It came through as an attachment here.
> Rich
Randall Schulz
I messed it up anyway -- tried to use if-let too early.
Try this patch instead.
user=> (reduction + [])
Apparently not. Previous versions had a couple problems.
One was that when when no init was provided, the first element of the
collection was not emitted by itself. This is inconsistent with
Haskell's scanl1 and I think also inconsistent with itself.
Another issue is that they looked ahead in the collection one step
further than required to produce each value. This type of issue has
caused me problems in the past when working with lazy sequences whose
cost rose sharply with each successive 'rest'.
But I found it tricky to fully solving this last problem. Here is
a definition that almost completely solves the problem:
(defn reduction
"Returns a lazy seq of the intermediate values of the reduction (as
per reduce) of coll by f, starting with init."
([f coll]
(if (seq coll)
(reduction f (first coll) (rest coll))
(cons (f) nil)))
([f init coll]
(let [step (fn step [prev coll]
(when (seq coll)
(let [x (f prev (first coll))]
(lazy-cons x (step x (rest coll))))))]
(lazy-cons init (step init coll)))))
That one still consumes one extra value for the first value it
produces when called with no init. The second value is then produced
without it calling 'rest' again, and so the producer is caught up with
the consumer for the rest of the seq.
There are a few ways to solve this small early eagerness, and below is
my best attempt. Whether it's worth the extra (private) function for
this narrow case is a question I leave to others. Both definitions of
'reduction' produce the same results in all cases, the only difference
is in how early the first 'rest' is called on the collection.
(defn- reduction-step [f prev coll]
(when (seq coll)
(let [x (f prev (first coll))]
(lazy-cons x (reduction-step f x (rest coll))))))
(defn reduction
"Returns a lazy seq of the intermediate values of the reduction (as
per reduce) of coll by f, starting with init."
([f coll]
(if (seq coll)
(lazy-cons (first coll) (reduction-step f (first coll) (rest coll)))
(cons (f) nil)))
([f init coll]
(lazy-cons init (reduction-step f init coll))))
Either solution can be made available in patch form upon request.
(defn reduction
"Returns a lazy seq of the intermediate values of the reduction (as
per reduce) of coll by f, starting with init."
([f coll]
(if (seq coll)
(lazy-cons (first coll) (map f (reduction f coll) (rest coll)))
(cons (f) nil)))
([f init coll]
(lazy-cons init (map f (reduction f init coll) coll))))
Your comprehension of such things is clearly deeper than mine.
Testing just now on large collections, the version using 'map' is
indeed not only slower, but also overflows the stack. Hm... and
perhaps I see why now. Is it computing the entire chain up to each
result -- O(n^2), demanding n stack frames for the nth result?
Anyway, either of the definitions presented together work fine for
large collections and appear to operate in O(n) as you'd expect.
And here is what I mean by "using mutation" to solve this problem (it's
a kind of memoization):
(defn reduction
"Returns a lazy seq of the intermediate values of the reduction (as
per reduce) of coll by f, starting with init."
([f coll]
(if (seq coll)
(reduction f (first coll) (rest coll))
(cons (f) nil)))
([f init coll]
(let [self (atom nil)
result (lazy-cons init (map f @self coll))]
(swap! self (constantly result))
(defn reductions
"Returns a lazy seq of the intermediate values of the reduction (as
per reduce) of coll by f, starting with init."
([f coll]
(if (seq coll)
(for [s (iterate (fn [[x & s]] (if s
(lazy-cons (f x (first s)) (rest s))))
:while s]
(first s))
(list (f))))
([f val coll]
(reductions f (cons val coll))))
It's interesting that the general case is [f coll] and not [f val coll].
Chouser a écrit :
What do you think of adding rec-cons, rec-cat and your (fixed) cute
version instead to seq-utils?
(see for rec-cat
and rec-cons)
That'd be fine too, especially for rec-cons and rec-cat. The
'reduction' in your blog makes a nice example, but I assume it runs
slower than your version above.
Do you think rec-cat, rec-cons and reductions belong to seq-utils?
Find by me. I won't claim ownership over seq-utils or str-utils. As
far as I'm concerned, any contrib committers can add to them.
-Stuart Sierra