Craig Andera is speaking about Clojure on January 27

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Michael Harrison (goodmike)

Jan 13, 2010, 10:29:18 AM1/13/10
to Clojure Study Group Washington DC
Group member Craig Andera is speaking about Clojure at this month’s
ALT.NET meeting. It’s being held at the Motley Fool’s offices in
Alexandria, 5 minutes from the Metro stop, on Wednesday, January 27,
at 7pm.

Sign up here (it’s free):

It sounds like a talk for those who are interested in what Clojure
does from a general programming perspective. The group is for .NET
enthusiasts. So it will probably be as much about STM and concurrency
as it is about the language's history, projects, and syntax. Does that
sound right, Craig?

If possible, come and support Craig and represent the Clojure world.


Craig Andera

Jan 13, 2010, 10:33:06 AM1/13/10
Yep! The talk is definitely a Clojure talk, but it's not about Clojure the language, if that makes any sense. The idea is to examine the concurrency support at a somewhat higher level than "here are the functions that you use". If I make any converts, well, that's a bonus. :) 

Hope to see some of you there. There's usually pizza. 

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Keith Bennett

Jan 13, 2010, 10:48:44 AM1/13/10
All -

I've been to a few of the ALT.NET meetings. I can testify that the
ones I have been to are no less relevant to me as a non-Microsoft
programmer than other meetings I attend (Ruby, Java, etc.). So I
suggest that if the Microsoft heritage of the meetings is deterring
anyone, there's no need to be deterred. I like both the people and
the venue there.

- Keith

and can testify that although I am somewhat of an antifan of
Microsoft in general, the

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 10:29 AM, Michael Harrison (goodmike)
<> wrote:

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