I seem to have quashed the dialog with my contribution :(
Maybe this explanation will be more constructive.
One way to think about sequences is that they are read from the left,
and fed from the right:
<- [1 2 3 4]
Most of the sequence functions consume and produce sequences. So one
way to visualize that is as a chain:
map<- filter<-[1 2 3 4]
and one way to think about many of the seq functions is that they are
parameterized in some way:
(map f)<-(filter pred)<-[1 2 3 4]
So, sequence functions take their source(s) last, and any other
parameters before them, and partial allows for direct parameterization
as above. There is a tradition of this in functional languages and
Note that this is not the same as taking the primary operand last.
Some sequence functions have more than one source (concat,
interleave). When sequence functions are variadic, it is usually in
their sources.
I don't think variable arg lists should be a criteria for where the
primary operand goes. Yes, they must come last, but as the evolution
of assoc/dissoc shows, sometimes variable args are added later.
Ditto partial. Every library eventually ends up with a more order-
independent partial binding method. For Clojure, it's #().
What then is the general rule?
Primary collection operands come first.That way one can write -> and
its ilk, and their position is independent of whether or not they have
variable arity parameters. There is a tradition of this in OO
languages and CL (CL's slot-value, aref, elt - in fact the one that
trips me up most often in CL is gethash, which is inconsistent with
So, in the end there are 2 rules, but it's not a free-for-all.
Sequence functions take their sources last and collection functions
take their primary operand (collection) first. Not that there aren't
are a few kinks here and there that I need to iron out (e.g. set/
I hope that helps make it seem less spurious,