No se si alguien de los desarrolladores está en el grupo.
Hicieron algún tipo de prueba de performance o comparación contra otros
Smalltalks y que no hayan publicado?
Por supuesto, no sería lo mismo probar contra ODBC.
Hicierón pruebas de comparación contra ODBC?
Gracias y muy bueno el proyecto!
Gabriel escribió:
> Enconcre esto en el blog de Weekly Squeak. Felicitaciones a la gente
> de UTN que hizo esto si pertenecen a esta lista.
> SqueakDBX: beta release for OpenDBX plugin
> <
> de The Weekly Squeak
> <
> de Michael Davies
> A team of students from UTN
> <
http://www.utn.edu.ar/default.utn> (National Technological University
> in Argentina) co-ordinated by Estaban Lorenzano has just announced the
> first beta release
> <
> of SqueakDBX <
http://www.squeaksource.com/SqueakDBX.html>, a package
> to allow Squeak to access OpenDBX
> <
http://www.linuxnetworks.de/doc/index.php/OpenDBX> functionality, so
> allowing users to perform relational database operations (DDL, DML and
> SQL) through a truly open source library. OpenDBX can interact with
> major database engines such as Oracle and MSSQL besides open source
> databases such as Postgresql and MySQL. SqueakDBX can also integrate
> with GLORP <
> From the release notes, the key features for this release are:
> * Tested on 3.10 and Pharo.
> * Support for Linux and OSX.
> o Proved on windows (through MinGW), but some changes in
> OpenDBX are still needed (next version will have full
> compatibility).
> * Tested on PostgreSQL, MySQL and Oracle.
> o MS SQL Server, Firebird, Interbase, SQLite, SQLite3 and
> Sybase tests will be available as soon as possible.
> * Transactional management.
> * Automatic conversion of resultset columns (a String) into squeak
> types.
> o Large objects (clob, blob, arrays, and so on) are not yet
> supported.
> * Special OpenDBX options: multi-statments, compression, paged
> results.
> * Automated database connection release on garbage collection
> (although manual disconnection is recommended)
> * Error handling
> Some benchmark testing has been carried out
> <
http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6063>, and the performance of the
> drivers appears to be comparable with native drivers.
> The team are very keen to get feedback, bug reports, experiences on
> different platforms etc, and welcome any contributions. Sources can be
> download from SqueakSource <
http://www.squeaksource.com/SqueakDBX> (it
> requires FFI installed). Full documentation, installation and getting
> started instructions can be found at the SqueakDBX wiki page
> <
> This project has been selected as part of ESUG SummerTalk 2008
> <
> >