ANN: Strange Loop Conference, St. Louis, Oct 14-15

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Alex Miller

Jul 18, 2010, 6:54:44 PM7/18/10
to Clojure Study Group Washington DC
Hello all,

I'm the organizer for the Strange Loop conference and also a full-time
Clojure programmer. I have just released the full schedule for the
2010 conference which is Oct 14-15th in St. Louis, $150 early bird
till Aug 6th. I wanted to drop a special note here as I included many
Clojure talks and I thought some of you would be interested in this.

Clojure talks:
- Chris Houser ("Joy of Clojure") - Clojure's Solutions to the
Expression Problem
- Bradford Cross (Flightcaster) - From Data to Product with a Toolbox
of Goodness
- Jim Duey (Sonian) - Conduit: A Library for Distributed Applications
in Clojure
- Nathan Marz (BackType) - Querying Big Data Rapidly and Robustly with
- Brian Marick - Outside-in TDD in Clojure - Adrian Cole (Opscode) -
Java Provisioning in the Cloud
- Ryan Senior (Revelytix) - Triplestore Testing in the Cloud with
- Bryan Weber (Near Infinity) - Clojure for Ninjas

In addition to that there are over 50 other amazing talks, including
language talks on Scala, Ruby, Go, Lua, Perl 6, Groovy, and
Javascript. Oh, and Guy Steele is doing a keynote. GUY STEELE!

More info:
- Main:
- Speakers:
- Schedule:
- Registration:

Hope you can all make it - it's going to blow your mind into tiny
pieces (baggie provided).

Alex Miller
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