Dear friends,
Check out our chapter's upcoming events:
[1] The Beauty and Complexity of Evolution: Manzanitas as the Example, a talk by Tom Parker
Tuesday, April 16, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM - tonight!
Location: Los Altos Library Orchard Room, 13 S. San Antonio Rd, Los Altos
Note: This talk will be held at the Los Altos Library and will not be available online.Manzanitas (
Arctostaphylos, Ericaceae family) have proliferated in California's Mediterranean climate in multiple ways. Tom will introduce you to the diversity of this group, and then focus on two stories. The first story is where manzanitas come from, so we will examine the history of a small subfamily, the
Arbutoideae, of the blueberry/rhododendron/heath family (Ericaceae). Most of the genera in this subfamily occur in California, but only two are in northern California. This history leads into the second story, how manzanitas have captured mutualists, rodents such as chipmunks and chaparral mice, that bury fruits that help them survive our fires.
Tom Parker, Professor of Biology Emeritus, taught at San Francisco State University for 40 years before retiring from teaching. He was educated at the University of Texas (B.A.) and the University of California, Santa Barbara (M.A., Ph.D.). He is principally an evolutionary ecologist who works mainly in tidal wetlands and chaparral.
[2] Wildflower Show
Saturday, April 27, 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Location - West Valley College, 14000 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga
Please join us for our 49th Wildflower Show at West Valley College. This family-friendly event features hundreds of native wildflowers and plants on display as well as a variety of activities for all ages. The theme of our 2024 show is Bringing Biodiversity Home. The event and parking are all free to the public.
The show will feature hundreds of species of wildflowers and native plants from Santa Clara, San Mateo and surrounding counties gathered and identified by our volunteer collectors. In addition to local plants, we will have a section featuring flowers from native plant gardens in our Chapter.
A selection of native plants and native plant art, t-shirts, books and other related goods will be available for purchase. A SOD (Sudden Oak Death) Blitz Station will be available at the show for people who would like to participate in the SOD Blitz.
Bart O'Brien, our keynote speaker, will speak on Creating Habitat and Beauty in your Garden with Native Plants. Besides this, we will have lectures, tours, live music booths to shop from, and information tables from our partner organizations. For more information and the complete schedule, please visit the link above.
[3] Volunteers Needed for the Wildflower Show
Friday, April 26, 1:30 PM - 8:30 PM and
Saturday, April 27, 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: West Valley College, 14000 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga
Our chapter's annual Wildflower Show is coming up very soon, and we need lots of volunteers to help with the show set-up, running and tear-down. We need volunteers for Friday, April 26th and Saturday, April 27th. Various shifts are available. If this is your first time volunteering we will be holding a Zoom training meeting before the show, currently scheduled for Wednesday, April 24th. You do not need any knowledge of plants or previous experience, just a good attitude and willingness to help with the show. There will be free food Friday and Saturday for volunteers. Please contact Toni Gregorio-Bunch with questions: tidytip.lp @
[4] Volunteer to mulch and plant in the Ecosystem Garden at West Valley College
Wednesday, April 17 to Saturday, April 20.
Location: Biology Department of West Valley College, 14000 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga
In preparation for the upcoming Wildflower Show, we will be working on planting native plants in the Ecosystem Garden at West Valley College. Join West Valley students working on the Biology Department's latest community-driven installation of the Arthur Wang and Christina Qu Garden. This Ecosystem Garden will showcase plants of the redwood understory, oak woodland, and riparian woodland. Come join students working to plant the Ecosystem Garden.
4/17 Wednesday 2-5:30 finishing sheet mulching/planting native plants
4/18 Thursday 2-5:30 finishing sheet mulching/planting native plants
4/20 Saturday 3-5 planting native plants
Directions: The Biology department is on the Allendale Ave side of campus. Please enter the college via Theater or Science way from Allendale Ave. The department and the Ecosystem Garden are right by Parking lot 2 where free parking will be available. For questions, please contact Leticia Gallardo: leticia.gallardo @[5] Photo Group Meeting
Friday, April 19, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
The CNPS SCV Photo Group meets via zoom on 4th Fridays, 7-9 PM. In this supportive peer group, beginners and experts are equally welcome. Folks who just want to see pictures and hear photo tips are welcome too.
Register at the link below for the next meeting: registering, you will receive a confirmation email with a Zoom link for the meeting.
If you have pictures to share, sign up for a slot. Share your pictures, techniques, and ideas from your desktop via zoom. Slots are 20 minutes each; plan your photos and discussions accordingly. Presenters receive a 1-minute-remaining alert. Signup for a slot at the link below: participate in other Photography Group activities, join the email list:[6] Habitat Restoration at Lake Cunningham
Saturday, April 20, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Location: Native Garden Parking Lot, Lake Cunningham - 2305 S. White Road, San Jose
Join us to restore habitat (weeding and mulching) in the Native Garden at Lake Cunningham Park, San Jose. During the summer months, we remove invasives throughout the park. Meeting place may change from one week to the next. First timers: please follow directions in this meetup to get to the native garden. It is a very large park (200 acres) with two entrances. You want to head to the Google map pin for "Lake Cunningham Native Garden".
Wear a hat, gloves, and sturdy garden shoes. Bring plenty of fluids and hydrate often. We start with a 5-minute orientation, then walk to the site, so please be on time. First-timers: Bring a signed waiver form available at are sometimes rescheduled or canceled. Always RSVP to confirm, and check the latest updates Friday night. If you can't make it, please change your RSVP so we know and wait-listers get a chance.
[7] Vernal Pool Wildflower Tours in Fremont (CNPS members only)
Saturday, April 20, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Come and experience the last piece of lowland vernal pool grassland in the South Bay. The Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge is inviting CNPS members to guided tours in the Warm Springs Unit, a site with limited public access. These tours are being offered at different times to capture the temporal and spatial diversity of this unique site, home to many listed, rare and unusual species. We'll see species endemic to vernal pools including the federally-endangered Contra Costa goldfields (Lasthenia conjugens) and other rare species.
If you are interested in joining a tour, please contact Aidona Kakouros at aidona_kakouros @ to register. Please indicate in your email 1) which of the tours you are interested in, 2) how many guests you are bringing, and 3) preferred email to send directions and any other notifications related to the event you are interested in. Directions to the meeting site will be provided nearer to the event date. Space is limited.
Please note that this tour is for
CNPS members only. Please sign up here, if you're not already a member:[8] Newsletter Mailing Party
Tuesday, April 23, 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Location: Peninsula Conservation Center (first floor), 3921 E. Bayshore Rd, Palo Alto
The chapter's newsletter, the Blazing Star, is sent electronically to all its members every two months. These days, the chapter does not usually send out paper copies. But when we do, we need all the help we can get to prepare them for mailing.
Our next paper copy is going to be the May-June newsletter. Help is required to label and stamp the copies, as well as to set up and clean up the room. No prior experience is necessary. Snacks, drinks and tales of our CNPS adventures will be provided. So, join us for a few hours of doing some easy tasks while enjoying the camaraderie of fellow CNPS folks.
We need volunteers for the first shift (10 am - 12 pm) as well as the second shift (12 pm - 2 pm). Please sign up for a task by using the SignupGenius link above. Questions? Contact Priya at: priya4cnps @
[9] Maximizing Your Charitable Impact - a special event for CNPS members!
Hosted by CNPS, with panel presenters from UBS and Fidelity Charitable
Tuesday, May 21, 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM
Are you wondering how to make a lasting difference in the causes you care about? Join us for a members-only webinar on how you can optimize your charitable giving and grow the impact of your philanthropy. This workshop is designed for any CNPS member looking to make a difference through their donations, whether you’re a seasoned philanthropist or just beginning to explore the possibilities of charitable giving. Sign up at the link above, and secure your spot.
Here are some events from other chapters and organizations:
[10] Naturalist Training - Why City Nature Challenge Matters - by Keep Coyote Creek Beautiful and Bioblitz Club
Wednesday, April 17, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
During this webinar we will discuss the City Nature Challenge (CNC), a four-day global iNaturalist event, happening every year on the last weekend of April. Started in 2016, hundreds of cities from around the world come together in a friendly competition to document the most species and observations by the highest number of people.
During this interactive discussion, you will:
Understand what is the CNC and different ways you can participate
Learn how to create and log observations from wherever you are
Learn how to host your own event.
Gather some tips and tricks on how to find more biodiversity around you
Other topics include: how can you attract more animals to your backyard? What can you find wildlife in your neighborhood? Help us all collect more data and share it with our community!
[11] Creating California Native Habitat Gardens - by Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency
Wednesday, April 17, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Celebrate Earth Day! Learn which California Native Plants and amenities invite local birds, pollinators and others, turning your garden into an ecosystem. The speaker, Juanita Salisbury has successfully created five public native plant gardens in the City of Palo Alto, thus bringing the power of native plants to the residents in easily accessible locations.
Zoom sign-up information is available by visiting the link above.
Questions? Do not reply to this email - instead, please direct your questions to: info @
For more information about chapter activities, be sure to check the latest
Blazing Star and our chapter website - We also recommend joining our
Meetup group to receive a notification when we schedule new activities, including field trips. Not a member of CNPS yet? Join