I am looking here:
I see that put takes a final argument which seems to be the options passed along to clj-http:
(defn put
[^Connection conn ^String uri {:keys [body] :as options}]
(:body (http/put uri (merge {:throw-exceptions throw-exceptions}
(.http-opts conn)
{:accept :json
:body (json/encode body)})))))
So I tried:
(esd/put db "facts-over-time" "deduplicaton" denormalized-id item {
:throw-exceptions true
:socket-timeout 5000
:conn-timeout 5000
But this gets me:
{:error {:root_cause [{:type "illegal_argument_exception", :reason "request [/facts-over-time/deduplicaton/company-91511] contains unrecognized parameters: [conn-timeout] -> did you mean [timeout]?, [socket-timeout], [throw-exceptions]"}], :type "illegal_argument_exception", :reason "request [/facts-over-time/deduplicaton/company-91511] contains unrecognized parameters: [conn-timeout] -> did you mean [timeout]?, [socket-timeout], [throw-exceptions]"}
But if I look here:
I see POST examples that I assume also apply to PUT:
;; Various options:
(client/post "http://example.com/api"
{:basic-auth ["user" "pass"]
:body "{\"json\": \"input\"}"
:headers {"X-Api-Version" "2"}
:content-type :json
:socket-timeout 1000 ;; in milliseconds
:conn-timeout 1000 ;; in milliseconds
:accept :json})
How or where do I pass options through to clj-http?