[ANN] Release 0.35.0 of Counterclockwise

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Laurent PETIT

Jul 9, 2016, 5:09:42 PM7/9/16
to clojuredev-users, counterclockwise, clo...@googlegroups.com, cloju...@googlegroups.com
Counterclockwise, the Eclipse Clojure development tool.

Counterclockwise 0.35.0 has been released.


- Eclipse Neon Support

This is the first version which requires Java 8


Installation instructions


Laurent Petit

Laurent PETIT

Sep 29, 2016, 3:50:03 PM9/29/16
to counterclockwise-users, clojured...@googlegroups.com, clo...@googlegroups.com, cloju...@googlegroups.com
Well, actually ccw is in maintenance mode right now. I don't work on it anymore, just try to fix it if it is broken (as is the case for clojure 1.9).

So if in the future someone steps up to ask for the leadership of the project, then I'd be glad to step back and give them the baby.

Le ven. 9 sept. 2016 à 15:17, casper <cas...@gmail.com> a écrit :
Great! I was actually fearing that CCW had been abandoned, so good to see you are still around (even though I am a few months late). 

And just because there is not a lot of activity in here: I still use CCW more or less full time, and I appreciate the work update. 
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