MPRAGEMETA.csv missing in ADNI

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S. Steffen

Nov 13, 2024, 5:58:18 AM11/13/24
to Clinica
Hi everyone,

As Diego already mentioned in response to a previous thread, the MPRAGEMETA.csv seems to be missing in the currently restructured ADNI-db (I felt like it's a new topic and have more detailed questions, if that's superfluent, feel free to delete this and put the discussion in the previous thread!)

I'm not fully sure what data should be in there, so I'm not sure if the information needed might be found in a different, or multiple split-up files. So:

- If it's easy to find out: Might the required information simply be in other files?
- Is it possible to generally still access a "pre-October" version of ADNI?(I presume not, but it would make things easier)
- Is it possible to just share the MPRAGEMETA.csv, in case that makes sense?
- Any other helpful tip is welcome!

Thank you in advance,

Mathilde Bateson

Nov 19, 2024, 3:13:52 AM11/19/24
to Clinica
Hello there,

I am running into the exact same issues as Steffen.
I was able to find the ADNIMERGE.csv, the MRIQUALITY.csv and the MAYOADIRL_MRI_IMAGEQC_12_08_15.csv
But not the MPRAGEMETA.csv.
I therefore cannot use adni_to_bids to convert :/
Would appreciate getting access to the file as well as being included in the loop for more possible issues. 
Thanks a lot !
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