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Workshop at Harvard University, and publicaitons, jobs in climate resilience studies

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Klima Resilienz

Apr 18, 2024, 4:44:29 AM4/18/24
to Climate Resilience

International workshop on Climate-resilient development in Southeast Asia,

at Harvard University, USA, on July 25-26, 2024 

!!! Call-for-submission will end on April 20 !!!

Full information please visit the webpage:

It is highly appreciated if you would consider participation with a relevant contribution, and help forward the announcement to potential interested ones in your network. Participation in workshop only (without full paper commitment) is welcome.

Researchers from Southeast Asia countries are particularly welcome, though the workshop is not able to provide funding for participation. We can support accepted presenters to apply for fundings from other sources. 

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 

Wish you a nice day!


Recommended Publications 
  • Elrick-Barr, C.E., Thomsen, D.C. and Smith, T.F., 2024. Governance innovations in the coastal zone: Towards social-ecological resilience. Environmental Science & Policy153, p.103687.
  • Arango, E.; Jimenez, P.; Nogal, M; Sousa, H.S.; Stewart, M.G. and Matos J.C.  Enhancing infrastructure resilience in wildfire management to face extreme events: Insights from the Iberian Peninsula.   Climate Risk Management, Vol. 44, 100595, 2024.
  • Arango, E.; Nogal, M; Sousa, H.S.; Stewart, M.G. and Matos J.C.  Improving societal resilience through a GIS-based approach to manage road transport networks under wildfires hazards.  Transportation Engineering, Vol. 15, 100219, 2024.
To foster content-driven communication and discussions centered around climate resilience, we encourage members to share their publications within this group. Kindly submit the details of your own or others' publications to the group assistant at, who will consolidate and distribute them 2 or 3 times per month. In order to reduce email loads considering the group's extensive global membership of over 1800 participants, we kindly request you not to post publications individually.

The posting of publications lies on relevance and quality rather than quantity. Only selected publications meeting the following five criteria will be included in the postings:
  1. The topic must directly relate to climate resilience.
  2. The title must incorporate the term resilience, resiliency, or resilient.
  3. It must be a scientific research publication in peer-reviewed journals, monograph, or edited book volume.
  4. The publication must be published within the last 3 years and in English.
  5. Information must include the full names of all authors, and a webpage link. 

Job and career

Manager of Climate Change Resiliency, MBTA Boston, USA- Environmental Affairs
Closing Date  4/8/2024 11:59 PM Eastern

Research Associate supporting the UNESCO chair on „Societal Climate Change and resilience“
University of Hamburg, Germany
Application deadline 26.04.2024

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