On 18 September 2014 07:04, Andrew Fitzgerald
andrewcf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Should ogre currently be failing 6 of the transform tests?
> Just want to make sure I'm not missing something in my setup.
It shouldn't, but it's a known issue. I haven't had a chance to look
into this yet. If you have time to look at the failing tests a pull
request to fix them would be very welcome.
> Does someone with access want to create a branch for tinkerpop 3 to send
> pr's to?
Could do, but I'm keen to get the next release against Blueprints 2.5
out before thinking about TP3. There are only 2 obstacles to this: the
failing tests mentioned in this thread; and the index issue I raised
in the MovieLens demo thread, where we need to rule out a Titanium bug
as the cause before releasing. Thinking about it, the Titanium issue
is a bit of a red herring, as it doesn't stop us from working on
Ogre, but I'd like to see the Ogre test suite passing against
Blueprints 2.5 before branching.