Re: Thoughts on the Survey About Buildings 16 and 17

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Cherie Nemeth

May 20, 2024, 7:33:38 PMMay 20
to Teresa Ziakas, Lynn Stuart, Kristee Kelly, Donald,, David Brookshire, LIST SERVE - OWNERS LEGACY LIST (, Mark Johnson,, ewmfcc

I own 2 weeks in Perlita 16P.  I am not in favor of an elevator between buildings 11 and16.  It is already noisy with just the pool guys there.  Can’t imagine more people coming and going.  It took a while to get my 2 weeks in a row because I liked that unit how it was, not with more traffic and noise.  I feel it will take away some of the privacy. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 11, 2022, at 10:54 PM, Teresa Ziakas <> wrote:

For those of you not on Facebook or who haven’t reviewed the proposal, here is some purview from someone ON the committee. 

Erick Malm wrote:  “ The Facilities Committee would like to address some of the questions that have come up concerning the 16/17 proposal...

- The remodels of all buildings have followed a path around the Club to ensure safety, least amount of disruption, and most possibility of construction containment.

-Following our remodel schedule posted in 2018, buildings 16/17 will be remodeled in 2023 as planned, whether the 4th floor is added or not.

- The proposed project on 16/17 would NOT delay or alter the schedule for future villa remodeling.

-Mark Giddings is paid a set yearly salary and does not benefit additionally from his creative suggestions and extra projects that only benefit the Club and our Members. 

- The Club and Members are benefitting from a complete renovation of all villas and common area projects, WITHOUT special assessment fees or costs passed on to the Members.  Unbelievable. 

-The QUIET elevator would be located outside of the existing floor plan and WILL NOT take up any interior space.

-Perlitas 16/17 will be beautifully remodeled, retaining the large patios with hammocks, added landscaping features, and added interior amenities. 

Please carefully read the information package in its entirety, as it contains info and answers to many of the questions and concerns expressed by our Members.”. Attached is a photo of the proposed building. 


Teresa Ziakas

On Jul 12, 2022, at 12:40 AM, Lynn Stuart <> wrote:

I sent this email to info@clubcascadas because I have lots of questions about the elevator 

I want to share because I think it’s important for everyone to have this conversation.   And as the week has progressed I am no longer in favor of the elevator.  It is a long email:

See below: 

Hello,  (first my apologies for long email but wanted to ask the many questions).
I have submitted my survey but after talking with other owners and reviewing the layout architectural design I have additional questions and I think these should be addressed. 

For reference, I owned Margarita 16 in weeks 19, 20, 21 & 22 for 34 years.  

Unfortunately, I did not respond timely in purchasing my legacy weeks in this villa and I miss the Margarita very much.   Now I own 5 weeks, 2 in Malaga 24T and 3 weeks in Perlita’s 13B and 20B.   So when I talk about the Margarita I know what I am talking about. 

My survey said, no 4th floor, elevator yes.   But I am seriously having second thoughts about this and its because I have been talking with other owners.   It’s so important that owners discuss this with other owners to get a clear perspective.   I am afraid that owners of other villas, such as Luna, Magdalena, Estrella, Villa Sol and such are voting and really have no idea what it’s like to own in Bldg 16 and 17.   

My questions here are in regards to the Perlita’s.   

1. It appears that the elevator doors are right by the revised Perlita bedroom Window?  Yes or no? 

2. What will keep little kids  (or even some adults) while using the elevator from peeking into the Perlita’s bedroom?  What if I am having a siesta/or just having a private moment.    It seems like I am in a fishbowl.

3. People walking by on the walkway is another scenario, they can’t see into your windows.  But if someone is right up against the window, they can put their face up to window and look in.   I own in other Perlita’s and I like the bedroom drapes open as it gives my villa light thru out.   If I had to close my bedroom drapes for privacy it would be dark.  These bldg’s get morning sun, no afternoon sun.  So all light is nice.

4. Having an elevator door right by your bedroom window does not provide privacy to the people in that villa, in fact it rips their privacy away.   Will they need to keep the bedroom drapes closed at all times? 

5.  Will the bedroom window in the Perlita’s open or are they sealed closed?  

6. Where is the window for the bathroom?  It is hard to distinguish in the design. 

7. What about the noise level of people coming and going all hours of the night/day and using the elevator?   We have owners and renters who our out late some are very respectful of noise and some are not.  And to have someone who is not respectful, right at your bedroom window is not a good thing. 

8. What is the pathway that a villa user would use to get to the elevator?   Will people need to buy a sign that say’s, “Get off my patio”?  I say that in jest but it is a serious question and has not been addressed as it seems the Perlita patio size is being reduced and a portion is becoming a community patio. 

9.  What type of privacy will a Perlita owner have in the evening while relaxing on their patio or hammock enjoying dinner on the patio or just a quite time with family, loved one or friends? 

10.  What about the owners who have young children and own the Perlita?  I see lots of times parents set up play time in the sand in front of their villa by the patio for the children to play.  This allows parents to relax on patio/hammock and watch the kids.
How does that play out with this new design? 

Because I own Perlita’s these are valid questions for me and I have bought specific Perlita’s for the privacy.    And adding elevators to buildings 16 and 17 could mean that more elevators are coming.  

Also, during day and night times I generally have my bedroom drape open and if I am in my villa, I have the bedroom sliding door open for the beautiful fresh air.   I do not want someone standing by the bedroom window to see all my stuff.   That is huge violation of privacy. 

Can my questions please be addressed and information about my questions sent out to the owners?  

Thank you so much for taking the time to address. 
Lynn Stuart 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 11, 2022, at 3:42 PM, Kristee Kelly <> wrote:

 In between my two patios is a very narrower sidewalk where people will be walking. 11p and 16p. 

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Sunday, July 10, 2022, 7:14 AM, Donald <> wrote:

As an owner of Margarita 16, I always found sitting on the front porch to be too hot during the day, and would be happy to have a bit more shade which the design appears to provide.

I agree with Jason and Steve’s points.

I think we need to press for specifics on what it would cost to move to the forth floor unit.

I think the Perlita owners’ concern about traffic is legit. I’m not really familiar with the Perlita outside space, but I wonder if something could be done to create privacy between their porch and the elevator entrance?


From: <> on behalf of Lynn Stuart <>
Sent: Saturday, July 9, 2022 9:16 PM
To: <>
Cc: David Brookshire <>; Kristee Kelly <>; LIST SERVE - OWNERS LEGACY LIST ( <>; Mark Johnson <>; <>; ewmfcc <>
Subject: Re: Thoughts on the Survey About Buildings 16 and 17
Preliminary?   Hmmm
That’s a bit far fetching
They already have the architectural layout design. 

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On Jul 9, 2022, at 6:06 PM, Steve Wasserman <> wrote:

Those are preliminary concept drawings. 

On Sat, Jul 9, 2022 at 9:05 PM Lynn Stuart <> wrote:
That’s not what the design shows
Look at it.  The doors open to the patio on Escondido and Margarita’s 

A person has to enter on that side

Of course they don’t tell us any of that.   

They also plant in the demo picture a tree that hides that. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 9, 2022, at 5:35 PM, ewmfcc <> wrote:

NO one would be walking through any perlita patio to access the elevator. 
Elevator access is outside of the patio.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Lynn Stuart <>
Date: 7/9/22 3:33 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: Kristee Kelly <>
Subject: Re: Thoughts on the Survey About Buildings 16 and 17

What you mention about people walking they your patio makes perfect sense.   It gives me pause on liking the elevators and I the. Even went and looked at my Perlita’s in 13b and 20b.  

It’s very important owners have this discussion as it brings up perspectives that anyone owning in other villas would not think of.   

Thank you 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 9, 2022, at 2:04 PM, Kristee Kelly <> wrote:

 I am a Perlita owner. We own Perlita 16p and 11 p. Personally I am against the elevators because people with be walking right by our patios to get to building 16 elevator. Right now our patios are pretty private even though they are by the pool. People will walk right between our patios and stand by them to wait for the elevator. 

Don’t get me wrong we really like meeting people and making friends at Cascadas but we are not looking forward to added foot traffic by our patios. Hopefully it doesn’t go through. 

Kristee Kelly 

Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Saturday, July 9, 2022, 1:39 PM, Lynn Stuart <> wrote:

They do get first bids but who knows what the cost is and then they have to sell existing Margarita 

It’s not a clean exchange.

 Money is going out the door and with the economy right now~spending additional money is not an option for a lot of people.  

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 9, 2022, at 1:21 PM, Mark Johnson <> wrote:

Personally it’s unthinkable to me that this proposal could go forward without giving any impacted Marg owners the option to move up to the “new” top floor.   They bought Margs not Escondidos.  (Nothing against Escondidos as I have one as well.)

On Sat, Jul 9, 2022 at 2:37 PM Lynn Stuart <> wrote:
I owned Margarita 16, 4 weeks in a row for 34 years.   
I downgraded for legacy mainly because we missed the option to buy when legacy first came out 
Then when we wanted to, our weeks had been sold. 

I agree with the elevator 
I don’t agree with the 4th flr

It is so relaxing to be on the front deck and have sunshine and stars

I think this build changes the current Margaritas to an Escondido J

What are the concerns of those in the Perlita?  I don’t think I have read any Perlita owners comments. 

Thanks Lynn

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 9, 2022, at 12:11 PM, David Brookshire <> wrote:

Hello Folks:


I have followed the comments on the proposed additions to building 16 and 17.


For context, let me tell you that we are owners of Margarita 16 in building 16. And we are getting old 😊.


The proposal does not suffer from the issues that were associated with Building 6; specifically the blocking of views and creating a monolith in the middle of the Club.


I believe the proposal is well done. It will add value to the Club and there does not create aesthetic issues. The only concern I have is the impact on the Perlita owners who raised issues that hopefully will be addressed. I believe a start on this issue can be found in the Facebook response.  


Best, David


David S. Brookshire

Distinguished Professor (Emeritus)

1901 Via del Sol NE

Albuquerque, NM 87110

Cell Phone: 505 980 4864




From: <> On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2022 7:44 AM
To: Steve Crawford <>; Jason H <>; Welcome to Club Cascadas De Baja <>
Subject: Re: Survey About Buildings 16 and 17



The increased revenue from sales of the new units and their maintenance fees will help continue the Club's terrific record of small to no increases in the annual fees.


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Crawford <>
Sent: Jul 6, 2022 8:02 PM
To: Jason H <>, Welcome to Club Cascadas De Baja <>
Subject: Re: Survey About Buildings 16 and 17


Hi all

I have read all the responses so far. We own Escondido 16 and have been looking forward to the remodel, however,. I think there are so many people that have owned units for years and would really benefit from having the opportunity to purchase units with elevators. There won’ be that big of an impact on the facility as it only adds up to 12 people per week. 

In regards to the Margarita owners, I hope the committee gives them the first opportunity to move to the top floor. (If the proposal goes through).    

I see Any upgrade to Cascadas as an upgrade for us all. And the increased revenue is a benefit to us all as well. 

I know change is hard for many people but this seems like a small change and a positive one. 

The construction will take a bit longer but we’ve endured this long, hopefully a couple more months won’t be the end of the world 



Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Wednesday, July 6, 2022, 1:02 PM, Jason H <> wrote:

We're with you Jody, one of our weeks is in Margarita 17 which we love as is. Main reason we went that route was because we wanted a top floor unit. There is clearly a good amount of support for this idea, so if this goes through and anyone wants a unit with an elevator we will have Week 30 for sale. 

Jason Hayes

On Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 7:31:24 PM UTC-6 wrote:

As an owner of 2 weeks in Margarita 16 - I’d be ALL FOR this scenario!  As it is however - it’s a HUGE LOSER situation for us!! 

Jody H Thomas


On Jul 5, 2022, at 7:04 PM, Perry Rebitt <> wrote:

Maybe that’s the way this should have been proposed. I’m indifferent to another level on those buildings as it really only affects the current Margarita owners. Maybe they should be given the new unit and their current Margaritas are what goes to open market?  They would be getting the upper unit as they have now with elevator access….what’s not to like??


Sent from my iPhone


On Jul 5, 2022, at 18:30, Mark Johnson <> wrote:

My guess is people who invested in a Margarita likely feel a bit differently about the idea of a unit above them.   I know I certainly would if they ever decide to look at building 12 for this.  I’m surprised those in that boat aren’t guaranteed to move to the new unit that may go above them. 


On Tue, Jul 5, 2022 at 7:21 PM Esta Zettel <> wrote:

We have Escondido 16 and support the proposed 2nd Margarita as a 4th level addition.  The view will be good with no obstruction of other's views, there is a demand for more 2 bedroom units, and the addition of 12 people max per week with the buildout of 16 and 17 will not overcrowd the Club.  Developing a new income stream will benefit the Club with sales and yearly dues.  We have to look forward and not remain static.  Mark does a great job and continues with the Giddings architectural concept, but he can't please everybody.  I too have remodel/construction fatigue, but we have to stay current.


On Mon, Jul 4, 2022 at 1:11 PM Timothy Yates <> wrote:

I'm not sure how many of the responders so far actually have time in buildings 16 or 17.

It's easy to dismiss the concerns of those directly affected if one is not going to be inconvenienced by the proposed construction.


On Mon, Jul 4, 2022 at 12:23 PM Teresa Ziakas <> wrote:




Teresa Ziakas


On Jul 4, 2022, at 12:33 PM, Jane Taylor <> wrote:


You’re totally missing the point and many of the comments show a frank lack of insight…..nothing stays the same our maintenance fees… will inevitably go up but the sales of these units will bring revenue into the reserve accounts to help offset future emergencies as well as generate more maintenance fees, We’re lucky to have Mark to do the construction, and repairs…  remember all the hurricane damage ( there will be more ) he lives here, knows all the locals and can get things done in a timely fashion, we simply can’t compete with the Four Seasons or Westin for pricing and immediacy. To suggest he needs the money is petty and short sighted.


The cost of management ,labor, food, security will all be increasing with inflation and time , all I hear are people complaining about how this impacts their own narrow sphere for a brief period of time not what would help all of us over a much longer duration, and we have Escondido 16  and it’s not the big deal people are making it out to be.


if you want to talk about the singular most negative construction of the resort its all the palapas , which block the view from the pool.  the view walking to the beach was the most dynamic aspect of Cascadas, a huge marketing and sales tool for any new visitor and is featured in almost every photo, that no longer exists because people were too lazy to use umbrellas and fought over the existing ones like children, go to Rio all the umbrellas are taken down every evening and only put up as needed during the day,  preserving the beauty of the beach and the view. Even when you’re on the beach you cant see the view, and we ‘ve noticed more people taking their own umbrellas or towels to the public beach.


To consider changes to only two units isn’t a big push ,nor will it have any change on the imprint of the club. Please consider what will benefit all the members!!!!


Walt and Jane Schell


From: Gary Lee <>
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2022 5:54 AM
To: 'Welcome to Club Cascadas De Baja' <>
Cc: 'Teresa Ziakas' <>; 'Jane Taylor' <>
Subject: RE: Survey About Buildings 16 and 17


Well, this is how I responded.  I love the Giddings, but in reality this is no longer a family business.


I have been going to Cascadas since before all the buildings were complete, and own three weeks. This is another example of proposing changes to the complex that are just not necessary. Like the previous building 6 proposal, it seems to be on a bizarre wish list. Also,  many units still have not been upgraded.  The is no need to continually alter Cascadas to keep Mark's construction company in business for perpetuity.


From: [] On Behalf Of Timothy Yates
Sent: Saturday, July 02, 2022 11:14 AM
To: Dave Schultz
Cc: Vicki Wantke; Teresa Ziakas; Jane Taylor; Welcome to Club Cascadas De Baja
Subject: Re: Survey About Buildings 16 and 17


Again, well-said!

We have 3 weeks in quiet, little Perlita 17S. 

With the proposed construction, elevator noise, increased traffic flow, and, at least partial, blockage of the sunny couple of hours on our hammock around noon will make it significantly less congenial.

I hope other owners of our unit and of other units in buildings 16 and 17 will oppose this proposal




On Fri, Jul 1, 2022 at 1:26 PM Dave Schultz <> wrote:

Let me be clear; my wife and I own weeks 16 & 17 for Perlita 16P.  We also own weeks 14 & 15 for Cascades 208.  We set up our retirement for 4 continuous weeks at Cascades about 20 years ago.


I get it, those stairs up to the upper units are tough.  But, you purchased them – stairs were there when you bought.   My Perlita – always on the ground floor.  A one bedroom, met our needs and especially after we moved into our 70’s.


We will be forwarding our thoughts on the survey questions regarding the addition of a 4th floor to building 16.  Some questions we may have now have not been answered by the renderings forwarded to us thus far.  Given that, the rendering do not answer the questions we know have and our deadline is July 17?  Answers coming when?  Prior to the 17th?  Decisions when?


I would ask, any owners now (or in the near future) at Cascades walk by our unit.  Observe the privacy, the spacious patio, the hammock.  Unit 16P is a gem.  Close to the pool, large patio, the use of vegetation to give us privacy from the probably the most walked path from the street to the beach.  We spend almost each evening on that patio either having a late dinner or nitecap.  We love it.


We have waited for the renovations, knowing we were going to be last.  Seeing the updated Perlitas – we just waited and anticipated the updates.


And now.  Taking away the vegation, possible taking away out a comfortable hammock, an elimination of our privacy by putting an entrance directly from the pool, and an underdetermined entrance to the added elevator from the obscure drawing relating to building 16.


We are crushed. Our little Perlita P16 will never be the same.


Dave Schultz




On Fri, Jul 1, 2022 at 12:39 PM Vicki Wantke <> wrote:

Teresa, I wasn’t the one that wrote the paragraph you are talking about

Sent from my iPad


On Jul 1, 2022, at 10:25 AM, Teresa Ziakas <> wrote:

I was going to agree with you until I got to your last paragraph  Can you explain what “being woke” means? Or how about the economic and world impact of the price of crude oil?


Stop with the political bullshit. Our beautiful resort has nothing to do with who’s POTUS, the price of oil, or anything else related to the US political cesspool. 


Teresa Ziakas


On Jul 1, 2022, at 12:18 PM, Vicki Wantke <> wrote:

Why is Biden brought into your comments? 


I own Escondido 17 week 14. I am thinking over the pros and cons before doing the survey. I know it won’t block any views except the Rose. The elevator would be good as I age. But I’d like to know how much it would increase my maintenance fees. I own Margarita 10 as well and would love an elevator in that building. I also own 2 weeks at Ocho Cascadas. They put in elevators when the resort was renovated. They are wonderful and do not detract from the architecture. 


I would love to see access to one of the bathrooms from the living room in Escondidos and Margaritas.  It would be so nice for people sleeping on the couches to not have to walk through someone’s bedroom to access the bathroom. I’ve asked for this several times throughout the renovation process. 



Sent from my iPad


On Jul 1, 2022, at 9:23 AM, Jane Taylor <> wrote:


Before people pop off and complain about views and noise, the Giddings had no obligation to update the property, they had already sold off enough legacy units to get out , but it was important to them to keep improving and updating an aging property , 16 and 17 construction will occur at the same time as the remodel and the only view it will block is the Pueblo Rosae, which we would all like blocked anyway, it’s been an eyesore for years, we have an Escondido in unit 16 and have no problems giving up  any time for improvements  maintenance fee or no fee. I assume that if you were to sell your own home you might have to update it match current market value or sell it at a discount which is exactly what we will be doing if continued improvements are not made . There are so many new luxury hotels and time shares that Cascadas cannot compete with in terms of style , age , and amenities that whatever upscale units can be devised would be a plus for future sales. We have brought no less than 15 couples in the last 12 years all under 60 ,  well , well above normal incomes, and not a single one has bought a unit.


We have Concepcion 5 and unless you are disabled and will spend your entire vacation in the unit or on the patio, there is absolutely no view to obstruct, only the front units Arco, Perla, Sol, Cortez have a true view of the ocean and arches, even the ones facing the wash have to overlook and listen to the noise from the access road, public beach and public access.  The “ light “ is seasonal and extra height would have given more shade in the summer months. It’s an inner unit and would have given the same feel as the Sol which generates 3400 per week in maintenance fees,  170,000 per year. Remember these are not homes, they are only a place to sleep when you are at the beach.


To those who complain that additional people would be a burden, then lets lobby to have to adults only, exclude people from bringing their children and grandchildren who sleep on the sofas, take more seats at the restaurant , and need more than one palapa at the beach. Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it. We were there for two weeks in May, prime time , and the resort was at best 80% occupied we had no problems with beach, restaurant seating, but I worry that “ where is the revenue “ and this isn’t the summer months where the rate is even lower. Please think before you speak !!!!


I assume most are not using a rotary phone, typewriter, beehive hairdo, listen to 44 records of Frank Sinatra, or still have their  1973 Bonnevilles but now I’m not so sure. For those of you that are stuck in the 80’s good luck, because Biden is president, gas is $6 per gallon, your 401 Ks are shrinking daily, your wokeness doesn’t seem to include the most common element which is common sense. ..


Mark has done an incredible job of updating these units with a sense of style and décor that are natural, subtle , and totally in keeping with the character his father established. I don’t think you give him enough credit for his efforts to preserve this legacy , his concepts and ideas have been extremely thoughtful and well planned, the Sol and Delfin are just two examples and new construction could be equally as impressive. Let the lessons of the old Hacienda, Solmar, and Twin Dophins serve as a lesson for the future….quaint, picturesque, the best of their era, none survived , they have all been replaced by updated versions in toto.


These new construction proposals should be a no brainer, we’ve contacted no less than 10 owners who we know personally in a very short time who tend to be less involved in all these discussions, and I would argue that “ they have a life “, and rarely felt the need to be vocal , but were shocked the previous construction of 6 was halted because of the verbal few, when the rest of us assume the board will make these decisions for the well being of the many not the petty objections of a few. This is the first time we personally have been involved but going forward this will not be the last.


Walt and Jane Schell

From: <> On Behalf Of Timothy Yates
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2022 8:43 PM
To: Kim Curtsinger <>
Cc: Kolleen Henderson <>; Pat Moss <>; Teresa Ziakas <>;;
Subject: Re: Survey About Buildings 16 and 17B


That may be so but we have been waiting for some years to have our unit renovated. Further construction can wait until the renos are done.


On Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 9:27 PM Kim Curtsinger <> wrote:

This is an entirely different animal. Building 6 is in the middle of the complex. Which would have restricted views from several villas. 

The buildings 


On Jun 30, 2022, at 8:09 PM, Timothy Yates <> wrote:


Amen! We’ll said!!


On Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 7:19 PM <> wrote:

You would think that after the building 6 fiasco, last year, they wouldn’t try another stunt like this.  Finish the remodel that has been ongoing for the last 10 years and give us peace and quiet for a while!  So simple.


Ann Dean


From: <> On Behalf Of Kolleen Henderson
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2022 5:57 PM
To: Teresa Ziakas <>
Cc: Pat Moss <>;
Subject: Re: Survey About Buildings 16 and 17


Why are they try to make this so much less friendly. We would all appreciate some quiet. We would also like to keep the views we purchased. 

Kolleen Henderson



On Thu, Jun 30, 2022 at 5:54 PM Teresa Ziakas <> wrote:

Any idea when meeting minutes will be distributed? I was unable to attend, but I would expect these would be distributed in less than 3 weeks after the meeting?



Teresa Ziakas


On Jun 30, 2022, at 7:15 PM, Pat Moss <> wrote:


Dear Member,

As presented at the Annual Meeting, an information packet and a survey have been posted on the Members Corner of the website ( related to the possibility of adding two 4th level Margarita C Villas atop buildings 16 and 17 during the renovations in 2023.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated and kindly request that the packet is reviewed prior to responding to the survey.

Responses will be accepted through Sunday July 17, 2022.

To access the information packet, CLICK HERE (

To access the survey, CLICK HERE (

We look forward to your participation and if you have any questions or problems signing into the Members Corner of the website, please email


On behalf of your Board of Directors,








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Dave Schultz

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This is a group for individuals who owners in Club Cascadas Legacy, who wish to discuss how to improve the resort as well as voice their valid concerns about our Club Cascadas ownership/membership. If you need any assistance please contact
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This is a group for individuals who owners in Club Cascadas Legacy, who wish to discuss how to improve the resort as well as voice their valid concerns about our Club Cascadas ownership/membership. If you need any assistance please contact
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This is a group for individuals who owners in Club Cascadas Legacy, who wish to discuss how to improve the resort as well as voice their valid concerns about our Club Cascadas ownership/membership. If you need any assistance please contact
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This is a group for individuals who owners in Club Cascadas Legacy, who wish to discuss how to improve the resort as well as voice their valid concerns about our Club Cascadas ownership/membership. If you need any assistance please contact
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Best regards,


Sent from my handheld device with a tiny keyboard so please excuse the typos.

This is a group for individuals who owners in Club Cascadas Legacy, who wish to discuss how to improve the resort as well as voice their valid concerns about our Club Cascadas ownership/membership. If you need any assistance please contact
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This is a group for individuals who owners in Club Cascadas Legacy, who wish to discuss how to improve the resort as well as voice their valid concerns about our Club Cascadas ownership/membership. If you need any assistance please contact
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This is a group for individuals who owners in Club Cascadas Legacy, who wish to discuss how to improve the resort as well as voice their valid concerns about our Club Cascadas ownership/membership. If you need any assistance please contact
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Dave Schultz

May 20, 2024, 8:02:26 PMMay 20
to Cherie Nemeth, Teresa Ziakas, Lynn Stuart, Kristee Kelly, Donald,, David Brookshire, LIST SERVE - OWNERS LEGACY LIST (, Mark Johnson, Welcome to Club Cascadas De Baja, ewmfcc
We recently stayed in our 2 weeks (weeks 16&17) in Perlita 16P for the first time since the renovation.

We could not have been more pleased with our "home away from home".

Our secluded patio, the amenities, and the lack of noise from the pool guys in the morning!  All is good.  The elevator is no issue - and we have friends that appreciate it for the upper floors.

We just miss the bamboo pole shower curtain and guessing how many poles will be there this year.

Good job Mark!  Thanks.

Dave Schultz and Sherrill Hider

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