Where to apply client/consistency-level?

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Chris Jeris

Jul 30, 2013, 2:59:32 PM7/30/13
to clojure-...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

Right now you have to call client/consistency-level by hand when supplying a consistency-level to build-cluster or with-consistency-level, that is,

(client/with-consistency-level (client/consistency-level :local-quorum) ...

rather than

(client/with-consistency-level :quorum ...

Why is this translation required here, instead of being applied where .setConsistencyLevel is called in client/set-statement-options- ?

I'm happy to submit a patch that extends the syntax in this direction but I thought I'd ask the rationale first.

thanks, Chris Jeris
Chris Jeris
freenode/twitter/github: ystael

Alex Petrov

Jul 31, 2013, 8:24:56 AM7/31/13
to clojure-...@googlegroups.com

You're absolutely right, 

It really looks better that way. 

I've added it to master: https://github.com/clojurewerkz/cassaforte/commit/4638d52e52c28b5bb2608b1a64a10acad97d7c2f

If you have some more suggestions, let's discuss them, otherwise i'll cut a release by end of week.

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