A Zoom webinar you mustn't miss

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Climate Action Hobart

2020年11月7日 晚上11:15:392020/11/7

Lots of us have watched/participated in many online webinars and meetings over this strange year but this one may be the most useful and inspiring of the year. Do register.


for the CAH working group       
(Good news from USA today too!)                                     

image.png Dr Amanda Cahill

The 27th Richard Jones Memorial Lecture

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 5 PM – 6 PM 
Online Event
Register now: 

Go to this link and click on Book Now:



‘Embracing the Cracks in the Pavement’

Turmoil and uncertainty seem to abound everywhere we look as people feel increasingly insecure about their futures and grieve the loss of faith in our crumbling institutions. But what if the current disruptions to our political, economic and social systems hold the potential for the emergence of an economy that can not only provide for the wellbeing of all people, but is centred on tackling the biggest ecological challenges that threaten our very existence? What would this regenerative economy look like and where is it emerging across the world? And what would it take to tackle the political dynamics in this country that continue to relegate so many positive initiatives to the margins?

About the Speaker

Amanda Cahill is the Chief Executive Officer of The Next Economy. She has spent over two decades supporting communities to manage economic change across Asia, the Pacific and regional Australia. The focus of her work at The Next Economy is to support regional Australian communities to develop more resilient, just and sustainable economies. Most of this work involves supporting communities to transition to a zero-emissions economy by supporting all levels of government, industry, workers and community groups to understand and manage different aspects of the energy transition. She is regularly sought after as a media commentator and has contributed to a range of film and television projects including the 2040 movie and the recent series Fight for Planet A. Amanda is a 2020 Churchill Scholar, has a PhD in Human Geography from the Australian National University, and associate positions at The University of Queensland and the University of Sydney’s Policy Lab.

The Richard Jones Memorial Lectures commemorate Dr Richard Jones’s contribution to ecological understanding and political action. Check the website for more information. www.rjml.org.au/about

To register go to this link and click on Book Now:



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