ClojureScript, the Clojure compiler that emits JavaScript source code.
Leiningen dependency information:
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.211"]
This release addresses a few bugs around cljs.spec discovered in the
last release along with relevant fixes for self-hosted ClojureScript.
As always feedback welcome!
## 1.9.211
### Fixes
* CLJS-1746: Log the result of loading a dependency
* CLJS-1657: Self-host: Implicit macro loading with alias
* CLJS-1742: Add docstring for new refer-clojure REPL special
* CLJS-1274: Allow assignment to namespace-qualified names in current namespace
* CLJS-1744: rest produces nil for larger maps
* CLJS-1740: Self-host: Need to port more of CLJS-1733
* CLJS-1741: Add :rename to :refer-clojure in ns docstring
* CLJS-1737: Self-host: clojure alias implicit macro use regression
* invalid cljs.spec/merge res call
* CLJS-1739: seq on map literal with 9 elements leads to rest producing nil
* CLJS-1738: Self-host: need to update call to check-use-macros-inferring-missing