ClojureScript on Windows

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Aug 24, 2022, 10:40:38 AM8/24/22
to ClojureScript
Hi everyone,

I am trying to get the most basic ClojureScript project up and running on Windows (not in WSL). 

I tried following the instructions on the Getting Started guide, but ran into trouble.

I could not download the cljs.jar file.  It seems the link in the guide is broken.
I had to scratch around to find the right cljs.jar file.  I downloaded the 1.11.4 cljs version.

After that I created the deps.edn file as described in the guide, and I run the cljs project with the command:

java -cp "cljs.jar;src/cljs;src/clj" cljs.main --compile mazes.core --repl

Things are working at this point, but I am now trying to add a dependency to dumdom in the deps.edn file, but the dependency files are not downloaded automatically.

I can get it working by manually downloading the dumdom.jar file and changing my run command to:

java -cp "cljs.jar;dumdom.jar;src/cljs;src/clj" cljs.main --compile mazes.core --repl

Can someone maybe explain how to get basic deps.edn to work without using Leiningen?

I just want a super simple ClojureScript project for messing around in the browser.


Gary Johnson

Aug 24, 2022, 11:36:40 AM8/24/22
to, rvdalen
rvdalen <> writes:
> I am trying to get the most basic ClojureScript project up and running
> on Windows (not in WSL).
> I tried following the instructions on the Getting Started guide, but
> ran into trouble.
> ...
> Can someone maybe explain how to get basic deps.edn to work without
> using Leiningen?

Hi Rouan,

The deps.edn file is used by the Clojure Tools CLI (not Leiningen).
You will need to install that program first.

Once it is available on your shell's search path, simply calling
`clojure` with or without any arguments will read the deps.edn file and
download any dependencies listed within its `:deps` map to the
`.m2/repository` directory in your home directory. These will be
automatically added to your classpath when running the application
through `clojure`.

Good luck and happy hacking!

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