reClojure 2025: Call for Speakers

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James Reeves

Feb 3, 2025, 7:31:02 AMFeb 3
reClojure 2025 is an in-person Clojure conference that will take place on May 26th in London, UK.

This is the first in-person Clojure conference in the UK since the pandemic, and will include food, refreshments and nine exciting talks, including a keynote given by Nathan Marz on Rama.

We're currently looking for speakers to give talks on the subject of Clojure Innovation. This could be about:
  •     A new library or tool for Clojure
  •     An improvement or evolution of an existing library or tool
  •     A new of way of using existing tools or structuring a Clojure codebase
  •     Research that could be relevant to Clojure now or in the future
  •     Any other novel approach to Clojure, Lisps or functional programming in general
The deadline for submitting a talk proposal is February 28th, so there's only 4 weeks left.

We have a budget to provide financial assistance to cover accommodation or travel expenses for speakers who need it.

For more information and to submit a talk, please see our website:

- James Reeves
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