4/10 - Shark Tracking

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Christopher Fisher

Apr 10, 2014, 8:18:03 AM4/10/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com


Choose the ‘Shark Tracker’ at the top of the page

In the menu on the left, choose a shark to track.

1. What is your shark’s name?

2. Gender?

3. Date tagged?

4. Location tagged?

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.

5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time?

6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to?

7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us?

8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use.

9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks?


Apr 10, 2014, 11:47:22 AM4/10/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1. What is your shark’s name?
2. Gender?
3. Date tagged?
July. 27,2013
4. Location tagged?
Montauk, NY

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.
5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time?
All over the place
6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to?
7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us?
The amount of miles she's gone and where she's been going
8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use.
Trying to find the shark if hurt, to see where she may be, seeing how much she moves daily
9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks?
They actually move a lot and into different areas...but I still don't like them :)


Apr 10, 2014, 11:48:17 AM4/10/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1. What is your shark’s name? Katherine
2. Gender? Female
3. Date tagged? Aug 19,2013
4. Location tagged? Cape Cod

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.
5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time? Up and down the east coast from Florida all the way to Rhode Island
6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to? No outliers
7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us? Where the shark spends most of it's time during which parts of the year. How far they travel in certain amounts of time. When they come up to smaller depths of the water
8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use.
Where species go
How far they go in a year
How often they come up to the surface
9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks?
It could help people perception to see how sharks live and not that all they do is attack people in shallow water


Apr 10, 2014, 11:51:08 AM4/10/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com

On Thursday, April 10, 2014 7:18:03 AM UTC-5, Christopher Fisher wrote:


Choose the ‘Shark Tracker’ at the top of the page

In the menu on the left, choose a shark to track.

1. What is your shark’s name? Nemo

2. Gender? N/A

3. Date tagged? Jan 20 2014

4. Location tagged? mosquera island, galapagos island.

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.

5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time? Nemo spends all of its time in the in the north atlantic ocean. by mexico.

6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to? No

7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us? The information that tracking this shark provides us is, where the sharks are going why they are going there and when they are going there.

8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use. The tracking information can be put to use by, preventing shark attacks, help their food, saves the sharks.

9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks? Information like this will help change everything because we will know so much more about the life that sharks live. We will be able to make people aware of the things that they should know about all the types of sharks.


Apr 10, 2014, 11:51:40 AM4/10/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1. What is your shark’s name? Lisha
2. Gender? Female
3. Date tagged? May 8, 2012
4. Location tagged? Gansbaai

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.
5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time? Of the southeast coast of madagascar.
6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to? No, Lisha has kept a pretty standard path.
7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us? It provides us with information on their patterns and behaviors.
8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use. We can figure out where the sharks stay, where they spend most of their time, feeding habbits.
9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks? It will help us learn more about how they're just creatures trying to live and survive.


Apr 10, 2014, 11:52:34 AM4/10/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com

Choose the ‘Shark Tracker’ at the top of the page

In the menu on the left, choose a shark to track.

1. What is your shark’s name?betsey
2. Gender? Female
3. Date tagged? Aug. 12, 2013
4. Location tagged? Cape cod

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.
5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time? Northeast cost
6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to? Starts drifting out more to the East and curvs back around towards the south
7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us? Where they like to go during different weather conditions and where they like to drift off to and maybe what kind of food they are looking for depending on how far they'll travel
8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use.
One way to to detect where the waters are more active with sharks, how far they'll travel away from their tagging destination, what kind of waters they prefer
9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks?
It can help us better understand their eating habits and how far they will drift from home and makes a shark attack


Apr 10, 2014, 11:56:32 AM4/10/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1. What is your shark’s name? Lisha
2. Gender? Female
3. Date tagged? May 8 2012
4. Location tagged? Gansbaai

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.

5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time? southeast coast of madagascar.

6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to? No, kept a pretty standard path.

7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us? provides us with inforn on their patterns and behavior


Apr 10, 2014, 11:59:26 AM4/10/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com

1. What is your shark’s name?Beamer
2. Gender?male
3. Date tagged?june 27
4. Location tagged?montaulk NY

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.
5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time?costa rica
6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to?no
7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us?that it stays in the same general area
8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use. To show where it eats and what it does and how it lives
9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks? To show how they love life and can compare it to ours


Apr 10, 2014, 11:59:44 AM4/10/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
April 10 2014
Date tagged mar 02 2013
Location Jacksonville Florida
Traveld all over the Atlantic Ocean to difrent countries.
Spends most time at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean
Tracking a shark provides us the information of were the eat and were they lead to find other sharks.
3 ways are feed territory and other oceans that they can adapt to
That they are interesting and cool but they are still killers and have the ability to atack people


Apr 10, 2014, 12:01:28 PM4/10/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com

On Thursday, April 10, 2014 7:18:03 AM UTC-5, Christopher Fisher wrote:


Choose the ‘Shark Tracker’ at the top of the page

In the menu on the left, choose a shark to track.

1. What is your shark’s name? Beatriz

2. Gender? Female

3. Date tagged? January 18, 2014

4. Location tagged? Wolf Island, Giglopigos Island

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.

5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time? Isla Isabela

6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to? Random

7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us? where it hangs around

8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use. birthing area, eating area,migration patterns.

9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks? we can understand more about them and be less afraid of them.


Apr 10, 2014, 12:02:40 PM4/10/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com

1. What is your shark’s name?


2. Gender?


 3. Date tagged?

   January 19, 2014 

4. Location tagged?

Darwin Arch, Galapagos Isalnds

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.

5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time?


6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to?


7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us?

    Her weight,how many  miles she goes, and where she goes 

8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use.

    It will help us if we needed to find the shark 
9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks?
    I never knew how often they move around 


Apr 10, 2014, 12:02:41 PM4/10/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com

On Thursday, April 10, 2014 7:18:03 AM UTC-5, Christopher Fisher wrote:


Choose the ‘Shark Tracker’ at the top of the page

In the menu on the left, choose a shark to track.

1. What is your shark’s name?Rizzilient

2. Gender?Female

3. Date tagged?July 27, 2013

4. Location tagged?Montauk, NY

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.

5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time?Bermuda

6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to?She took a right and goes to Portugal

7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us?Information about the shark and where its located

8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use. Where the shark is located, to see how it dies, and what it does everyday

9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks? So people won't think that a shark is dangerous and/or so you want be harmed by it.

Noah Abraham

Apr 10, 2014, 6:16:00 PM4/10/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1. What is your shark’s name? Rezillent
2. Gender? Female
3. Date tagged? july 27 2013
4. Location tagged? Montauk NY

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.
5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time? Eastern coast of spain
6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to? No there are no outlier paths
7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us? Migration patterns
8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use. Be informed on shark movement, location of abundance of prey and migration patterns
9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks? We can become informed on the location of some sharks and no longer be afraid


Apr 10, 2014, 9:28:37 PM4/10/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1. What is your shark’s name? 
- katharine  

2. Gender?

- female  

3. Date tagged?

- august 19, 2013  

4. Location tagged?

- cape cod  

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.

5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time?

- between port orange and dayton beach and palm coast 

6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to?

-  going toward Massachusetts 

7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us?

- when they eat, breed, where they go, where they attack, how many times she comes to the surface, distance 

8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use.

-  distance daily/a year, where and what she feeds, where she breeds 
9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks?
-  information like this can provide a wider thought process on sharks rather them just scarring us. we know about how they're tracked and what they are actually capable of, even though they are still scary but we are in their territory. 


Apr 10, 2014, 10:30:00 PM4/10/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1) Katherine
2) Female
3) august 19, 2013
4) cape cod
5) She's gone up and down, from Florida to Rhode Island.
6) no
7) It shows how far they travel during a period of time, where it spends most of their time at, and when they come out of the water.
8) where they go, how far they go, and how often they come to the surface.
9) it helps people understand what sharks do.


Apr 11, 2014, 9:37:53 AM4/11/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com

On Thursday, April 10, 2014 7:18:03 AM UTC-5, Tryicelyn Bonner wrote:


Choose the ‘Shark Tracker’ at the top of the page

In the menu on the left, choose a shark to track.

1. What is your shark’s name?


2. Gender?


3. Date tagged?

         Jul 27, 2013 

4. Location tagged?

          montauk NY 

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.

5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time?

          off the coast of Connecticut and  New Hampshire and Massachusetts 

6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to?


7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us?

         it provides information on how they act and feed  

8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use.

         1.) it shows us their behavior
         2.) it shows us what and how they eat
         3.) it shows us how often they breed 
9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks?
          because it show people that sharks aren't as bad as people think they are


Apr 11, 2014, 10:20:44 AM4/11/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1. What is your shark’s name?
2. Gender?
Female shark
3. Date tagged?
August 19 2013
4. Location tagged?
Near cape cod

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.
5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time? Along the east coast of the United States.
6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to? Not really any outlier paths
7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us? It allows us to see territories of certain sharks and where some sharks breed.
8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use.
-the biologists can see breeding zones
-protected areas can be setup
-migratory patterns can be watched
9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks?
People will be more knowledgable about there breeding areas and where the sharks prefer to hunt so that they can stay away from these sharks in their hunting areas.


Apr 11, 2014, 11:29:21 AM4/11/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com

1. What is your shark’s name? Mary Lee

2. Gender? Female

3. Date tagged? September 16, 2012

4. Location tagged? Cape Cod

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.

5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time? Mostly around the location she was tagged

6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to? Yes, extend out to Northwest & Northeast. Rarely goes South of where she was tagged

7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us? Locations they swim to

8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use. We can find out what they do, where they go, & possibly what they could be eating

9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks? Give us a better understanding of how they live


Apr 11, 2014, 11:29:29 AM4/11/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1. Courage
2. Male
3. May 22, 2012
4. Struisbaai
5.  He stays off the coast of Madagascar to the south east mainly
6. No, hes swimming towards the island in a consistent pattern
7. Their home, where they eat, and if they migrate during a certain time of the year
8. If they travel somewhere to die, how they mate, if they aren't allowed in other sharks territories
9. It might change our minds whether they are regular man eaters or if events only happen on accident cause someone was in the right place at the wrong time.


Apr 11, 2014, 11:36:18 AM4/11/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com

On Thursday, April 10, 2014 7:18:03 AM UTC-5, Christopher Fisher wrote:


Choose the ‘Shark Tracker’ at the top of the page

In the menu on the left, choose a shark to track.

1. What is your shark’s name? Katherine 
2. Gender? Female 
3. Date tagged? Aug 19,2013 

4. Location tagged? Cape Cod 
Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year. 
5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time? Up and down the east coast from Florida all the way to Rhode Island 
6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to? No outliers 

7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us? Where the shark spends most of it's time during which parts of the year. How far they travel in certain amounts of time. When they come up to smaller depths of the water 
8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use. 
Where species go 
How far they go in a year 
How often they come up to the surface 
9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks? 


Apr 11, 2014, 11:37:28 AM4/11/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1. What is your shark’s name?
2. Gender?
3. Date tagged?
June 13 2012
4. Location tagged?
Nova grande

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.
5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time?
Gulf if Mexico

6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to?
The tip of Florida

7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us?
Shark stays in one area

8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use.
Eating habits him where people swim reproduction
9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks? To show that the sharks are in one area and that we are in their territory not our own and to show that white sharks are just fish out for their next meal.


Apr 11, 2014, 11:37:40 AM4/11/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com

On Thursday, April 10, 2014 7:18:03 AM UTC-5, Christopher Fisher wrote:


Choose the ‘Shark Tracker’ at the top of the page

In the menu on the left, choose a shark to track.

1. What is your shark’s name?


2. Gender?


3. Date tagged?

june 13, 2012 

4. Location tagged?

Boca Grande 

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.

5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time?

In the gulf of mexico 

6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to?

A little towards the tip of FLorida 

7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us?

That this shark stays in the are.  

8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use.

Eating habbits, where poeple swim, and repoduction 
9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks?
To show that the sharks are in one area and that we are in their territory not our own. And to show that white sharks are just fish out for the next meal.  


Apr 11, 2014, 11:37:51 AM4/11/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com

On Thursday, April 10, 2014 7:18:03 AM UTC-5, Christopher Fisher wrote:


Choose the ‘Shark Tracker’ at the top of the page

In the menu on the left, choose a shark to track.

1. What is your shark’s name? april

2. Gender? female

3. Date tagged? july 27, 2013

4. Location tagged? Montauk, NY

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.

5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time? Everywhere

6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to? no

7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us? the amount of miles shes gone and where shes been going

8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use. trying to find the shark if hurt

9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks? it doesnt. i still dont mess with them


Apr 11, 2014, 11:38:15 AM4/11/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com

On Thursday, April 10, 2014 7:18:03 AM UTC-5, Christopher Fisher wrote:


Choose the ‘Shark Tracker’ at the top of the page

In the menu on the left, choose a shark to track.

1. What is your shark’s name? Lydia

2. Gender? Female

3. Date tagged? March 2, 2013

4. Location tagged? jacksonville, fl

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.

5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time? all around the north atlantic ocean

6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to? no

7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us? the behavior of the sharks and how much they travel

8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use. behaviors of the species . where they are located. and what fish population they feed on

9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks? to know that they dont just roam the earth randomly


Apr 11, 2014, 11:52:37 AM4/11/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com

1. What is your shark’s name?
2. Gender?
3. Date tagged?
July 27,2013
4. Location tagged?
Montauk, ny

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.

5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time?
She spends almost all of her time near the west coast

6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to? No she usually swims in a circle around the west coast, over the past year she has not left the east coast

7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us?
The tracking information just provides us where the shark spend her time and the path she goes from day to day

8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use. To show us the sharks path,
There age, and the activity of the shark

9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks?
It doesn't change my perception of sharks, just because your showing me the path a shark is taking doesn't make them any less scarier


Apr 15, 2014, 11:43:34 AM4/15/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1. What is your shark’s name? Katherine.
2. Gender? Female.
3. Date tagged? Aug 19,2013.
4. Location tagged? Cape Cod.

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.
5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time? Up and down the east coast from Florida all the way to Rhode Island.
6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to? No outliers.
7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us? Where the shark spends most of it's time during which parts of the year. How far they travel in certain amounts of time. When they come up to smaller depths of the water.
8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use.
Where species go .
How far they go in a year.
How often they come up to the surface.
9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks?
It could help people perception to see how.sharks live and not that all they do is attack people in shallow water.


May 21, 2014, 11:59:51 AM5/21/14
to coach-fishe...@googlegroups.com
1. What is your shark’s name?
2. Gender?
3. Date tagged?
April 12, 2013
4. Location tagged?
Cape Cod

Examine the path your shark has traveled over the past year.
5. Where does the shark seem to spend most of his/her time?
Northern coastal areas near cape cod
6. Are there any outlier paths? Where do they lead to?
Starts drifting towards the easy then comes back towards the south
7. What kind of information does tracking a shark provide us?
Where the spend most of there time and what they eat
8. Identify at least 3 different ways the tracking information can be put to use.
What water temp they prefer, where they mostly are seen, and what they eat
9. How will information like this help change our perception of white sharks?
How far out they really are and that it's okay to swim in nasty Galveston.
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