What did the team do with the sharks they pulled on their boat? Recall every action performed on the shark.
They bring the shark on the boat They tag the shark and then they realease it.

5. Look through the photographs. Are there any photos that surprise you? Why?
The water that they are doing this is in is really clear. Most deep water like that we've seen is darker.

6. Explain the details of three main types of sharks they encounter on their expeditions. What is their status? Describe their habitat and ecology.
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