Chris, Anthony, thanks for your work. Noir has been very helpful to me. I'm glad it'll live on in lib-noir.
This seems like a good time to announce Claw: the Clojure All-in-One Web framework. I've put together the beginnings of a full stack, modular, batteries-included open source Clojure web framework at . Claw is very alpha, but it already boots and serves web pages. Out of the box, you get logging, an nREPL server, and a Noir server (which I suppose will move to lib-noir / Compojure now.) Much more is planned.
My goal is to make it very fast and very easy to get a website running with full backend services, similar to the developer experience that you get with Django or Rails. I'd like to invite you all to participate if this is something you're interested in.
Claw can progress rapidly as substantially all of the backend libraries to provide the needed services already exist; it's just a question of integrating them into a neat little package that all Just Works together out of the box, so you can immediately get started coding the core of your application rather than first spending hours or days trying to harmonize bits and pieces from 20 different libraries and then writing a generic configuration system around them. In Claw, sane defaults are provided for everything, and all the libraries are already set up to talk to one another when needed. Of course, you can still override the default config settings if you like, or drop down to a lower level of abstraction and reconfigure something's internals manually; you just don't *have* to if you don't want to.
Already Implemented:
* Logging
* Noir, Hiccup, Enlive
* Generic configuration framework with sane defaults provided; everything works out of the box with zero configuration (but you can override all settings if you like)
* Basic plugin lifecycle management framework; everything is a modular plugin
Planned features:
* Friend authentication
* Korma and ClojureQL
* Database Migrations - Drift? Lobos?
* Datomic, other database plugins
* A higher order templating mechanism built on Hiccup
* ClojureScript
* Reactive UI elements via ClojureScript, auto-synchronized
* Generic session clustering, InfiniSpan and other targets
* HTTP basic authentication
* Basic canned admin console framework for user management
* Basic canned customizable templates for user log in, log out, password update, etc.
* OAuth
* ..??? What else would you like this to do?