Hi all,
Thanks to all of you for your support of the BIG WIRES Act as it's been
out! We've had an incredible outpouring of statements and support around it in the few days since intro! We also got an exclusive in the
Washington Post and were the top story on
E&E this morning, alongside great coverage in
Utility Dive and
RTO Insider.
On top of all that, my boss's
Twitter Thread on the bill already has 100 retweets,
600 likes, and 66,000 views! Please feel free to further amplify it and
Rep. Peters' Tweet on the bill.
The more we get word out about the reliability and affordability benefits of the bill, the better!
In addition, many of you wrote up releases, blog posts, and social media posts on or related to the bill in the last few days. I've copied them all in below for folks to view and share. I also want to especially highlight this excellent piece from RMI, which is not exclusively about the bill, but about the broader constellation of policy and political issues around minimum transfer. Feel free to amplify it on Twitter or LinkedIn!
Finally, you can share these links to the official
bill text,
one-pager, and
support/quote document with anyone who is interested.
As promised, here are the supportive posts & statements on the bill -- if you or your organization has posted one that I'm not yet aware of, please share it with me and I'll help amplify it!
Advanced Energy United (AEU): https://blog.advancedenergyunited.org/articles/advanced-energy-united-supports-big-wires-act-sep23
American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE): https://acore.org/acore-statement-on-sen-hickenlooper-and-rep-peters-introduction-of-the-big-wires-act/
Americans for a Clean Energy Grid (ACEG): https://cleanenergygrid.org/aceg-release-statement-on-big-wires-act/
Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL): https://citizensclimatelobby.org/blog/news/ccl-applauds-bicameral-big-wires-act/
Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN): https://creationcare.org/news-blog/overview.html/article/2023/09/15/een-applauds-sen-hickenlooper-and-rep-peters-for-their-leadership-introducing-the-big-wires-act
National Audubon Society: https://www.audubon.org/news/new-big-wires-act-would-help-achieve-clean-energy-future-birds-and-people
National Wildlife Federation (NWF): https://www.nwf.org/Latest-News/Press-Releases/2023/9-13-23-New-Bill-Will-Break-Transmission-Bottleneck
Niskanen Center: https://www.niskanencenter.org/press-release-niskanen-center-welcomes-the-big-wires-act/
Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS): https://www.ucsusa.org/about/news/ucs-urges-bipartisan-congressional-support-big-wires-act-improve-us-electric-grid