[cljsyd] Changes to #cljsyd

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Leonardo Borges

Feb 28, 2019, 10:31:08 PM2/28/19
to clojure-...@googlegroups.com, clj-syd Meetup
Hi everyone,

I was having a look at Meetup.com stats and it just dawned on me that #cljsyd has been going on for 7 years! Yes, seven! Our first meetup was on the 21st of February, 2012! 

It's amazing and humbling to see how the community has grown and how you, the members, have stepped up to make this an amazing space to learn and share all things Clojure and Functional Programming.

All this makes it even harder to let you know I will be stepping down as the Organiser and Host of the meetup.

This follows a shift in priorities and availability on my end as well as a particularly busy 2018. With all that has been going on I don't feel I can do the group justice and would rather have someone with more available time at the reigns to ensure the meetup is well taken care of.

So what's next for #cljsyd?
From March we will have a new host and venue.

Our new host needs no introduction as I'm sure you've seen him around: Sam Roberton, from Rokt.

Sam is a regular face at the meetup, both as an attendee and as a speaker, and is passionate about the Sydney Clojure community. I'm happy to have him step up as the organiser and have total confidence he will make an excellent steward.

The new venue will be Rokt's offices near Central station - Level 13, 300 Elizabeth St, Surry Hills. 
It's no secret that Rokt has been active in the Clojure space and it makes sense to have them provide the new venue.

These are the only changes at this point. RSVPs will still go via Meetup.com and talks on the wiki.

I have made very good friends through the meetup and will forever cherish the moments we all shared together - inflamed discussions and all :)

I plan to come by and talk to everyone whenever time permits.

A massive thank you to each and everyone of you - it's been a hell of a ride! 

At the risk of forgetting names I'd also like to extend a special thanks to our regulars without whom #cljsyd would not have come this far:

- Steve Buikhuizen, Claudio Natoli, Alain Picard, Sam Roberton, Vito Cassisi, Julian Gamble, Mike Thompson to name a few....

See you around! - hit me up for coffee whenever you like! :)

All the best,

Leonardo Borges

Feb 28, 2019, 10:47:00 PM2/28/19
to clojure-...@googlegroups.com, clj-syd Meetup
A little bit 

Sam Roberton

Feb 28, 2019, 10:50:49 PM2/28/19
to clojure-...@googlegroups.com, clj-syd Meetup
We're excited to welcome everyone to Rokt's offices for the next meetup -- I'll make sure to send around detailed instructions for the venue closer to the date.

Right now, though I just want to jump in with a huge thankyou to Leo for everything he's done for the meetup.  He's not disappearing and we do still hope to see him at the meetup whenever he can make it -- so I don't want to sound like a "thanks and goodbye".  But I hardly need to point out how instrumental Leo's been not just in setting this meetup up in the first place, but in keeping it going over the years, encouraging people to speak, and doing all of the background work to organise venues, coordinate and communicate, etc, etc, etc.

Personally, I've got a lot out of clj-syd -- if nothing else, I found my job at Rokt via the meetup, and pretty much since then I've been using the meetup to find some great colleagues to work with here, too!  But much more importantly than that, it's always been a great opportunity for me to learn a lot, and to talk through some really interesting technical discussions that I wouldn't have found anywhere else.  Thanks a heap, Leo, for making that happen.

As Leo says, from here, we're changing organiser and venue, but it's still the same clj-syd.  I look forward to seeing you all at the next one, on Tuesday 26 March.  And as always, if you've got a great idea for a talk -- even a short, off-the-cuff one -- and your name isn't yet down on the wiki, here's where you go to fix that:  https://github.com/clj-syd/clj-syd/wiki/Next-Meetings.

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