about UnboundID SCIM 1.8

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Prasad Parab

Aug 9, 2016, 2:09:09 AM8/9/16
to Cloud Directory


I am trying to connect to some target systems by using “unboundID scim SDK 1.8.12”. I am able to connect some target systems like “UnboundID scim server” but stuck when trying to connect salesforce.

I able to retierve all users from saleforce but when try to retirve schema from saleforce it failed with exception

“com.unboundid.scim.sdk.InvalidResourceException: Resource 'Schema' is malformed: Sub-attribute subAttributes is not defined for attribute urn:scim:schemas:core:1.0:subAttributes]”

Bello is my code snippet to get schema



    public void discoverSchema() throws Exception {

        Schema schema = null;

        SCIMService svc = createService();


        SCIMEndpoint<ResourceDescriptor> schemaEndpoint =


        try {

            Resources<ResourceDescriptor> resources = schemaEndpoint.query(null);

            Iterator<ResourceDescriptor> it = resources.iterator();

                 //logic to put in database


} catch (SCIMException e) {

            throw new ConnectorException(e);










I am using scim-sdk-1.8.12.jar. I also attached the JSON response for get schema to salesforce.


According to my analysis it seems like  failed at manager’s sub-attribute in extension model. extension model structure shown bellow




          "name": "urn:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:1.0",

          "type": "complex",

          "multiValued": false,

          "description": "Scim Enterprise extensions",

          "schema": "urn:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:1.0",

          "readOnly": false,

          "required": true,

          "subAttributes": [


              "name": "organization",

              "type": "string",

              "description": "The organization the user belongs to",

              "readOnly": true,

              "required": true,

              "caseExact": false



              "name": "employeeNumber",

              "type": "string",

              "description": "The employee number of the user",

              "readOnly": false,

              "required": false,

              "caseExact": false



              "name": "division",

              "type": "string",

              "description": "The division of the user",

              "readOnly": false,

              "required": false,

              "caseExact": false



              "name": "department",

              "type": "string",

              "description": "The department of the user",

              "readOnly": false,

              "required": false,

              "caseExact": false



             "name": "manager",

              "type": "complex",

              "description": "The manager of the user",

              "readOnly": false,

              "required": false,

              "caseExact": false,

              "subAttributes": [


                  "name": "managerId",

                  "type": "string",

                  "description": "The id of the manager user",

                  "readOnly": false,

                  "required": false,

                  "caseExact": false



                  "name": "displayName",

                  "type": "string",

                  "description": "The display name of the manager user",

                  "readOnly": true,

                  "required": false,

                  "caseExact": false








Is I am done something wrong in code?

Please help me to find what is going wrong here.




Thanks and Regards,

Prasad Parab










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