I'm passing this along, with thanks to Leslie for sending it. There's a one-page summary and a 4-page description of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (Manchin approved bill)--According to an AP News article, the Senate will consider the package next week. Not everything we were hoping for, but so much more than what we have. Fingers crossed,Susan---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Leslie Glustrom <lglu...@cleanenergyaction.org>
Date: Thu, Jul 28, 2022 at 10:25 AM
Subject: [cclc-all] FYI--Manchin Compromise--Inflation Reduction Act--Energy, Security and Climate Investments--One Page Summary
To: Leslie Glustrom <lglu...@gmail.com>---Overview of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act compromise from US Senate DemocratsLink to one page summary of energy, climate and security measures--also attachedAccelerating the Transition to the Post Fossil Fuel World
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