I've got some problems using Jayq's children function
Here's my code:
(defn print-image [letter]
(let [$children (children ($ :#bilde))]
(.log js/console (count $children)) ...
Here's the resulting javascript:
alpha_card.client.main.print_image = function() {
var a = jayq.core.children.call(null, jayq.core.$.call(null, "\ufdd0'#bilde"));
console.log(cljs.core.count.call(null, a))
And this is the resulting error message:
- Uncaught Error: No protocol method ISeqable.-seq defined for type object: [object Object] bootstrap.js:1388
Isn't Jayq supposed to return clojure collections that can be used with e.g. the count or filter functions?