AWS Initial Setup Help

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Zack Goodger

Nov 7, 2022, 10:10:14 AM11/7/22
to Cloud Carbon Footprint
Hi, I'm following along with the documentation but it's a little confusing. Can someone confirm what exactly is needed for this part of the cloud formation template:



Description: The trusted entity's ARN that can assume the CCF role

Type: String

Default: arn:aws:iam::<ACCOUNT ID>:<NAME> - what exactly is needed here? 

Also, if someone can help me understand if I'm following the setup guide correctly as its quite confusing, just to confirm I'm setting this up via an EC2 Instance:

npm install yarn

npx yarn guided-install

setup account ID, Account Name, AWS Region, Role Name (Is this the role we create above using cfn?) specify Athena DB and table names and query bucket name.

Setup AWS CLI 

Cat files below and double check the content is correct:

cat cloud-carbon-footprint/packages/cli/.env

cat cloud-carbon-footprint/packages/api/.env

Edit Config.ts 

nano cloud-carbon-footprint/packages/client/src/Config.ts 

edit the CURRENT_PROVIDERS array to only show AWS 

yarn start (this doesn't work for me but I'm perhaps missing something) 

Cloud Carbon Footprint

Nov 9, 2022, 1:19:21 PM11/9/22
to Cloud Carbon Footprint
Hi Zack,
Thanks for reaching out,
For setting up with EC2, this thread has some information that may be helpful to take a look at for a start:
If this doesn't help, you could try to start only using npm commands rather than using yarn (yarn isn't required as it is just the package manager).

Regarding the parameters - they pertain to the account you'd like to set ccf up for. We're not sure exactly how else to help, but here's an example of what it might look like `arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johndoe`, and the arn documentation.
In case you weren't aware, you could also forgo the cloud formation template and do this set up via console, and use the template as a guide. It may be a bit less confusing.

The Cloud Carbon Footprint team at Thoughtworks

Zack Goodger

Nov 10, 2022, 5:56:20 AM11/10/22
to Cloud Carbon Footprint
Hi, I actually managed to get it sort of working in Docker but I'm not hitting this error: 

docker error.png
I've checked the config and it definitely has a region specified, is there anywhere else I need to specify this? I pressume credentials is used for API so does not require a region being set in there? 

The region is also the same region as the athena db & tables also. 
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