FYI, for now we're still posting code to the list for review,
comments, etc. We will move to coordinated collaboration at github
soon, but the folks at the last meeting felt that the informality of
the list was good for now.
Also, I want to welcome Chris Kennedy, who came by yesterday to join
us. Chris, I hope you'll continue to join us online and in person.
Speaking of in-person, we're shooting for two weeks from today, May
30, for our next face-to-face. The primary purposes of future meetings
will be code review, strategy (e.g. identifying abstractions in our
code base, new ideas for overall project directions, etc.) and
identifying new tasks.
If you'd like to take on one of the tasks we identified at the last
meeting, just send the list an email so everyone else knows what
you're working on. Feel free to suggest other items as well. We're
keeping it simple, so prefer vanilla defs and functions over macros.
Unassigned tasks:
Google search query term
associate fields
Linegraph outputter
SQL select
SQL insert
Geospacial mapping output
HacDC Status (XMPP)