Fwd: Cuomo's veto needed

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Mary Beilby

Mar 4, 2015, 3:12:56 PM3/4/15
to gdacc-core, gd...@googlegroups.com, cny...@googlegroups.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eric Weltman, New Yorkers Against Fracking <organ...@nyagainstfracking.org>
Date: Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 2:05 PM
Subject: Cuomo's veto needed
To: Mary <mary....@gmail.com>

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Dear Friend:

Across New York, front-line communities are continuing the fight against fracking-related infrastructure.

One of these is Port Ambrose, a proposed liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility off the Long Island coast.

Under federal maritime law, Governor Cuomo has the authority to veto Port Ambrose, as does New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, because of its proximity to the coasts of our two states.

Submit a comment on the Food & Water Watch web site in opposition to this dangerous project!

Port Ambrose poses clear hazards to our health, safety, and environment. It would:
  • Present a terrorist threat, with the explosive gas risking thousands of lives
  • Endanger our beaches, ocean ecology, and tourism & fishing industries
  • Promote fracking
The company proposing the project claims that it's for importing gas -- but there's no need to import gas into New York and, with greater demand and higher prices overseas, it's clear that Port Ambrose will flip to exporting domestically produced fracked gas.

Help generate the thousands of comments we need to stop this project!

And if you're part of an organization, please consider signing on to a national letter in opposition to Port Amborse.

The comment period deadline is March 16 -- so please take action and forward this email widely today!

Thanks for all you do.

- Eric and the NYAF Team
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Mary Beilby


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