On 21 August 2014 at 16:15:15, Ray Miller (
r...@1729.org.uk) wrote:
> > The main thing to do before release is to address the failing
> tests in
> Ogre. Once that's done, we'll have something at least as functional
> as
> the previous release. But the next release should probably still
> be
> flagged as 'alpha' until we've had more time to eat our own dogfood
> and smooth out any API oddities. And there is always room for more
> unit tests.
Thanks for the update.
Given that we move 2 Titan versions up, it makes sense to not worry too
much about breaking API changes in Ogre (and other projects). The Tinkerpop
ecosystem is still relatively young and this kind of changes are unavoidable
for us.
Also, I think it should be "beta" because it's not extremely raw: Titanium,
etc all had a few API iterations before and we know it's fairly reasonable.