Disallow CmisSync access to Alfresco server

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Mar 2, 2016, 4:44:34 AM3/2/16
to CmisSync

I manage an Alfresco Community 5.x server with more than 2000 users. One of them discovered CmisSync. I would like to disallow CmisSync access to Alfresco.

Thx for your help,


Nicolas Raoul

Mar 2, 2016, 4:58:23 AM3/2/16
to cmis...@googlegroups.com
Hello Luc,

If 2000 users start using CmisSync, you can be proud that your server is useful (high user adoption), but indeed without a bit of preparation it can slow down your server significantly.
For the record, I will talk about the two solutions available in that case:

Solution A: Configure Alfresco/CmisSync to work efficiently
- Enable ChangeLog on Alfresco. This will allow CmisSync to be much more efficient.
- Follow the other pieces of advice at https://github.com/aegif/CmisSync/wiki/Improving-performance
- The ultimate solution is called "Zero Configuration": It gives the administrators control on how people use CmisSync. Read at the bottom of this page: http://CmisSync.com/get (note: it is part of CmisSync Business)

Solution B: Prevent people from synchronizing
- Find out what your Alfresco server's CMIS URL is.
- In your Tomcat configuration, disallow access to all URLs starting with that pattern.
- You can also do that at the firewall level.

Nicolas Raoul
CmisSync team

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Jun 3, 2016, 5:26:25 AM6/3/16
to CmisSync
Hello Nicolas,

Seems I forgot to check the "receive notification".

I prefer solution B, but I can't see how it is possible to disallow acces to an url which is also used by Share within a browser. Maybe I miss something.

Thx again for your reply

Best regards,

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