4/8 - Shark Conservation

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Christopher Fisher

Apr 8, 2014, 9:11:40 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
After viewing the two videos, use the readings to write a short essay opinion answering these questions:  Do sharks need to be protected? Explain whether you believe sharks are a vital part of the ocean ecosystem or should continue to be culled from the ocean.  

You may type this in a document and share it with me, or upload it to groups.  Please express YOUR opinion, do not rely on others to tell you what to think.


Apr 8, 2014, 11:19:36 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
Ervin Pack 2.docx


Apr 8, 2014, 11:47:45 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
Yes sharks are vital. I believe with what we watched that it was wrong to do that to the sharks. Sharks are dangerous but I feel like they shouldn't be treated like that. They should have just killed the shark instead of cutting off it's fins and then putting in the ocean to die.


Apr 8, 2014, 11:48:14 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
I do think sharks need to be protected to a certain point.. Like they shouldn't be killed for no reason. And I do believe that sharks are somewhat vital to the ocean, but in some cases I do believe sharks should be killed especially because they kill and can kill many humans. So it goes both ways with protecting them and not. But animal cruelty should never be okay, but we have to remember how dangerous sharks are and how aggressive they are so sometimes killing them is the right thing.


Apr 8, 2014, 11:48:16 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
From the videos we watched I think Sharks need to be more protected. They're being killed and not used for useful reasons. And a total of 70 million sharks dead is outrageous. I don't think they are a vital piece to the ocean but that doesn't justify eliminating them. I think we should interfere less with the ecosystem.


Apr 8, 2014, 11:50:12 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
Yes sharks are a key member in the ecosystem they keep everything In balance without them there would be a lot of fish and killing them is very cruel and they need there fins to survive with out them they could never swim they shouldn't be killed but people still kill them for money.


Apr 8, 2014, 11:50:13 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
I think that it is very important to protect the sharks of the oceans. They hel keep the population of the fish down and they help keep the oceans protected as well. The things that people do to these creatures are just sick and sharks are extremely important and they can not become extinct. Plus the can help lead to other species of sharks and we can track them to see we're they lead to


Apr 8, 2014, 11:50:31 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
Sharks, like any animal species, should be protected to some extent. Any species in danger of declining or becoming extinct due to mankind should receive our help. Sharks are a vital part of the ocean ecosystem. They regulate fish populations as well as provide revenue for human economies. While it is unreasonable to expect an end to the hunting of sharks, protective laws should be put in place to keep the species healthy.


Apr 8, 2014, 11:51:49 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
After viewing the two videos, use the readings to write a short essay opinion answering these questions: Do sharks need to be protected? Explain whether you believe sharks are a vital part of the ocean ecosystem or should continue to be culled from the ocean

Sharks,like other living organizes, need protection against humans. Humans tend to think that sense we have a thought process that we are the most physically dominant things. Which is some aspect is true. But if you think about the strength of a shark, bear , lion , tiger. You begins to realize that humans are pathetic to our physical aspects and with that comes a down fall of logic.
Which that logic. Taking anything out of it's local habitat is tortuous to the ecosystem. Sharks are just as Vidal to the earth just as humans. And to disturbe that in another habitat rather than our own is disrespectful.


Apr 8, 2014, 11:52:35 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
I don't think sharks should be used as they currently are. I know some people don't truly mean to hurt them but they do it anyway, because money is involved. It's cruel to just cut off their fins just to sell. Especially throwing them back in the ocean, leaving them to die slowly & painfully. I feel like they should be protected to some extent because they ARE animals. Even though they do attack other animals & humans sometimes, it's not purposely. They attack because of misinterpretation or the simple fact of life, to eat. I strongly think it should be illegal to remove their body parts. They cut them off when they are still alive & that is the most awful thing a person can do. It would be at least a little better if they were dead already, but they aren't when they do it. People that perform acts like that disgust me & should suffer a consequence.


Apr 8, 2014, 11:52:36 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
Oh lawd yes of course I think that sharks are vital to our oceans. One reason is because I think most can agree that taking the shark's fin is beyond cruel. Not only is taking their own fins wrong it is always cruel and inhumane how they discard the bodies to just sink down to the bottom of the ocean. Because sharks don't reproduce as easily as fish I think we should be more cautious of their lives and hopefully soon I hope there will be shark conservation to protect their lives.


Apr 8, 2014, 11:53:12 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
From watching the video I've come to the conclusion that sharks should definetly be more protected. They are a vital part of the Eco system as a top predator and without them, other species that were once prey to them may flourish and alter the food chain in bad ways.


Apr 8, 2014, 11:53:32 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
Sharks are a vital part to the ocean Eco system. Killing them for unnecessary needs should be outlawed. Being a fellow hunter myself I still see it wrong to just kill off animals for no reason. Sharks should be protected because they are one of the oldest living species on earth and they deserve protection.


Apr 8, 2014, 11:53:54 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
Personally, my opinion is pretty radical. The only way to stop these people from finning sharks is to do the same to the people. Take off their hands and feet and walk away. Just leave them there for days still half alive. And I don't want anybody saying this is the wrong way to fix this. This is the BEST way.


Apr 8, 2014, 11:54:16 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
I feel that this point in time that sharks do not need to be protected. Sharks are already so strong that I feel that the poaching is not going to really effect the population. I do feel that this the the sales of shark fins should be monitored and have struck rule and that could protect the sharks enough. Sharks need to be protected because they truly are a vital part of our ecosystem. The ecosystem would completly change if sharks where not around.


Apr 8, 2014, 11:56:14 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
After viewing the two videos, use the readings to write a short essay opinion answering these questions: Do sharks need to be protected? Explain whether you believe sharks are a vital part of the ocean ecosystem or should continue to be culled from the ocean.

I believe sharks are an extremely important part of the ocean ecosystem. They are one of the oceans top predators. I believe sharks should be protected because humans kill 70 million sharks per year. Sharks provide a way to keep large populations of smaller fish down. Sharks only kill 10 people per year on average and we need to stop killing them. They are ready to produce after 30 years of living and once they get pregnant it takes a year for them to have a baby. They don't produce in large numbers. Just anuther reason to stop killing them.


Apr 8, 2014, 11:56:24 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
Absolutely with out a doubt sharks need to be more protected in this cruel world. We live in a sick place where humans torture sharks by cutting off the fins of them to make tasteless soup. It would be equivalent to someone bigger than us cutting off our limbs & dumping us left to die slowly. The fact that they don't even use the rest of the shark corpse for food at least is beyond disgusting. No one can change how the world is today, but if they continue to kill sharks this brutal just for their fins, or for "trophies", they should at least keep the dead body of the poor baby & use it to it's fullest extent. Sharks are vital in this world & deserve to be apart of it just as much as us. RIP to all the sharks who are suffering & getting tortuered to death right now. :( i love u guys & y'all are in a better place where humans can't hurt you anymore <3


Apr 8, 2014, 11:56:37 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com


Apr 8, 2014, 11:58:04 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com


Apr 8, 2014, 11:58:09 AM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com


Apr 8, 2014, 12:00:13 PM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
In my opinion i believe sharks should be protected because they play a big role in the oceans ecosystem keeping the different fish populations undercontrol so that they dont over populate any reefs or other areas on the ocean also sharks shouldnt be continued to be culled from the ocean because they could soon become extinct


Apr 8, 2014, 12:00:56 PM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com


Apr 8, 2014, 12:01:17 PM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
I feel that sharks are vital to the oceans ecosystem and need protection. They contribute in many different ways. They are apex predictors which help keep the fish population down. They are scavengers which means they eat dead caucuses which keeps the ocean clean.sharks don't just contribute to the ocean but also in land regarding science, researchers study these fish to collect data having to do with the ocean. If sharks became extinct the ocean would be over populated with all sorts of fish and the water would be polluted with tons of dead caucuses .

We need to preserve the shark species as best as we can in order to keep the oceanic ecosystem in balance.


Apr 8, 2014, 12:02:49 PM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
I believe sharks should be protected. I say this because they help grow the economy; they improved local economies throughout the world for example in the Philippines and Belize. Sharks also can cure heart diseases, their blood contains anti clotting compounds that scientist are currently studying that might cure heart diseases. and last another fact is that analysis of sharks, mainly dogfish have taught many researchers and students about fish biology. all of these facts show that sharks actually help us more than we might think!


Apr 8, 2014, 12:03:32 PM4/8/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
I believe sharks should be protected from a certain point. There should be laws on what you can and can't do to a shark. Just like there are certain rules for hunting. Yes sharks do kill people so we shouldn't let them to continue to do so but they are helpful to our economy and etc.


Apr 9, 2014, 12:07:19 PM4/9/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
I think sharks are an extremely important part of our ecosystem. They are part of population control in the oceans and provide natural equilibrium. There is no excuse for the cruel treatment seen in the video. 

On Tuesday, April 8, 2014 8:11:40 AM UTC-5, Christopher Fisher wrote:
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