Export products and user events

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Oliver Pringle

belum dibaca,
9 Mar 2021, 13.20.4609/03/21
I want to export all products and user events from a GCP project, with the goal of importing them into a different GCP project.

I cannot find docs on how to do this. Is this possible?

Peng Ren

belum dibaca,
10 Mar 2021, 00.25.4310/03/21

Hi Oliver,

Currently there's no easy way for you to do it. We are planning to provide export capability in the future but it's not something to be launched soon.
For now, what you could do is leverage the ListCatalogItems(v1beta1) and ListUserEvents(v1beta) APIs to iterate and export your products and events in our system, after that, you can upload them again into another project. This is a tedious process but there are no better ways than this so far. Sorry for the inconvenience.


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