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eLearning Support at Houston, USA

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Sravanthi reddy G

Mar 28, 2013, 1:29:53 PM3/28/13
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Dear Partner,

United Software Group, Inc (USG) is a highly recognized provider of professional IT Consulting services in the US.


Here is our open requirement which can be filled immediately. Kindly respond to this requirement with your consultant resume, contact and current location info to speed up the interview process.

Job Title:
eLearning Support


Primary Skills:

The associate should have thorough understanding of eLearning and Training domain, ITIL foundation certification

Houston, USA

Duration: 1 year



Should have understanding of Learning Management systems like Moodle and Virtual class room systems like Adobe connect
Should understand various Adobe flash player issues and how to resolve those
Can understand and manage routine issues involving browsers, networks etc.
Should be capable of administrating eLearning courses in the above systems
Should be able provide L1 support for users in eLearning
Understand common problems, issues facing first time and experienced users and resolution of issues
At least 4-6 years’ experience in the field of eLearning ? LMS domain
Knowledge about Learning management systems
Knowledge of eLearning standards like SCORM 1.2/2004 and AICC standards
Hands on experience in administrating and maintenance of Learning Management systems like Moodle, Adobe Connect
Knowledge of common issues in administering learning content like Browser issues, issues with respect to various plug ins, connectivity, Security settings etc.
Can run promotional campaigns for compliance related courses
Proactive and understand commonly faced issues and sort out proactively
Work closely with L&D and Business teams to get requisite information on course administration, and delivery
Excellent technical, verbal and written communications skills.
Team player and a self-starter who can work independently to exploit technologies.
Researches and evaluates alternative solutions and makes recommendations.
Ability to multi-task within a team-oriented environment.

Please provide me the following details   (ASAP) :


BASIC Details


Title (Mr. / Ms.)


First Name


Middle Name


Last Name


Date of Birth




Nationality/VISA Status/Current validity

 Country /Work Authorization/MM/YYYY

Available From

 Start date Availability

Contact Number


Email ID

 Xxx at domain .com

Skype ID

Interview Availability (Any 3 Time Slots)

Total IT Experience


Experience in required skills


Grade/Years of Experience


Skills (Please Mention if any Certifications)

 Please mention the important skills which the consultant have and the requirement needs/Any certifications the consultants holds

Educational Details


Name of Degree (Bachelors/Engineering)



 Computers/Mechanical/Electrical/Any thing

Duration Start Date(Month & Year)


Duration End Date(Month & Year)


% Marks/Grade



 Name of the University

Education (Regular/Distance)




Thanks & Regards,


Sravanthi Reddy

United Software Group Inc.

565 Metro Place South, Suite 110

Dublin, OH 43017


Ph   : 614-376-4988

Fax : 866-764-1148.

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