"Please Vote New COAA Board Members"

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Sep 25, 2008, 1:03:01 PM9/25/08
Dear COAA members:

An autumn greeting from the Board.

It is the time of the year that COAA elect new Board members for
2008~2010. The Board is delighted that five distinguished members
have accepted the nomination, and looking forward to serve our
community. Below you will find their names and short biographies in
Appendix A and B.

Please show your support for the nominees by putting a check mark [X]
after each name whom you like to vote in Appendix A. Should you wish
to vote for write-in candidates, please ask the nominee for his/her
approval and put his/her name in the write-in area.

Please send your vote to bo...@coaaweb.org before September 26, 2008.
Also, please mark October 4th, Saturday for the coming Annual Meeting.
Details will be released when available.

COAA Board of 2008

Appendix A: Election of Board Members (see Appendix B for a short
biography) Please do not vote for more than five candidates.

1. Dr. Charles Sun _____________
2. Dr. Wanru Wu _____________
3. Dr. Ronghua Zhang _____________
4. Dr. Xianjun Hao _____________
5. Dr. Haifeng Qian _____________
6. Write-in (1) Name ________________
7. Write-in (2) Name ________________

Appendix B: Short biographies for board member nominees

1. Dr. Charles Sun (NOAA)

Charles Sun graduated from National Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan,
with a BS degree and National Taiwan University with a MS degree. In
1982, he received his PhD degree in the Physical Oceanography from
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, and then went to Harvard
University, where he worked as a visiting scientist and was involved
in the development and implementation of an ocean descriptive and
predictive system. During the summer 1986, he spent three months at
the US Coast Guard (USCG) Research & Development Center, Groton, CT,
and developed a statistical, objective analysis model for use in the
USCG search and rescue activities. Charles joined with the National
Ocean Service (NOS) of NOAA in 1990. During his seven-year tenure with
NOS, he led on the development and implementation of NOAA’s coastal
and estuarine hydrodynamic models.

From 1997 to present, he servers as Deputy Chief of the Marine Data
Stewardship Division of the US National Oceanographic Data Center
(NODC) and provides technical and administrative supervision to
employees and contractors involved in the development, compilation,
review, and production of NODC data holdings and related products;
Leads and serves as the Joint World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Global
Temperature-Salinity Profile Program (GTSPP) Chair and NODC’s Argo
Project Program Manager, providing technical and administrative
supervision to employees/contractors involved in the advanced database
development, compilation, review, and production of NODC data holdings
and related products; Performs directed research to improve the data
and information of NODC.

He is the recipient of the NOAA Bronze Medal (2004) and the NOAA
Administrator’s Award (1999) and a member of the American
Meteorological Society, the American Geophysical Union and the
Oceanography Society.

2. Dr. Wanru Wu (NOAA)

Dr Wanru Wu has been working at the Climate Prediction Center/NCEP/
NOAA since February 2006 on drought monitoring and prediction. Prior
to joining CPC, she worked with Dr. Robert Dickinson at Georgia Tech
as a postdoctoral fellow (2001-2003) and a research scientist
(2004-2006) on climate research. Dr. Wu obtained her Ph.D. degree in
Atmospheric Science at the State University of New York at Stony Brook
in 2000, supervised by Drs. Marvin Geller and Dara Entekhabi, and
received B.E. and M.E. degrees in Hydrology from Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China. Her research has been focused on land-atmosphere
interaction, including physical mechanism understanding and numerical
modeling. Dr. Wu has published peer-reviewed articles as leading
author in the Journal of Climate, the Journal of Geophysical Research,
the Journal of Hydrometeorology, the Geophysical Research Letters, and
the International Journal of Climatology. She is a member of the
American Meteorological Society (AMS) and a member of the American
Geophysical Union (AGU). Dr. Wu has served as peer reviewer for the
Journal of Climate, the Journal of Hydrometeorology, the Journal of
Hydrology, the Journal of Arid Environments and the International
Journal of Climatology. She has also served as conference convener for

3. Dr. Rong-Hua Zhang (U of Maryland)

Rong-Hua Zhang is an associate scientist at Earth System Science
Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC), University of Maryland. He earned
bachelor degree in Meteorology from Zhejiang University (China),
master degree in atmospheric science and Ph. D. in physical
oceanography from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics/Chinese Academy
of Sciences (IAP/CAS). As a postdoc, he spent about two years at the
Meteorological Research Institute (MRI), Japan Meteorological Agency
(Japan). Coming to USA as a visiting scientist, he worked at NODC/NOAA
for about 1 year. Then from 1995-1999, he worked at the Graduate
School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island (GSO/URI). From
1999-2003, he was brought to International Research Institute (IRI)/
Columbia University working on climate prediction. Since July 2003, he
has joined the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC)
at the University of Maryland. For more than 10 years, he has been an
active member in the scientific community, participating in national
and international meeting and workshops, journal and proposal reviews,
and publishing scientific papers. His research areas include climate
variability and predictability, earth system modeling and data

4. Dr. Xianjun Hao (GMU)

Xianjun Hao is a research scientist in EastFIRE Laboratory, College of
Science, George Mason University. He received PhD degree in
Computational Sciences and Informatics (CSI) from George Mason
University in 2006. He also received a PhD degree in computational
mathematics from Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1997. His primary
research interest is remote sensing applications, including dust storm
detection, fuel moisture and soil moisture estimation. He is also
working on cross-sensor comparison, numerical methods and high
performance computing. He has authored and co-authored over 20
refereed journal papers since 2005.

5. Dr. Haifeng Qian (NOAA)
Haifeng Qian just graduated from the University of Maryland with a PhD
degree in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science (AOSC). He
will soon join the I. M. Systems Group, Inc. (IMSG), supporting IMSG
tasks at NOAA/NESDIS/STAR in Camp Springs, MD. He received his BS and
MA in atmospheric science from the Nanjing University, Nanjing in
1999, 2002. In 2002, he took a graduate assistantship under Prof. Ning
Zeng in the AOSC at University of Maryland. His research areas at UMD
focus on the variability of terrestrial carbon cycle with climate, the
climate variability and global warming. From UMD, he received his
second MA degree in 2006 and PhD degree in 2008. In the last 2 years,
he has served as a board member assistant in COAA.

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