Hey Gary, thanks for the help
I'm not sure if a type hint would work in this case, as the attribute expect a class literal, and not a variable of that specific class. Thanks for the example though, I didn't know that was a valid type hint.
I'm trying to get a list of projects filtered by name, but the call java does doesn't build the search attribute, so I just get all projects, not filtered by name.
I'm able to get on java by using something like `connection.retrieve().getAll(buildUrl(project), GitlabProject[].class);`. The getAll expects a string, and a class literal.
If the return from gitlab wasn't an array, I could just use GitlabProject on clojure, and that would give me a result. As it's an array, I get an error showing it can't build a GitlabProject out of ARRAY_START.
My solution to make that call was
(def get-project
(fn [project]
(-> connection
(.getAll (build-url project) (array-class-for GitlabProject))))))
(defn array-class-for [class-name]
(class (make-array class-name 1)))