[ANN] Clojure 1.9.0-alpha14

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Alex Miller

Oct 28, 2016, 3:47:07 PM10/28/16
to Clojure
Clojure 1.9.0-alpha14 is now available.

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- Leiningen: [org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0-alpha14"]

1.9.0-alpha14 includes the following changes since 1.9.0-alpha13:

- NEW `into` now has a 0-arity (returns []) and 1-arity (returns the coll you pass)
- NEW `halt-when` is a transducer that ends transduction when pred is satisfied. It takes an optional fn that will be invoked with the completed result so far and the input that triggered the predicate.
- CLJ-2042 - clojure.spec/form of clojure.spec/? now resolves pred
- CLJ-2024 - clojure.spec.test/check now fully resolves aliased fspecs
- CLJ-2032 - fixed confusing error if fspec is missing :args spec
- CLJ-2027 - fixed 1.9 regression with printing of `bean` instances
- CLJ-1790 - fixed error extending protocols to Java arrays
- CLJ-1242 - = on sorted sets or maps with incompatible comparators now returns false rather than throws
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