Question for Uhohinc

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Clinuvel Afamelanotide Scenesse Vitiligo Porphyria CUV ASX.CUV CLVLY ur9

Jun 19, 2015, 11:37:45 AM6/19/15
Can you comment on Ignoramus' latest rant on Sharescene that Scenesse does not actually cause tanning? I hate to fall into his trap of questioning the drug, but it has always been my understanding that the implant itself causes tanning. Ignoramus is suggesting that Scenesse does not cause the tanning but simply allows people to tan more effectively when out in the sun.

Thank you for your response.


Jun 19, 2015, 12:00:40 PM6/19/15
Thats an easy one even i can answer
Yes You tan without sunlight


Jun 19, 2015, 1:21:40 PM6/19/15
Awhile back on SS, Ignoramus stated he wanted to stir things up, create controversy. I think he is just a peculiar personality. Likes to bully and be aggressive from the safety of the web for deep rooted mental reasons that have nothing to do with Clinuvel or the stock.
 He intentionally contorts the facts, pulls facts out of context, selectively quotes others or written statements leaving out the surrounding paragraph/history, and leaves out mitigating facts. But worse of all, he then with conceited grandiosity declares what is. He is smart enough to get by, but is an emotional/social island whom has stunted interpersonal skills/development.  For some messed up and for no reason if any, he gets satisfaction out of causing others to spar with.  I think he might be in prison, and just bored. Perhaps he is in fear of being irrelevant or ignored he even chose the self identification in the ulterior conscious ignore-amus.  If you respond to him, the more intense and in depth, he revels in it. I knew a guy whom within 5 minutes of meeting anyone, he let everyone know somehow that he went to Dartmouth and his dad was a neurosurgeon. That was his self esteem and public projection of how he thought he saw how others than him perceived him.  One inherently evil thing which I thought was more realistic of whom he was................when walking down a hall way of rooms from his in Vegas hotel/casino he would pull the do not disturb signs from the door nobs.  He did not know these people, just got an evil half-laugh as he did it.  He had no reply when I asked him why he was doing this.

Ignoramus reminds me of those three guys at the San Francisco zoo a couple of years ago. They taunted and teased the Bengal Tiger. No Tiger had ever tried jumping the almost 30 foot moat, none could nor ever had reason to do this. The self empowerment and demented cause for anyone that teases others or animals is an unhealthy mind.  When the tiger was agitated enough, the tiger left all other zoo visitors alone.  After mauling the first guy that taunted him, the tiger passed up every other human and hunted down the other two.  Ignoramus appears to me to be a perriha  personality, because he appears to not care what others think about him, he has no degree of empathy for others, he exhibits patterns of anti-social behavior in his statements. He cares not to defend the things he writes nor reposition or defend his public perception, he just moves on to his next written aggression.  I think he is in the grey area of socio-pathic. He has a deep in the mind conflict, and he does not care what you or I , or Portuguese Man think.  He cares not about Portuguese Mans factual rebuttal or opinion, he just relished the ire, the effort, and the fact that Portaguise Man went to all that for his ego.  He will continue to taunt, to feed this attention empowerment ego.  The facts and stock are not relevant to him. Do not be the door nob with the do not disturb sign, and do not be the tiger. He wants you to argue with him, do not argue with a mental case. 

On Friday, June 19, 2015 at 9:00:40 AM UTC-7, Blackm3 wrote:


Jun 19, 2015, 1:38:25 PM6/19/15
Check out the Narcissism

Re: Is no one on share scene going to challenge the posts of Ignoranmus as to him continually being wrong on his misrepresenting and selective out of context ommissions as to facts and science he writes that are leading to new readers as not just
Other recipients:
*Its, not about Clinuvel or the stock, its about ME and I . He can not use one sentence with not using me or I in it. This guy is clinically Fucked up. Sharescene has become unfocused by a unhealthy egotist with disordered social deviant behaviors
Its, not about Clinuvel or the stock, its about ME and I . He can not use one sentence with not using me or I in it. This guy is clinically Fucked up. Sharescene has become unfocused by a unhealthy egotist with disordered social deviant behaviors  whom never developed a healthy intra-social personality. There are several of the red flags that indicate narcissistic, self centered, lack of empathy, bragging, grandiosity, antagonism with no reason, siege mentality, he is attempting to protect is ego with defense mechanisms (we all should, but in a healthy social way),,,,,,, that he has a degree of social-pathologic behavioral tendancy.  Probably very dangerous if put under stress or if he feels he lacks control. He is not on Sharescene to discuss or comment on Clinuvel, but to talk about how great he is an how he has figured EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING AND HOW HE IS ALWAYS RIGHT. Classic case of him having a problematic childhood and maladjusted relation with his parent (father).  He is not arguing about Clinuvel and facts and opinions, he is attempting to argue with likely his father over unresolved mental issues.......................... Could it be Lachlan undercover trying to destroy  The best thing to do is stop communicating and avoid.........................which either destroys the Clinuvel sharescene, or diminishes its participation and qualitives. A blatant red flag to my opinion, was a few posts back on sharescene where he has the "has to be right all the time character" in pointing out like a child bragging about his fathers accomplishments to show how he is superior to others. In his latest post, whom do you think he is talking about.  By the way, his "facts" that over simplify to his  distortions/conclusions are just not relavant to reality.  In analogy for context. Here below he has conceitedly figured it all out. It is kind of like him just saying in a football game, (real rest of world football)  it is all so simple, all the team has to do is kick the ball between the goal posts, and that is easy to do. And he has it simple and he figured it out, he can not go about ten words without using I or me at least one time. Everyone else that does not see it his way is just incompetent.  Well, we all know in the real football game it is not that simple to do, there is a lot of mitigations and extenuating circumstance that just does not make it so simple to score goals by simply creating such fallacy thinking in the real world.
Iggy has claimed Clinuvel management has undercounted the EPP population, that the 20,000 individuals in the Eurodact organization are incompetent in diagnosing EPP ....................just one outrageous opinion based on outrageously incorrect facts or based on his lack of sophistication,{ or simple} understanding of how a football game is played to get the ball into the goal post, or the real world.   Does anyone think Iggy has even one friend in the world, who else in a right mind would want to be in any form of relation with or even work with this ego. 

{Eagle0 thanks for your post as this gives me an opportunity to clarify a couple of points that you raise. I have no problem with people questioning the motives or whatever of my posts on this board. From your previous posts I have determined that you are a fair-minded person who has the capacity for sound reasoning and so if you are bothered by something there is probably an honourable reason for it. I will not try to match your ability for grammar, punctuation or expression of thought. However I will give it my best attempt in my own clumsy way.

I was in the past a keen follower of the Clinuvel Facebook site long before I was told of this SS site. At first I was not aware that the European trials where being conducted using the patient diary methodology. On the day that I became aware of the diary system I posted my thoughts (as you now know them) on the Facebook site. As you can imagine I got absolutely hammered for that post. The firing squad had me tied to post (figuratively) almost immediately. It was total pandemonium from other posters. I know for a fact that my questioning of the diary methodology went right to the heart of Clinuvel. I decided valar was not my thing so I withdrew, albeit temporarily.

Moving on to near when it was suggested to me that Clinuvel had answered all the EMA questions and that the approval decision was only a month or two away I again raised the question of the diary’s on Facebook. Lachlan assured me that the diary methodology was viewed as objective and not subjective. I now believe that Lachlan would have been aware at this time that it was the diary system that had caused the long delay in getting to EMA approval. Make of that what you will.

I however, was not aware until after the EMA approval decision that the diary methodology was a problem for the EMA. As for me at this time, I got caught up in the euphoria of the time on SS and believed long term CUV holders that the share could be worth $10 plus post approval.

I have now come to believe albeit slowly and belatedly that many posters on this site have greatly overestimated the value of CUV shares. Of course this is my opinion only. I have merely given my reasons for my decision to sell and some investors are not too pleased to read about my reasoning. So be it! If they are a long term holders of CUV why would they be concerned about the short term price fluctuations of CUV. Trust in your own decisions. As Madman says I am an ignoramis what would I know?

As an investor I have done ok. I sold my CUV and invested a small amount in BHP Call Warrants. As it turned out I went in too soon and was forced to take a loss on them. However, luck did not abandon me; subsequently, I brought Call Warrants in Rio Tinto and absolutely nailed it. Fortunately, I have sold the lot and returned to cash last Friday. Very happy trader; I enjoy high risk trading and I’m good at it……….so far. If I get swamped by a bad trade I don’t intend, like others do, go around blaming somebody else. } 147


Jun 19, 2015, 1:59:00 PM6/19/15
The response below from Ignoramus is why I think Ignoramus was in prison.  The very use of the word "SNITCH" and the focus and vehemence of the response here, and only response to my thinking is very telling.  The word snitch, and the subculture of is paramount use by those in prison is a very emotionally charged word and very dangerous label of on whom it is directed.  It is a jail house word and  almost never used by those whom are not in prison or have not been in prison. Being labeled or even the use of the word snitch has tremendous connotation and is the equivalent of being a child molester.  But only a instituonalized personality uses this word and in the context of the social dynamics of other in prison or mental institute inmates.  It not only bonds the sub group inmates together, but it epitomizes the "us verses them" social order. Being called an snitch in this social environ is much more than stigmatizing, it is akin to a death sentence. It struck me as very odd when Ignoramus used this word, and in the manner he used it. This is a buzz word for institutionalized commincation, and has been adapted by prison guards and has permeated the greater social colloquial use of words. But not in this case with this useage, ignoramus to me, has shown with the use of this one word, and the context, or here the lack of context, but still relavant to whom he is responding to, that he is of a prison code of ethics and the lingo that is a part of the institutionalized inter communication of those in prison, and the prison social order, and how ones mind is set.

This below is from a previous post of Ignoarmus.................................................

Apr 26
Re: Is no one on share scene going to challenge the posts of Ignoranmus as to him continually being wrong on his misrepresenting and selective out of context ommissions as to facts and science he writes that are leading to new readers as not just
Other recipients:
What I was intending to convey Uhoh (yes rather clumsily) was nobody likes a snitch

What I was intending to convey Uhoh (yes rather clumsily) was nobody likes a snitch


Jun 19, 2015, 2:14:43 PM6/19/15

San Diego

Jun 19, 2015, 5:15:31 PM6/19/15
Uhoh, you are too smart for this, and we need you focusing on all things Clinuvel. I find myself questioning if chat boards existed, in any manner, before William Golding wrote The Lord of the Flies. How else could he have articulated such amazing similarities? It is my humble opinion that, at times, you tend to over analyze. Sometimes, albeit, not always, the simplest answer is the correct answer. It is my opinion that he is a combination of bored, in need of attention, and uncertain of his investment. It may be that he is just satisfying all of those voids by purposely playing "devil's advocate" which takes time (alleviates boredom), illicits a response (satisfies the need for attention), and also reassures himself that his doubts on his investment are imaginary, when he is successfully rebutted.

I have read most or all of his posts, and I have seen your meticulous analysis of them. I just do not believe that he fully researches a topic as you and others do, and either misquotes an author, or doesn't tell the whole story because of this, and not because he is the "Lex Luther" caricature that is being painted of him. Sometimes, it is easy to confuse when someone is lying or if they are just very wrong, depending on their conviction.

I may be way off, but my point is that it really doesn't matter. It is easy to give whatever value that you feel is necessary to his posts and move-on. I, personally, feel that contrarian posts for the sake of being contrarian, should be ignored (hence the nick-name that some have given). 

On Friday, June 19, 2015 at 11:14:43 AM UTC-7, Uhohinc wrote:

Andy Schiff

Jun 21, 2015, 5:11:55 AM6/21/15
I am reluctant to pollute this board with the poisonous collusion, connivance and personal denigration that is part of the cancer that is all too prevalent over on GG. Uhohinc has been asked a question by another poster but seems unable to give any semblance of an answer and has chosen to yet again to refer to my supposed imprisonment. He seems to have some support, though with some reluctance, for taking this route. The problem posed for the snitches as they will come to realize you cannot walk both sides of the street at the same time.

Clearly Lachlan has stymied all the bogus debate about Scenesse OFF LABEL use and EPP suffers traveling to Switzerland for treatment. Not going to happen! So I thought we could use this quite period to vote on whether the Ignoramus should GO or STAY on this board. To vote GO press the “Thanks” button. Remember only one vote per person. Thanks

ignoramus is a jerk. he will never leave SS no matter how many 'thanks' he get.


Jun 21, 2015, 7:54:52 AM6/21/15
I think he wrote that after too much wine or just after the call for meds. He is the epitome of a hippocritter. From what I can discern in his tyrannical tyrade here he wants to be the victim and the center of attention.  He does the very " personal denigration" of other posters, of patients, of Clinuvel management with insults himself ! and  he "pollutes ss board" already.  I used better logic and cherry picked facts with half truths the way he does to prove a reality that he has been institutionalized and is inebriated wino...........   And here he snitched on myself!  Pot meet kettle meet ignoramous !  Ignoranmus deduced since he did not see where patients reported getting a tan, therefore the drug does not work by giving a photoprotective tan.  I sure do not know all the facts and can not connect all the dots perfect, but I do not make up or ignore dots that are there !  If iggynatious really believed all the espousing rants he writes, he would not be on a board or in the stock. Please do not go ignoramous, please many votes do you need.  But wait, even if you read his logic to vote for if he will stay or go makes no sense or logic either, which is one voting for ?
I think he is just the annoying guy full of alcohol and gossip and probably believes in all conspiracies at the bar who does not know when to shut up, whom is oblivious to the social ques and interpersonal etiquette skills.  And you can see that he can dish it out, but he can not take it when I do it to him.  I have come to where he is just for amusement to  me.  But what about those here invested with so much time, emotions attached to this investment which they still have belief and hope for, whom come on to these boards seeking information good or bad but at least based in fact and reality, or reinforcement, assurances or affirmation, or opinions not based in idle careless thoughts, or belief that this drug and company may actually save their or a family members life. Ignoramous is tinkering with some investors here with  the facts, and I think purposelfully chips away at the morale, nourishes doubts and he mockerizes those whom have invested in the stock. He should go to his nearest church on Sunday and tell them all he talked to God, and then tell them there isn't one .  Any newbie to ss can not research backwards or perspective anything the way ss is structured. And it takes knowledge to realize some things Iggy writes are buffoonery. A newbie can not distinguish. Iggi "speaks" for Lachlan and then decrees fact as resolute opinion.

San Diego

Jun 21, 2015, 2:43:09 PM6/21/15
After following the Clinuvel boards for more years than I care to remember, it is clear that they have no real effect on the price, other than some minor fluctuations due to the anemic volume of the thinly traded stock. Previously, I have never followed the discussion boards of any other company, because the only research that I have ever trusted is my own. It wasn't for several years that I initially looked at a Clinuvel discussion board, because I had found that my decisions to buy or sell Clinuvel stock seemed to be skewed by company assertions and the information I was gleaning, or lack thereof, from the very limiting number of analysts following the company. I was looking to see if others were having the same concerns as I was having.

I was truly amazed at the level of vitriol and deception, with competing forces aligning with each other, along with their self-created alter-egos striving for their place in the hierarchy. It reminded me, I am embarrassed to say, when my high school girlfriend in the 80's insisted that I watch a soap opera called General Hospital. I hated about 55 minutes of each 60 minute episode. If it wasn't for the 5 minutes that I found interesting, I would have told my girlfriend to take a hike. To make a long story short, I still read the Clinuvel boards for the 5 minutes that I find interesting. I'm not going to name names, because I do not want to belittle the input of others, but I have been impressed by the level of research, and willingness to share said research, that some individuals have shown.

With regard to the individual that has been the topic of this thread, I will make this last comment, and then, hopefully, I will be able to refrain from ever jumping into this very unproductive fray again. I stand by my previous analysis, but I would like to further add to my take on the nature of his postings. I do not see the villain that others do. In fact, I see a person that does a fair amount of research, but just enough to illicit his own concerns on his investment. He then posts those concerns as facts, fully knowing that he will get a much more encompassing in-depth analysis from many points of view, predicated on the visceral response he knows will occur. After years of review, I have found the in-depth rebuttals that you and others have made to his posting are far more informative than the responses given to the typical poster with an "off the wall" question. I believe that he has found a very effective way of obtaining the answers that, otherwise, would have required 100's of hours of additional research. His posting that do not get a response are often valid. In other words, this is a great way for him to determine if he is on-point or not, depending on the response or lack of response to his assertions.  As long as you and others, keep on engaging him in this manner, you will be playing right into his hands.


Jun 21, 2015, 10:03:49 PM6/21/15
Plants looking to influence.  End os story.  Not complicated.


Jun 21, 2015, 10:21:40 PM6/21/15
Ask him about where the stock will be in 1, 2 or 5 years and why he is invested.  Push for answers that will never come, or at least suffice.

On Friday, June 19, 2015 at 10:37:45 AM UTC-5, Clinuvel Afamelanotide Scenesse Vitiligo Porphyria CUV ASX.CUV CLVLY ur9 wrote:


Jun 23, 2015, 11:06:05 AM6/23/15
What is particularly nauseating about SS is the illusion of positive projections. The ratio is about 2:1 negative and many consistently positive posters are removed (myself, RC, Dalton)

In the absence of significant short shares, wouldn't a message board be inherently optimistic about the company? Otherwise, why be there? SS is the opposite.

Clinuvel Afamelanotide Scenesse Vitiligo Porphyria CUV ASX.CUV CLVLY ur9

Jun 23, 2015, 12:14:22 PM6/23/15
Yes, clearly very fishy over on Sharescene. Same 4-5 posters all claiming there are too many positive posters, yet they all claim to be very long the stock. Why people like RC, and JD have been removed for simply pointing out the obvious is questionable as well. My thoughts are as a team they all IM each other and alert the moderator to make complaints against the positive posters. The moderator sees a pattern and has them removed. It is a group effort for sure.

Fact: anyone long the stock would never post negative information. It only works against their holdings. There are only 2 possibilities:

1. These folks are short the stock and want it to go down.
2. These folks are long and looking to accumulate more shares at lower prices.

There would be no other reason. Anyone with material information would trade on the information and certainly not share it before they did. It's a game over there and not worth reading.


Jun 23, 2015, 1:34:12 PM6/23/15
I agree 100% with your entire post.  I also feel strongly about the organized nature of their activities.  The efforts are in conjunction with the share price being artificially depressed on low volume during this quiet period.
Anyway, I'm weening myself off sharescene, especially now that even my "thanks" button has been taken away.  What a joke. 

On Friday, June 19, 2015 at 10:37:45 AM UTC-5, Clinuvel Afamelanotide Scenesse Vitiligo Porphyria CUV ASX.CUV CLVLY ur9 wrote:


Jun 23, 2015, 5:11:15 PM6/23/15
How do you even know that John Dalton has been removed? As far as I could tell his posts were above board, at least not as disrespectful as RCs... It seems like you two are either one and the same, or YOU are messaging each other. If you have been banned or your thanks button removed, good riddance. If you are suggesting that the moderator has enough sense to remove these people, kudos to him. The fact of the matter is is that everyone can see you for what you really are, you are the only individuals who bring this shit up consistently across all the boards, when will you learn that nobody cares?

Clinuvel Afamelanotide Scenesse Vitiligo Porphyria CUV ASX.CUV CLVLY ur9

Jun 23, 2015, 7:06:56 PM6/23/15
See responses from above. It's not just 2 of us. It's many of us.

No need for a response. Nothing else needs to be said.


Jun 23, 2015, 7:43:38 PM6/23/15
Yeah right, well I checked it. You and Poodaddy positing theories as per usual, SanDiego trying to elicite some sense from this conversation, and Uhoh's talents getting sidelined by Ignoramus of all people. Wish there was a moderator here to send you back to the abyss...


Jun 24, 2015, 3:38:21 PM6/24/15
Alright Poontz, since you fail to abide by our truce, I'll fall into the trap and engage.  Let's start simple with a question your alter ego refuses to answer...
Are you invested in Clinuvel, how many shares OR what % of fully invested are you?
Where do you see the shares at the end of 2015, 2016 and 2020?  
Full disclosure...I am now up to 159,200 shares, which is damn near 100%.  I see $5 at the end of this year, $12 at the end of next year and north of $100 by 2020.  Of course these are optimistic numbers, that's why I'm invested.  
I look forward to you blowing off the question, or providing a vague who knows response.  It's not in the plant playbook to be specific.

On Friday, June 19, 2015 at 10:37:45 AM UTC-5, Clinuvel Afamelanotide Scenesse Vitiligo Porphyria CUV ASX.CUV CLVLY ur9 wrote:


Jun 24, 2015, 6:20:07 PM6/24/15
Who knows....


Jun 28, 2015, 7:11:43 PM6/28/15

Thank you for your response. Very helpful.    Many of the posters whose intentions have been questioned refuse to answer a simple question about price projections for their "investment."  Not surprisingly. no one has responded.

On another yet related topic, Sharescene has become comically negative.  I came back from a weekend away and Wolgen is under attack, the end is near and the reverse split from many years ago even got a mention.  Very bullish.

Jun 28, 2015, 9:11:42 PM6/28/15
Can't write....I'm laughing too hard at the scene on Sharescene :)

Clinuvel Afamelanotide Scenesse Vitiligo Porphyria CUV ASX.CUV CLVLY ur9

Jun 28, 2015, 11:02:26 PM6/28/15
Yes, the scene on Sharescene is quite entertaining. Post after post on how the end is near. I wonder why such people would own this stock if their views matched their posts.

But, let's not forget that posts are always legitimate. Prepare for the attacks to begin here as well.


Jun 28, 2015, 11:35:04 PM6/28/15
Its more a case of your projections are bullshit. No evidence, graphs or any other scientific instrument to back your claims of $5 this year and $12 the next. Although it could be an educated guess and I guess my projections would be in that vicinity give or take $2 or $3. But that means squat, what I would suggest is instead of you pumping the stock, sit back and relax and see what happens to the sp. When PRAC approves in September and the sales get off to a snail pace start I might hazard a guess at that time but not at the moment. Why? Because nothing is happening right now is it? So fuck off.

Jun 28, 2015, 11:37:20 PM6/28/15
Legitimate meaning the attack , the intent, is real? To try and bring down confidence in PW & Co. And create shareholder demand for a takeover?
Or legitimate in the sense meaning the posters are legit and are singularly concerned about the company's success?

Not trying to be obtuse, I've never experienced this type of forum- funkiness and sincerely want to learn ( and avoid, haha)


Jun 28, 2015, 11:41:23 PM6/28/15
Why do you serial pests bring this shit here to GG? You two or three posters have obviously been banned on Sharescene, of which the moderator has been vigilant and removed you time after time. You would like to have a whinge on Sharescene but you can't or you can't be bothered setting up new identities so you crap on at this site. Jesus please be kind to us....


Jun 29, 2015, 12:36:45 AM6/29/15

Hey Poontz, why do you own Clinuvel?  Something about the stock has attracted your "investment."  Let's try this exercise...
List the % chance the stock will be closest to the following levels at the end of 2016 (18 months).  Remember everyone, just a harmless guess.
$0 (CUV)
I'll go 0%, 5%, 10%, 30%, 15%, 15%, 25%.  Those are my guesstimates.  Anyone can play.  I'd love to read Poontsie, Homschmo...even cool jet please.  Realize these people aren't supposed to engage about future price possibilities (which is why asking is so fun!!)

You guys have gone overboard on Sharescene, I know you'd never get $1.75 per post from me...very ineffective.  Especially the penguin.

Jun 29, 2015, 8:43:44 AM6/29/15
Royco to the rescue bringing peace, rationality, and good will to all :)

We're here ( and on SS) for the science -- and beauty-- of Scenesse .


Clinuvel Afamelanotide Scenesse Vitiligo Porphyria CUV ASX.CUV CLVLY ur9

Jun 29, 2015, 12:40:18 PM6/29/15
The hostility and lack of admitting the obvious is quite suspect. Sharescene is a joke right now and it appears they have all banded together to discredit management. Perhaps another bid from RTRX is in the works and they are looking for supporters? Just speculating of course... but aren't we all, and isn't speculation what these message boards are here for?

San Diego

Jun 29, 2015, 1:40:51 PM6/29/15
I really wish that our little "off the radar" company had the attention of the "illuminati", or anyone of significance for that matter. It's obvious that many of the posts in question are coming from longtime shareholders that are very displeased with the negative rate of return that they have received from their investment, especially when adjusting for inflation, under PW's tenure as CEO. I happen to be one of those longtime shareholders that believes in the product, but has concerns, of which I have plans to elaborate on as we approach the next shareholders meeting.

I do not believe in "passive" investments, and even though it appears that PW is treating Clinuvel as if it was his own private company, it's our collective company.
It seems that you have good intentions, and believe to be fighting for a "noble" cause, but "towing the company line" and discrediting valid points of view, makes you more of a "plant" than anyone. Wouldn't you agree that a "plant" is someone that pushes their point of view or an agenda?
I still believe in my investment, and am willing to start voicing my concerns if I believe they will help the strength of the company and ultimately its corresponding valuation 1, 2 or 10 years from now. At the moment, I couldn't care less about the current valuation, because I believe it is so pathetically undervalued. In my opinion, any minor fluctuations from any of my posts, in the short term, will be insignificant if I am able to effect, even the slightest, positive change.


Oct 14, 2021, 1:44:27 AM10/14/21
to Clinuvel Afamelanotide SCENESSE senescence CUV ASX.CUV CLVLY ur9
VerharvenWell-known member
@Sherlock I haven't seen too many people complain about shorters apart from one vocal 'retired and aged' member (who I believe is not who they say they are - my view is that the person is really Ignoramus coming back here for some fun as he reads this board and comments on it all the time over at the nuthouse that is Yahoo! groups). I don't mind shorters as they can't short fundamentals of a company that will eventually run over them if they get the direction wrong long term, only if they are doing it in an unfair playing field - us retail holders don't have the ability to march SPs up and down by one share trade at a time - we would be killed by commission.

Zero tolerance

Oct 14, 2021, 1:05:22 PM10/14/21
to Clinuvel Afamelanotide SCENESSE senescence CUV ASX.CUV CLVLY ur9
Yes, Yahoo is the nut house.  ShareScam is crawling with fake posters looking to deceive...called out by the company itself...but Yahoo is the problem.  LOL.
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