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GraalVM: What's the the status of Clojure support for the GraalVM?

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Feb 15, 2019, 8:25:33 AM2/15/19
to Clojure Dev
I successfully built native images(macox/linux) for some simple clojure utilities but now I am starting to play with the AWS Java SDK and the Cognitect AWS API and I am running into some more involved problems.
Before diving deeper I want to make sure I don't get into a wild goose chase.
Is Clojure on the GraalVM a "supported" configuration?
If not, is there a current project underway to support it?
Any info is much appreciated.



Alex Miller

Feb 15, 2019, 9:30:47 AM2/15/19
to Clojure Dev
Graal native-image is not a supported configuration (as in, we are not actively working on anything official, and there are a number of things that are probably not possible to make work with Clojure). That said, we have been trying to fix blockers for it when we can and there were a couple of those in Clojure 1.10. The locking stuff in CLJ-1472 is probably the next biggest thing I'm aware of.
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