Cloud Computing Paper publications in Scopus/SCI Journals, pls cite these papers in your research papers

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Mar 16, 2022, 3:32:07 AM3/16/22
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1.   R.Kanniga Devi, K.Vimala Devi, S.Arumugam "Dynamic batch mode Cost-efficient Independent Task Scheduling Scheme in Cloud computing", International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and its Applications ,Vol.8,No.2,July 2016,pp:84-95 (ISSN:2074-8523), publisher: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia ,Malaysia (Scopus) 

2.    Kanniga Devi Rangaswamy and Murugaboopathi Gurusamy, Application of Graph Theory Concepts in Computer Networks and its Suitability for the Resource Provisioning Issues in Cloud Computing-A Review, Journal of Computer Science, Science Publication, USA, Jan 2018, pp:163-172, DOI: 10.3844/jcssp.2018.163.172 (Scopus indexed: SJR: 0.3), ISSN: 1552-6607

3.  R.Kanniga Devi, G.Murugaboopathi, P.Vijayakumar, “An Efficient Cloud Data Center  Allocation to the Source of Requests”, Vol.32, Issue.3, article 3, Special Issue: Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing,  Journal of Organizational and End user computing, Vol.32, Issue 3, pp: 23-36, July 2020, 051017-010001, ISSN: 1546-2234, DOI: 10.4018/JOEUC.2020070103, Publisher: IGI Global, USA (SCIE indexed,IF:0.759)

4. R.Kanniga Devi, G.Murugaboopathi, M.Muthukannan, “Load Monitoring and  System-Traffic-aware Live VM Migration-based Load Balancing in Cloud Data Center using Graph Theoretic Solutions”, Cluster Computing- The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications, Vol.21, Issue 3,pp: 1623–1638, 2018, ISSN: 1573-7543, Publisher: Springer, USA, DOI: (SCIE indexed,IF:2.040).

5. R.Kanniga Devi, G.Murugaboopathi, "An Efficient Clustering and Load Balancing of Distributed Cloud Data Centers using Graph Theory", International Journal of Communication Systems, January 2019, pp:1-17, Publisher: Wiley, ISSN: 1099-1131, DOI: (SCIE indexed, IF:1.717)

6. R.Meenakshi Priya, R.Kanniga Devi, "Multi-Objective Optimization Techniques for Load Balancing by Virtual Machine Migration in Cloud Computing", International Journal of Cloud Computing, Special Issue on: Advanced Computing and Communication Systems, Inderscience,Vol.8, No.3, 214-226, 2019, DOI: 10.1504/IJCC.2019.103889 (Scopus)

7.R.Kanniga Devi, G.Murugaboopathi, "An Energy-efficient Tree-based approach for Optimal Virtual Machine Placement in Cloud Environment", Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol 10, Issue 2, 307-314,2016, ISSN: 1991-8178,publisher: American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information Publications(AENSI) (Scopus)

8. R.Kanniga Devi , S.Sujan ,”A Survey on Application of Cloudsim Toolkit in Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology  Volume 3,  Issue 6, June 2014, ISSN (Online) : 2319 – 8753,

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