I will be giving a talk at JavaOne (it is Clojure related). Here is
the information.
Title: Monitoring a Large-Scale Infrastructure with Clojure
Time Tuesday, 07:30 PM, Parc 55 - Embarcadero
Length 45 Minutes
Abstract: Monitoring a large infrastructure brings unique challenges
that require blending development and operations concepts. This
session discusses how Dell Inc. used Clojure to develop a
data-flow-based monitoring system that stores, evaluates, and acts on
hundreds of thousands of metrics.
It covers
• Real-world applications of Clojure's parallel programming constructs
to take advantage of multiple cores available in today's systems
• Using Clojure's homoiconic nature to create DSLs
• Taking advantage of Clojure running on the JVM to use the Java ecosystem
• How DevOps takes advantage of the JVM dynamic languages to develop
new monitoring tools
Track Emerging Languages, Tools, and Techniques
Optional Track The Java Frontier
-- Dennis
Aaron Bedra
On 09/27/2011 11:50 AM, Dennis wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I will be giving a talk at JavaOne (it is Clojure related). Here is
> the information.
> Title: Monitoring a Large-Scale Infrastructure with Clojure
> Time Tuesday, 07:30 PM, Parc 55 - Embarcadero
> Length 45 Minutes
> Abstract: Monitoring a large infrastructure brings unique challenges
> that require blending development and operations concepts. This
> session discusses how Dell Inc. used Clojure to develop a
> data-flow-based monitoring system that stores, evaluates, and acts on
> hundreds of thousands of metrics.
> It covers
> � Real-world applications of Clojure's parallel programming constructs
> to take advantage of multiple cores available in today's systems
> � Using Clojure's homoiconic nature to create DSLs
> � Taking advantage of Clojure running on the JVM to use the Java ecosystem
> � How DevOps takes advantage of the JVM dynamic languages to develop
I would be very interested in this talk, but I can't go there...
2011/9/27 Dennis <shr3...@gmail.com>:
> --
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> Groups "Clojure" group.
> To post to this group, send email to clo...@googlegroups.com
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> clojure+u...@googlegroups.com
> For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/clojure?hl=en
-- Dennis
The group alternates between San Francisco and Mountain View but we're
considering meeting every month in San Francisco and running the
Mountain View meetings less frequently in addition, going forward.
Because of Java One, we'll almost certainly meet up in San Francisco
this coming week.
> On Wednesday, September 28, 2011, Sean Corfield <seanco...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
Sorry about the file format :)
Let me know if the link doesn't work.
-- Dennis
-- Dennis
- Chas
Was there a recording of Your talk?
- boris
2011/10/5 Dennis <shr3...@gmail.com>:
Sorry for the delay
-- Dennis