side-effecting re-/transducers

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Sam Raker

Jun 25, 2015, 2:30:21 PM6/25/15
This seems bad, is this bad:

(defn to-db
([val] (upload-to-my-db conn val))
([_ val] (upload-to-my-db conn val)))

(defn -main []
(transduce my-preprocessing-xf (to-db (get-db-conn)) seq-of-things-to-preprocess-and-upload))

I ask only because
1) Plugging the side-effecting part into the transducer pipeline seems cleaner and potentially more efficient than e.g. 
(doseq [v (sequence my-preprocessing-xf sea-of-things)] (upload-to-my-db conn v))
which is what I was doing
2) The addition of `run!`[1] in 1.7 seems to perhaps implicitly condone this kind of thing. There's very little out there about it, though, so I could very well be wrong.

Stuart Sierra

Jun 25, 2015, 4:01:12 PM6/25/15
Hi Sam,

Transducers are a new feature, and best practices are still emerging.

Transducing/reducing is always non-lazy, so it's *less* risky to have side effects in a reduce compared with side effects in a lazy sequence.

Still, I would offer the same advice I give for lazy sequences. Keep your side-effects as separated as possible from the purely-functional computation that feeds them.

Don't put a side-effect in the middle of a chain of map/filter-like operations. Do all your map/filter/whatever with pure functions, then process the entire result non-lazily to do the side effects.

The "driver" for that process could be `doseq`, `run!`, `transduce`, or even `reduce`. `doseq` has overhead to allocate the sequence, which the others avoid.

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