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On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 6:12 AM, Tim Crawford <tim.cr...@me.com> wrote:
Agreed. I blogged about this very issue today.
On Apr 21, 2011, at 6:42 PM, Ali, Saqib wrote:
Poor amazon has gotten a lot of bad press today. But as if that's not enough, the so-called "analysts" are targeting the whole cloud computing paradigm. While the hybrid cloud vendors are touting their offerings, the nay sayers are rejoicing.I think these so-called experts need to go back to school and re-take the application design principles 101. Any recent computer science student knows the importance of building resiliency and redundancy in an app. A good design accounts for the the datastore being unavailable by including replicated datastores in the design. You would do the same even if the application was hosted in your datacenter, why treat amazon any different? Datacenters go down, whether they are internal or in the cloud. It's the reality. Build your applications accordingly.saqib@weaselese--
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There are a lot of great points on this thread. Like any disruptive paradigm shift the movement to the "Cloud" will take it's bumps and bruises. The unfortunate thing about Amazon's Cloud being the one to take the first hit is the branding and overall name recognition of the Amazon Cloud itself will lead to more fear, uncertainty and doubt. Delivering applications and hosting websites on the Internet is not new - we all know that. Companies like Akamai, Limelight, and IP Services have been providing hosting services for well over a decade. Applications like Intuit (Quicken, TurboTax), EA etc have had this model for well over 15 years. The outage is not a reflection of the "Cloud" per se but that of the overall capacity of a specific data center in which those sites were hosted. All of us that have been in IT industry for more than a handful of years have seen failure at some point. While the media is hyping up a technical glitch - we should all ask - were there any user errors involved? As noted in the multiple threads on the topic - did the users build out a DR site at a different location (best practice) or not? Amazon may have expanded more quickly than they anticipated - as with any highly publicized glitch - they will analyze, address and move forward. Yes there are other providers but let us not forget - having been one of the largest retailers for quite a while - they have achieved operational excellence, built in redundancy, and built a great brand because of it. Most of the companies I interviewed for my book are considering Amazon or a 3rd party ISV (Akamai and Limelight) over PaaS providers to circumvent vendor lock in and control future costs. For those interested - Visible Ops Private Cloud is available on AMAZON :-) - http://www.amazon.com/Visible-Ops-Private-Cloud-Virtualization/dp/0975568639/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1303489642&sr=8-1 ) - This thread is very insightful and an interesting read. Cheers, Jeanne Morain www.universalclient.blogspot.com twitter: JeanneMorain --- On Fri, 4/22/11, Scott Herson <she...@joyent.com> wrote: |
>> Unless people negotiated a special SLA, amazon's SLA is basically
"we promise nothing, and can do anything we want, at any time".
From the Amazon EC2 SLA at https://aws.amazon.com/ec2-sla/:
"AWS will use commercially reasonable efforts to make Amazon EC2
available with an Annual Uptime Percentage (defined below) of at least
99.95% during the Service Year.
In normal usage, 99.95% uptime means 4.38291 hours of downtime in a
The Amazon SLA states:
“Annual Uptime Percentage” is calculated by subtracting from 100% the
percentage of 5 minute periods during the Service Year in which Amazon
EC2 was in the state of “Region Unavailable.
“Region Unavailable” and “Region Unavailability” means that more than
one Availability Zone in which you are running an instance, within the
same Region, is “Unavailable” to you. "
Ken North