Feature Request - Skip Unmodified Files

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Mark Dreyer

Jul 29, 2013, 5:39:50 PM7/29/13
to closure-lin...@googlegroups.com
For large javascript applications, it would be helpful for the linter to skip files that have not been modified since the last time closure linter ran. Similar to how a compiler works.

We have a large js codebase and it seems inefficient to run the linter on every single file when only a few were changed.  This could be accomplished with some sort of script that records the last run time and compares that with the last modified date, but I think this could be a useful feature in the linter itself.

Nathan Naze

Jul 29, 2013, 6:44:10 PM7/29/13
to closure-lin...@googlegroups.com
Because this logic differs per setup, this is normally done inside Google by an external mechanism, and then calling into gjslint with "changed files", as in:

gjslint [changed file 1] [changed file 2] ...


On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 1:39 PM, Mark Dreyer <dre...@gmail.com> wrote:
For large javascript applications, it would be helpful for the linter to skip files that have not been modified since the last time closure linter ran. Similar to how a compiler works.

We have a large js codebase and it seems inefficient to run the linter on every single file when only a few were changed.  This could be accomplished with some sort of script that records the last run time and compares that with the last modified date, but I think this could be a useful feature in the linter itself.

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Tyler Breisacher

Jul 29, 2013, 6:47:07 PM7/29/13
to closure-lin...@googlegroups.com
If you're using git, the easiest non-Google-internal way to do this might be to write a pre-commit hook that runs the linter just on files that have changed in a particular commit. Other version control tools probably have similar systems.

Mark Dreyer

Jul 31, 2013, 12:59:32 AM7/31/13
to closure-lin...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for the suggestions and the quick replies. I was able to edit our ant build scripts to get only the modified files and pass them into gjslint like so:

        <!-- Get js files modified since last time we ran gjslint -->
        <fileset dir="${js-src}" id="unlinted.files.ref">
            <include name="**" /><!-- All Sub-directories -->
            <include name="*.js" />
            <date datetime="${gjslintTimestamp}" pattern="${tstamp.pattern}" when="after"/>
        <pathconvert property="unlinted.files" refid="unlinted.files.ref" pathsep=" " />

Upon successful lint, the gjslintTimestamp build property gets updated.
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