3rd update of COAA earthquake relief: $4,200 donation collected so far

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May 23, 2008, 7:57:39 PM5/23/08
COAA Sichuan Earthquake Relief. No.3 5/23/08

Dear Colleagues,

During and after the 5.12 Sichuan Earthquake, the people in the
Meteorological Bureau of Sichuan Province (MBSP) have experienced
extreme difficult time. Nine meteorologists and their direct family
members have been confirmed dead, and fourteen people are injured.
The MBSP residence houses, buildings, and other things in the 12
stations near the epicenter are either extensively damaged or
destroyed. The observational station in Beichuan is totally crushed.
We have directly communicated with the MBSP leadership and with the
Chinese Administration of Meteorology. The MBSP is very appreciative
of our efforts.

Since the Chinese-American Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (COAA)
announced the donation campaign to raise relief fund for our
colleagues and their family members in MBSP last Tuesday, we have
received very positive response from our members. On Wednesday, NOAA
Science Center at Camp Springs, MD, collaborated, and announced our
campaign to all the staff in the building. Dr. S-K Yang also talked
about our efforts at the beginning of the All-Hands meeting of Climate
Prediction Center. With the efforts from Drs. Banghua Yan, Lihang
Zhou, Limin Zhao, Zhaohui Cheng, Huan Meng, Haibing Sun, the poster
provided by Dr. Qin Zhang is now being distributed in the building,
which is also attached in this email for your distributions. Dr.
Tingjun Zhang of the University of Colorado has represented COAA
keeping contacting with the MBSP directors to have up-to-date MBSP
information. Prof. Yanai of UCLA has suggested distribute this
information in his widely distributed “Tropical Meteorology and
Climate Newsletter” in the early June issue and will also contribute
to our donation.

In the past two days, we have received $4,200 from 23 donors,
including research scientists, professors, post-docs, and students.
We appreciate their generosity. Please note that we welcome all
Chinese-American, Chinese, and American professional scientists in
U.S. to join our efforts.

COAA is a nonprofit organization run by volunteers. All of the
donations, without overhead, will be delivered to the earthquake
relief of MASP colleagues and their families. The donors will know
exactly how their donation is spent. The up-to-date donation
information will be posted on http://groups.google.com/group/coaascc.

You may make your donations through COAA (Federal 501(3)C):

- by Paypal to account coaa...@yahoo.com, via www.paypal.com,
please Cc email: g...@atmos.ucla.edu
- by Check, payable to “COAA Sichuan Earthquake Relief”, mail to
Ms. Yu Gu, 4810 Deelane Place, Torrance, CA 90503, and send an email
g...@atmos.ucla.edu indicating you have mailed the donation and the
amount written on your check.

You could also give your donation to our local volunteers. The
following volunteers will help us to collect the donation in their
local institutions/areas:
NASA JPL: Hui Su (h...@mls.jpl.nasa.gov) and Xiaochuuan Wang
UC Irvine : Jin Yi Yu (jy...@uci.edu) and Fuu-Ming Kai (fm...@uci.edu).
Boulder area: Tianjun Zhang (tzh...@kryos.colorado.edu)

We need volunteers help running local campaigns. Please contact us. We
will announce your names and contact information. Please pass our
words, distribute the poster, and help those suffered.

Thank you very much!

Yongkang Xue, Chair of COAA SCC
S-K Yang, COAA President

Correction: In the last release, we incorrectly stated Dr. Baike Xi’s
affiliation. He’s with the University of North Dakota. Our apology.

The COAA Earthquake Relief poster is available at

Click on http://groups.google.com/group/coaascc/web/3rd-update-of-coaa-earthquake-relief-4-200-donation-collected-so-far
- or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't
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