> nREPL has been around for some bit over a year now, with moderate success in attaining its objective to provide a tool-agnostic networked Clojure REPL implementation. Current events are such that now may be a good time to apply some of the lessons learned over that period to maximize nREPL’s applicability and reach.
I have enumerated the known key pain points I am aware of from building and working with nREPL, and other issues that have been described to me by some that _might have_ worked with nREPL, but could not for various reasons. I'd like to address all such problems, and have included a strawman proposal that describes one approach to address the most pressing issues.
I would like feedback, suggestions, and counterproposals — in particular from past, present, and future REPL client and server implementors and leads and contributors to any Clojure tools, plugins, IDEs, and so on.
Thank you in advance,
- Chas
I will into this in detail hopefully this weekend.
One short note which I can tell immediately: without “done” nrepl doesn't fly for me. I need a marker that the evaluation of the whole message is – well – done. Vim forks out a client and waits for it to finish. But how does the client know that it is finished? If you have multiple forms in the message there might be multiple “value” answers. So the client needs a dedicated “I'm done with the message answer.” Then the client may terminate with a result. Output which happens afterwards could be cached and be delivered on the next connect to that repl. As long as the client runs, Vim is frozen for the user.
I see now why you want to use agents. I think agents are a perfect fit. I'll have to play a little with this idea.
> One short note which I can tell immediately: without “done” nrepl doesn't fly for me. I need a marker that the evaluation of the whole message is – well – done. Vim forks out a client and waits for it to finish. But how does the client know that it is finished? If you have multiple forms in the message there might be multiple “value” answers. So the client needs a dedicated “I'm done with the message answer.” Then the client may terminate with a result. Output which happens afterwards could be cached and be delivered on the next connect to that repl. As long as the client runs, Vim is frozen for the user.
The whole concept of "done" came about prior to binding conveyance and the potential for reliably redirecting output sent to *out* and *err* back to the connected client. If you start a future that prints to *out* N minutes later, it's impossible for nREPL to know when that future is finished.
An event to indicate that all messages related to the same-thread evaluation of the provided code can be delivered reliably, and would match up with what "done" meant at the beginning when binding conveyance wasn't around.
Caching *out*/*err* to be picked up later sounds like a big can of worms, but I suppose it's something that must be addressed if nREPL is to be accessed via transient connections to remote hosts (i.e. HTTP).
- Chas
possible something like
client: I want a set of io descriptors (stdin,stdout,stderr) called X, id is 4
server: ok for 4
client: evaluate form "(doto (+ 1 3) prn)" with id 1 and io descriptors X
server: response for 1 is 4
server: stdout for X is 4
client: write "1" to stdin of X, id is 10
server: ok for 10
client: evaluate form "(read)" with id 32 and io descriptors X
server: response for 32 is 1
> - Chas
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And what is good, Phaedrus,
And what is not good—
Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?
>> Caching *out*/*err* to be picked up later sounds like a big can of worms, but I suppose it's something that must be addressed if nREPL is to be accessed via transient connections to remote hosts (i.e. HTTP).
> possible something like
> client: I want a set of io descriptors (stdin,stdout,stderr) called X, id is 4
> server: ok for 4
> client: evaluate form "(doto (+ 1 3) prn)" with id 1 and io descriptors X
> server: response for 1 is 4
> server: stdout for X is 4
> client: write "1" to stdin of X, id is 10
> server: ok for 10
> client: evaluate form "(read)" with id 32 and io descriptors X
> server: response for 32 is 1
Sure — though things get trickier with *in* when the client's evaluated form is pulling. That's when we get into territory with the server prompting for a write to *in*. A solved problem with swank (at least to some degree), but the getting that right may be a delicate thing (esp. if the same semantics should surface over other transports).
I think correct interaction semantics actually fall right out of handling client sessions via agents. The trickier bit may be retention policy, how to set it, how to query it, what to do after a client connects after 100MB of (retained?) junk has been written to *out*, etc.
- Chas
Am 18.11.2011 um 00:59 schrieb Chas Emerick:
> The whole concept of "done" came about prior to binding conveyance and the potential for reliably redirecting output sent to *out* and *err* back to the connected client. If you start a future that prints to *out* N minutes later, it's impossible for nREPL to know when that future is finished.
Yes. At the moment this output gets lost for vimclojure. But that's life. I can't wait for future if it is for example supposed to kick off a server thread or is something long running. Then my Vim is frozen until the end of times. Currently things work like this:
client: connects to server
client: {:request-id 5}
server: {:id 5 :status :ok}
client: {:id 5 :code "(future-call do-something)" }
server: {:id 5 :value "#<future bla :pending>" }
server: {:id 5 :status :done}
client: disconnects from server
server: discards output if 5 was a transient repl, but could cache output in case it is a persistent one.
client: connects to server
client: {:request-id 5}
server: {:id 5 :status :ok :stdout "Did something."}
Something like that. Discarding the output is sad, but life is hard.
Just as nrepl doesn't know, what the future does, the client doesn't know what the user code does. Think for example:
client: {:id 5 :code "(def x 1) (def y 2) (def z 3)"}
server: {:id 5 :value "#'user/x"}
server: {:id 5 :value "#'user/y"}
How does the client know to wait longer for #'user/z? And afterwards, how does it know that it has to disconnect after the #'user/z?
> An event to indicate that all messages related to the same-thread evaluation of the provided code can be delivered reliably, and would match up with what "done" meant at the beginning when binding conveyance wasn't around.
It still does. “done” has nothing to do with input or output.
> Caching *out*/*err* to be picked up later sounds like a big can of worms, but I suppose it's something that must be addressed if nREPL is to be accessed via transient connections to remote hosts (i.e. HTTP).
It's even worse: you also have to care for System/out and System/err, because Java code can print to them directly—bypassing *out* and *err*.
>> An event to indicate that all messages related to the same-thread evaluation of the provided code can be delivered reliably, and would match up with what "done" meant at the beginning when binding conveyance wasn't around.
> It still does. “done” has nothing to do with input or output.
Well, it did until 1.3 provided the binding conveyance — in 1.2, things sent to *out* via a future just dropped into the process's stdout and weren't returned to the client. A better word than "done" would be nice to imply that all responses containing evaluated values had been sent.
>> Caching *out*/*err* to be picked up later sounds like a big can of worms, but I suppose it's something that must be addressed if nREPL is to be accessed via transient connections to remote hosts (i.e. HTTP).
> It's even worse: you also have to care for System/out and System/err, because Java code can print to them directly—bypassing *out* and *err*.
System/out and /err are a separate, less pleasant topic.
- Chas
Either I didn't understand the proposal, either there's something weird about it. As if the notion of "session" and "asynchronous request" were conflated to "deal with" the implementation detail of the server using an agent and "working around that" by creating new sessions (to not make the session operations sequential) ...
I prefer the behaviour of agents. When two commands arrive they are executed in order, one after the other. This is normal behaviour of every shell I know. Be it clojure, factor, zsh, whatever...
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* a fleshed out discussion of bencode
* a new wire protocol suggestion (tagged netstrings)
* a rethinking of the session/evaluation queue notion as outlined in the exchange from last week
On the wire protocol front, I am currently leaning towards bencode, and am nearly ready to relegate my original netstring-only mashup to the bin.
Review and comments are greatly appreciated, especially from:
* Emacs / SLIME / swank hackers
* Existing Clojure tool implementors / contributors
* ClojureScript browser-repl hackers
* likely implementors of non-Clojure/Java nREPL clients (esp. in languages w/ "unique" constraints)
You know who you are. ;-)
We're not in "forever hold your peace" territory (yet), but if you're going to speak, now's a good time.
- Chas
Why is each better than the last?
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In summary: The failings of the current protocol are described in detail in the initial Problems section. The custom netstrings-based protocol resolves all of those issues, but invents its own treatment for expressing message values that are e.g. a list/vector of values. bencode formalizes this; if we used it, any bencode implementation (of which there are many for all sorts of languages, a benefit all its own) would be able to read and write nREPL messages without modification.
The tagged netstring notion is new to me, so I am less certain of its sits vs. bencode. But, its promise would be that we could extend it to support inline identification of encodings / media types. It is a very new spec though (i.e. very few implementations relative to bencode), and I worry about some aspects of it (incl. type indicators being at the *end* of values, which seems like it would be a complicating factor).
Hope that helps,
- Chas
> Ah. Nevermind the number encoding. Still asleep...
> The question of enriched repl feedback still stands, though.
I'm not sure I understood the question. :-)
If you're asking about encoding of nontextual REPL results — you're right that there's nothing in bencode that helps us with that. Encoding / media type of each non-string slot in a response would need to either be transmitted in a separate slot or be identified based on the key's name (e.g. tools that support it [and indicate that via their requests' :accept value(s)] would know what to do with :jpeg-data or :overtone-data).
- Chas
> Hi,
> how do you support an interactive repl in a server without "done" marker and where concurrent commands may trash the repl state?
I removed the indication that "done" should be eliminated as a status last night. I still would like to have a better name for that concept, though.
Did you review the new section in the wiki on this ("Serializing evaluations") where the notion of an evaluation queue is described with examples? This was motivated by your and Laurent's comments earlier.
- Chas
> the question is: do we restrict ourselves to what bencode delivers or do we extend bencode with a custom extension for custom data. The problem is, that if you want to allow for example lists of jpeg images, you are in trouble if you don't have protocol support.
A slot whose value is a list of jpeg images is not a problem in e.g. bencode (or in the netstring-only approach I originally included in the strawman as the only detailed option). It's just that the data / media type for data in that slot isn't co-located, and must be matched up by the client.
> Another nicety of more complete protocol support for custom data, is that the other side can produce arbitrary clojure code. At the moment I have to construct strings which are again read by Clojure. Together with all the escape hell this implies this is quite painful. However with protocol support I could emit programmatically Clojure code without requireing a print or read implementation.
> printf("(macroexpand-1 '%)", someCodeSnippet) vs. BencodeExtended([Symbol("macroexpand-1"), [Symbol("quote"), someCodeSnippet]])
> While the first looks less convoluted the second one would be much more pleasant to work with.
Doesn't this lead to the need to implement a Clojure reader and printer that just uses some binary protocol instead of text? I don't see how that simplifies things at any level.
What is the escape hell you need to deal with? Assuming `someCodeSnippet` is defined by the user (e.g. by selecting a form or typing one in), what do you need to do beyond escape quotes?
- Chas
You're right that a simple swap! doesn't ensure serial handling of messages, but it's not at all clear that such serial handling should be the default. (It certainly is not in nREPL currently.) Thus my attempt to disentangle the notion of REPL sessions (retention of dynamic scope across messages and connections) and the semantics of message ordering (undefined, unless explicitly placed onto an 'evaluation queue').
I certainly don't want to reinvent agents; in fact, I would likely use agents to implement those queues.
I'm confused as well, since you seem to agree that a race condition exists w.r.t. the order of message handling, but seem to disagree that this necessarily entails that we cannot therefore make any guarantees about the state of a session's state at any particular time. Re: the example you provide, _after all messages are processed_, we can guarantee that *warn-on-reflection* is true and *print-length* is 5, but we can't make any guarantees about session state before that point.
More concretely, here's two messages:
{:id "3" :session "A" :code (set! *print-length* 5)}
{:id "4" :session "A" :code (range 10)}
What will the printed result of message 4 be? Either "(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)" or "(0 1 2 3 4 ...)", depending on whether or not message 3 has been processed and the dynamic scope at the end of its evaluation set back into the atom holding A's session state. Alternatively, given a notion of evaluation queues:
{:id "5" :session "A" :queue "X" :code (set! *print-length* 5)}
{:id "6" :session "A" :queue "X" :code (range 10)}
…would guarantee that messages are evaluated and their effects on dynamic state are recognized and captured in the order that messages are received. Thus, the printed result of message 6 would always be "(0 1 2 3 4 ...)".
Does that make more sense?
- Chas
Am 22.11.2011 um 15:14 schrieb Chas Emerick:
> I'm confused as well, since you seem to agree that a race condition exists w.r.t. the order of message handling, but seem to disagree that this necessarily entails that we cannot therefore make any guarantees about the state of a session's state at any particular time. Re: the example you provide, _after all messages are processed_, we can guarantee that *warn-on-reflection* is true and *print-length* is 5, but we can't make any guarantees about session state before that point.
How do you make this guarantee? My point is that you can't without serializing the access to the repl state.
> Does that make more sense?
I understand the race conditions. What you say makes perfect sense. However, it's still my understanding that the queue is *not* optional. And by using agents you basically get that for free.
Am 22.11.2011 um 14:54 schrieb Chas Emerick:
> A slot whose value is a list of jpeg images is not a problem in e.g. bencode (or in the netstring-only approach I originally included in the strawman as the only detailed option). It's just that the data / media type for data in that slot isn't co-located, and must be matched up by the client.
Then you have to traverse the data structure and line up the data conversion accordingly. To arbitrary depth.
I'm not afraid to take tnetstrings or bencode as a basis and extend things where necessary. Isn't that always the argument of s-expression proponents? “It has sets and stuff. JSON is so limited.” I prefer a protocol which supports jpeg data directly, that is the peer on the other side may decide what to do immediately upon encountering jpeg data instead of parsing a complex data structure, parsing a similar complex type information structure and then traverse the whole thing to convert the data.
But maybe this is just overengineering.
>> A slot whose value is a list of jpeg images is not a problem in e.g. bencode (or in the netstring-only approach I originally included in the strawman as the only detailed option). It's just that the data / media type for data in that slot isn't co-located, and must be matched up by the client.
> Then you have to traverse the data structure and line up the data conversion accordingly. To arbitrary depth.
Two things:
1. I wouldn't expect there to be any "data conversion". AFAICT, we're only talking about strings, and binary data that has some type (think MIME types, though whether we actually want to buy into that is a whole separate conversation). So, regardless of wire protocol, the tags / media type indicators are nothing more than hints to the client as to the nature of the data in slot X.
2. I don't think messages of arbitrary complexity are needed or desirable, if only because that poses serious issues in e.g. building a "Transport" protocol that can gracefully accommodate sockets, HTTP, JMX, et al. without significant mismatch. I added a note to this effect at the end of the bencode section earlier.
>> I'm confused as well, since you seem to agree that a race condition exists w.r.t. the order of message handling, but seem to disagree that this necessarily entails that we cannot therefore make any guarantees about the state of a session's state at any particular time. Re: the example you provide, _after all messages are processed_, we can guarantee that *warn-on-reflection* is true and *print-length* is 5, but we can't make any guarantees about session state before that point.
> How do you make this guarantee? My point is that you can't without serializing the access to the repl state.
If there's two messages, one set!'s *print-length* to 5, and both messages have been processed, then the relevant session state will reflect that. Maybe a third message's effect of set!'ing *print-length* to 10 will be swapped in the next millisecond, but that doesn't mean that the change to 5 doesn't occur.
>> Does that make more sense?
> I understand the race conditions. What you say makes perfect sense. However, it's still my understanding that the queue is *not* optional. And by using agents you basically get that for free.
Note that nREPL's current implementation has no notion of evaluation queues. All messages are processed as they arrive, but their respective code's runtime can cause them to finish in a different order, thus having undefined order of effect upon the "session" (which is connection-bound as you know).
My questions are:
1. Why should using a queue be mandatory?
2. If a queue is mandatory, should it *be* the session as I originally described it in the strawman proposal (therefore making it impossible to evaluate some code with the "same" dynamic state as a currently-executing evaluation), and why?
3. How well (or not) do queue semantics map onto other transports and REPL environment contexts that we know of as likely endpoints?
- Chas
Am 22.11.2011 um 21:12 schrieb Chas Emerick:
> If there's two messages, one set!'s *print-length* to 5, and both messages have been processed, then the relevant session state will reflect that. Maybe a third message's effect of set!'ing *print-length* to 10 will be swapped in the next millisecond, but that doesn't mean that the change to 5 doesn't occur.
How so?
We start with the state {:print-length 10 :warn-on-reflection false}. Two messages arrive. Their futures take the repl state from the atom. One completes and writes {:print-length 5 :warn-on-reflection false} back to the atom. The other completes and writes {:print-length 10 :warn-on-reflection true} to the atom. BOOM. Now either the print-length change is dropped. Or the warn-on-reflection is dropped. But there is no easy way to obtain {:print-length 5 :warn-on-reflection true}. You'd have to do some kind of three-way merge. How do you handle this without some form of synchronization between the messages?
A different example?
{:*1 nil :*2 nil :*3 nil}
{:code (foo)} arrives and is kicked off. foo count the atoms in the universe (read: takes ages to complete).
{:code (bar)} arrives and is kicked off.
(bar) completes => {:*1 42 :*2 nil :*3 nil}
(foo) completes => {:*1 124742671847564936218634565 :*2 nil :*3 nil}
How do you deduce that the result should now be {:*1 124742671847564936218634565 :*2 42 :*3 nil}?
> My questions are:
> 1. Why should using a queue be mandatory?
Maybe a queue is not mandatory. But then you have to solve the above problem in some other way.
> 2. If a queue is mandatory, should it *be* the session as I originally described it in the strawman proposal (therefore making it impossible to evaluate some code with the "same" dynamic state as a currently-executing evaluation), and why?
A given repl session can have only one execution running at a time. A repl session is an identity which has a state. If you want to the execute some other code in the same dynamic state as the already running (and “blocked”) session you have to clone that state into a new repl session, which is new identity with its own state.
In general repl interactions have side-effects, so you can't simply replay when you notice that the state changed meanwhile. The only clojure reference type which handles side-effects is an agent. And with the agent comes serialization of messages.
> 3. How well (or not) do queue semantics map onto other transports and REPL environment contexts that we know of as likely endpoints?
I don't know. I have no experience with message queues, UDP, HTTP or other stuff.
I agree with Meikel. Agents are the simplest way to solve this problem, and most Clojurians already have some understanding of how they work. Inventing something new to solve it would be adding unnecessary complexity, IMO.
As for how to allow two asynchronous commands to use the same session context, fork/clone is a perfectly acceptable solution:
{:id "3" :session "B" :clone "A" :code (set! *print-length* 5)}
We could also allow for one-off clones that do not keep the cloned session around with something like this:
{:id "3" :session "B" :clone "A" :close true :code (set! *print-length* 5)}
Or we could even allow unnamed temporary sessions and automatically close them:
{:id "3" :clone "A" :code (set! *print-length* 5)}
Am 22.11.2011 um 23:32 schrieb Justin Balthrop:
> I agree with Meikel. Agents are the simplest way to solve this problem, and most Clojurians already have some understanding of how they work. Inventing something new to solve it would be adding unnecessary complexity, IMO.
> As for how to allow two asynchronous commands to use the same session context, fork/clone is a perfectly acceptable solution:
> {:id "3" :session "B" :clone "A" :code (set! *print-length* 5)}
> We could also allow for one-off clones that do not keep the cloned session around with something like this:
> {:id "3" :session "B" :clone "A" :close true :code (set! *print-length* 5)}
> Or we could even allow unnamed temporary sessions and automatically close them:
> {:id "3" :clone "A" :code (set! *print-length* 5)}
Just for the record how VimClojure works.
1. You request the start of a repl session. The server returns an id.
2. You execute some code in the repl by providing the id.
3. Repeat 2. as necessary.
4. You stop the repl by providing the id and using a special command.
Should during 2. a second connection try to connect to the same repl, this is rejected. I use an atom to store the repl state between connections.
By not providing a repl id upon connection, you get a one-shot repl just to eval a defn or lookup some completion. This repl session is released automatically after closing the connection.
two problems with the wire protocol in the wiki are:
* the current nREPL protocol is unnecessarily line-based, making
implementations challenging in contexts wherein processing lines of
text is not a sort of well-supported abstraction
* local APIs sometimes make working with fixed-length or
defined-length messages easier and/or more efficient
netstrings and bencoding both seem to be aimed at the former, the
latter is not addressed.
there is an implication that the do address the latter:
"the addition of the prefixed cumulative message length (making the
entire message a netstring) as discussed earlier so as to benefit
those that need to allocate read buffers efficiently. "
but netstrings are prefixed by ascii numerals, so back reading an
unknown number of bytes to figure out how many more bytes you need to
there is a note:
"It has been suggested that message-size prefixes be padded to a fixed
length (e.g. 0000043 instead of 43). This is in conflict with the
specification of netstrings (and bencode, discussed later). Is there
any value in adopting such a fixed-length prefix?"
it is really hard to see the benefit of netstrings or bencoding.
the ideal seems to be some subset of clojure sexprs (maybe just lists,
numbers, and strings) prefixed with a byte count.
0x00001D:(("code" "(+ 1 2)") ("id" 1))
similar to what slime does.
parsing sexps is easy, you don't have line issues, don't have ugly
letter delimiters, you don't need to prefix every element with a byte
count. you can parse this for free in any lisp.
ensime for scala communicates via sexps with slime no problem even
though scala is not a lisp.
nrepl seems to be bending over backwards trying to avoid using sexps. why?
using a repl protocol to shovel around binary data seems like a bad
idea. if you want to shovel around binary data use the repl protocol
to negotiate a more suitable transport.
> using a repl protocol to shovel around binary data seems like a bad
> idea. if you want to shovel around binary data use the repl protocol
> to negotiate a more suitable transport.
Maybe something on the lines of presentations could be of use:
Thank you for input and your patience. :-)
- Chas
None of the options in the current strawman use line delimiters of any kind; the linebreaks on the wiki page are there for clarity for human readers only.
sexps are convenient for lisps, but a key objective is to make it as straightforward as possible for non-Clojure and non-lisp clients to be written. Not all Clojure tools are written using a lisp, and I'd rather not put up barriers for non-Clojure/non-lisp tools that might benefit from interacting or supporting interaction with Clojure REPLs. Having existing wire protocol implementations of e.g. bencode for a dozen different languages is easier than implicitly asking every potential client implementor to write a reader, etc.
In relative terms, elegance (or whatever the counter to "ugly" is) isn't an objective IMO.
Re: prefixed byte counts, what drives the desire for that? My understanding from your prior comments (earlier this year in the thread linked at the top of the wiki page) was that it was driven by efficiency concerns. Given that bencode does not do this, yet is the basis of bittorrent, that doesn't seem like something we need to worry about.
> nrepl seems to be bending over backwards trying to avoid using sexps. why?
> using a repl protocol to shovel around binary data seems like a bad
> idea. if you want to shovel around binary data use the repl protocol
> to negotiate a more suitable transport.
Assuming we do need to shovel around binary data, then we need a wire protocol capable of doing so efficiently; base64 coding of data (even using the most efficient implementation available) can be painfully slow.
"Negotiating more suitable transport" gets _very_ complicated if the REPL server is anywhere other than localhost. Port privileges, firewall policy, authentication, and another (set of) implementation hurdles for REPL clients are not minor issues.
- Chas