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The 1st SIMR International conference (SIMR 2024)

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Qiuhua Liang

May 11, 2024, 10:07:42 PM5/11/24
to Climate Resilience

Dear colleagues,


I hope my email finds you well. I would like to bring your attention to SIMR 2024, which is the first international conference of the Global Partnership for Smart Informatics and Multi-hazard Reduction (SIMR). SIMR was launched jointly by the UNESCO Chair in Informatics and Multi-hazard Risk Reduction (IMRR) in Loughborough University and Chengdu University of Technology in September 2023, together with ~40 world-leading academics from ~20 countries, aiming to


  • Provide an international platform and forum to discuss and explore the development and application of nascent informatics technologies to step-change multi-hazard risk reduction research and practice;
  • Foster international collaboration across different disciplines;
  • Share knowledge and resources to support global capacity development;
  • Influence local and global policies. 


Now we are organising the first SIMR international conference in Loughborough, UK, September 15 – 19, 2024. You can find more details about the conference at the web link or in the attached call abstracts.


Key information:

  • Deadline for Abstract & Session Proposal Submission: May 20, 2024


The conference will provide an important forum for academics and professionals to showcase their research, share latest research/practical progress, exchange ideas, and provide great networking opportunities to stimulate new collaborations. 


Please feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues and networks. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at or the Conference Organizing Committee at We warmly welcome you in Loughborough in the coming September.


Best regards,



Prof Qiuhua Liang & the SIMR 2024 Organizing Committee

Loughborough University

Epinal Way


Leicestershire, UK

LE11 3TU



SIMR 2024 (The 2nd Call For Abstract).pdf
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