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Fwd: Strategies to Reach Net-Zero Emissions by 2050

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David Kline

Nov 1, 2021, 10:02:30 PM11/1/21
to CO CCL Social Media Push
Hi Social Media folks,

This paper by the National Academies is just out and calls for a national carbon price together with complementary policies. It's worth amplifying. I have a tweet about it scheduled for 10 AM tomorrow from my personal account. I do not see a tweet from the Academies yet, but expect there will be one soon.


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From: NASEM Earth and Life Studies <>
Date: Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 12:01 PM
Subject: Strategies to Reach Net-Zero Emissions by 2050
To: <>

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Strategies to Reach Net-Zero Emissions by 2050

World leaders are gathering in Glasgow, Scotland this week at COP26 to discuss how to achieve "net-zero" emissions by 2050 to slow climate change and avoid the most severe impacts. To do that, we must reduce carbon dioxide emissions in a way that creates jobs and ensures an equitable transition.
A number of expert reports from the National Academies have assessed the state of the science on topics related to the net-zero goal. Learn more in our new resource, which provides an at-a-glance look at findings and U.S. policy-relevant advice from those reports.
Explore Expert Findings and Advice
Help Spread the Word
  Click-to-Tweet: As world leaders gather at #COP26 to explore ambitious targets for cutting emissions and putting the world on a path to net-zero by 2050, explore @theNASEM's resource on how science can inform efforts #ClimateAction
From the Presidents of the National Academies

FEATURE STORY: 'We Can't Wait Any Longer
National Academy of Sciences President Marcia McNutt discusses science and solutions to climate change ahead of COP26 in a recent interview. 

STATEMENT FROM THE PRESIDENTS OF U.S. NATIONAL ACADEMIES: COP26 Presents Historic Opportunity for a More Sustainable Future

The Presidents of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine have issued a joint statement in support of the goals of COP26. They highlight the importance of advances in science, engineering, and medicine for delivering solutions to reduce emissions and adapt to unavoidable impacts. 

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David Kline

Co-coordinator for Colorado
Steering Committee, Boulder Chapter

CCL's Goal: Energy Innovation AND Carbon Dividend Act
CCL's secret weapon: Respect. From E&E News
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