Number of Lines of Code in NELL

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Heiko Paulheim

Jun 7, 2018, 11:52:48 AM6/7/18
to NELL: Never-Ending Language Learner
Dear NELL developers,

I currently do a survey on development efforts for different knowledge graphs.

While I understand that you do not want to share your code, I would be very grateful if you could give me the number of lines of code of NELL. A rough estimate is sufficient.



Jun 11, 2018, 4:40:44 PM6/11/18
to NELL: Never-Ending Language Learner
Hi Heiko,

That's a little bit difficult to answer.  On the one hand, most of the source code that the world knows as "NELL" is heaped in to one big hodgepodge svn repository, and that repository also contains plenty of old prototype code or sub-projects that didn't pan out, side projects relating to various grants, competitions, or publications, and general-purpose user-specific code that for whatever reason was convenient to lodge in to the main repository.  On the other hand, it doesn't count anything in the 120 or so .jar files, a handful of which are not really third party but rather were a way for some group members to submit portions of their own code to the project without having to entangle it into the svn repository.  So let me throw out a few quick figures, and if you'd like to try to narrow anything down, just let me know.  In general, this somewhat overestimates the amount of code in active use, since culling obsolete routines or files is not usually much of a priority.

Entire repository: 1426 files, 395k liines of Java.

Core KB libraries, core NELL libraries, core shared general library functions, and self-management portions of NELL (i.e. everything other than the parts that attempt to learn new things): 355 files, 103k lines of Java.

Set of active tinker toys that attempt to learn near things: 124 files, 48.6 lines of Java

Support modules, such as Hadoop jobs used for various preprocessing tasks, the "Ask NELL" system, special-purpose utilities, and internal services like web service we use to manage and cache Google queries and results for all the different things that use them: 148 files, 33.6k lines of Java

The difference between the sum of those last three categories and the figure for the entire repository is either not in active use or not directly related to what's on the NELL web site or in the main NELL system publications.

Heiko Paulheim

Jun 12, 2018, 6:12:06 AM6/12/18
to NELL: Never-Ending Language Learner
Thank you very much! As a rough estimate, that is perfectly fine!

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